
found learning dead
and he restored it.
Education neglected
and he revived it.
The laws powerless,
and he gave them force.
The Church debased,
and he raised it.
The land ravaged by a fearful enemy,
from which he delivered it.
Alfred's name will live as long
as mankind shall respect the past.
on the Statue to Alfred the Great in Wantage
the second millennium men have for the most part forgotten holiness. Those
considered to be great are those who ordered our material lives, and not
our spiritual lives. Hence the spiritual disorder and deregulation of
the second millennium. This was not always so. For example, it is impossible
to know of the history of the First England, the England of the first
millennium, without knowing of the spirit of holiness in the lives of
her saints. Thus the lives of the Two Apostles of the English, St Gregory
and St Augustine, together with those of St Augustine's followers, portray
the first part of the spiritual golden age of our history. The lives of
later saints like St Oswald, St Aidan, St Cuthbert, St Audrey, St Hilda,
St Theodore and St Bede describe the second part. The lives of St Swithun,
St Edmund and the other martyrs of the ninth century speak to us of the
third and closing period of that golden age, before, and at the beginning
of, the dark times of the heathen Danes.
However, it is in the life of the Righteous King, Alfred the Great, that
we find the moral story of the Resurrection of England after the invasions
of the Danes. It was Alfred who either repelled or else baptised the invaders,
bringing them to partake of Christian English culture. If we do not know
the life of Alfred and the movement which he initiated, we can in no wise
understand this most important miracle of the regeneration of our people
after their almost complete fall under the Danish yoke. It was Alfred's
victory which would lead to the silver age of English history with its
figures of revival and renewal, like Athelstan, St Edgar, St Edward, St
Ethelwold, St Dunstan and St Oswald.
many other kingdoms and empires have fallen under a yoke and then been
swept utterly away from the remembrance of mankind! In the panorama of
history, it seems highly unlikely that the young English people, who barely
possessed any sort of national consciousness, only receiving the word
of Christ some two hundred and fifty years before the birth of Alfred,
would have survived the catastrophic invasions of heathen men, even less
have risen from the ashes after them. Logically, even the idea of England
should have disappeared in the ninth century, swallowed up by heathen
chieftains and divided into tribal territories, her story just a fleeting
moment in the flood-tide of human history.
resistance to paganism came from royal Athelney, a tiny, flood-girt isle
in the south-west of England, and was led by one man, Alfred. At Ascensiontide
in 878, when spring was at its greenest, Alfred was to go out over the
marshlands to meet his destiny at Edington, standing alone in Western
Europe against the pagan tide, vanquishing evil through the White Christ.
Alfred's story is the story of David and Goliath in the old Bible, played
out once more. It is the story of Alfred the Great, Alfred the Wise, Founder
of the Nation, the Restorer of the Glory of Englishkind through the Humility
of the Galilean. Alfred's story is that of a true Defender of the Faith.
all that has come to pass, in the eleven hundred years and more of England
since Alfred, would never have come to pass without him. Nothing can be
understood without him, nothing can be seen without his presence. Yes,
it is true that after the silver age of the tenth century, England would
sink again under the yoke of other Northmen, but even they would never
be able to erase Alfred's example, his memory and his achievements. Although
the details of Alfred's English Kingdom were later modified, its structure
was lasting and has never been destroyed.
history has had the habit of repeating itself. All the glorious hours
of English history were reruns of Alfred's first achievement: Magna Carta
and the foreign King, which led to the revival of England and English
from the Norman yoke; Drake and the Armada, which brought a growing spirit
of freedom; Dunkirk and the Nazis, which was a timely reminder that might
is not right and that prayer defeats even the most wicked of tyrants.
Alfred, these were all Davids, pitted against Goliaths. Indeed, it can
be said that all the terrible errors and misdeeds of our history have
happened whenever and wherever we forgot the spirit of Alfred. And all
the great moments of our history are Alfredian. His presence is a constant,
haunting our history, a beneficent ghost down all the ages. Embodying
Faith and Truth, Wisdom and the Law, Alfred is England's Darling
and England's Shepherd, and his Christ is England's only Greatness:
Alfred born in Wantage
Rules England till the doom'.
Chesterton, 'The Ballad of the White Horse'.