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Demokratura in England
'So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will
spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased
with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched,
and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
3, 16-17
have been asked to try and give a summary of the Year 2004. I will attempt
to do so in a few words, with the help of one word, demokratura.
a mixture of the words for democracy and dictatorship, is currently much
used in the Ukraine to define the elected dictatorships which they have
there. It is a word which we should also use here, for we in the West
are also afflicted with similar elected dictatorships - demokratury. The
mirages of democracy and freedom in Eastern Europe are not new ones -
the same mirages have existed in Western Europe and the United States
for generations.
us recall that 'democracy' is how Hitler, like many other blood-soaked
tyrants, came to power. To ensure the existence of such an elected dictatorship,
or demokratura, it is enough to present any given electorate with the
leaders of two wealthy party machines with 'public relations' advisers,
instruct the electorate to vote for one of the leaders, and appoint as
head of state the one gaining the most votes. Demokratura is like asking
a question, restricting replies to two wrong answers, and then expecting
to obtain the correct answer.
in the last fifty years in this country we have not had a single government
elected by a majority of the population. Similar to other regimes previous
to it, the present Blair regime, which has a massive majority in Parliament,
was elected in 2001 by only 28% of the electorate. And that at a time
before war, when Mr Blair's New Labour Party was considerably more popular
than now. In this way, his government, meaning himself and his Politbureau
of unelected advisers, is able to pass almost any law that it wishes.
Moreover, this is not a question of party politics, for virtually every
law and policy of the past two years, undertaken by the present government,
has been keenly supported by the opposition Conservative Party, which
had already supported the war crimes in Serbia and Afghanistan.
example, under this regime in the last two years, we have seen:
law which arrests and imprisons individuals 'suspected' of terrorism for
indefinite periods and without trial.
to sow panic in the face of non-existent terrorist attacks against the
British people.
invasion of a country which presented no threat whatsoever to this country,
on the pretext of bringing it 'freedom' and 'civilization'. This opened
a Pandora's Box which has so far led to the genocide of 100,000 of its
population (See thou hurt not the oil, Revelation 6,6). The only
freedom that has been won is that of the napalmed, carbonized, shattered
bodies of Iraqi women and children, who are now free of the hell of Western
'freedom' and 'civilization'.
'mysterious' 'death' of Dr Kelly, the Iraq weapons expert, which was of
such great interest to the Secret Service and has led to the government
manipulation of the BBC. How naive does the Blair government think the
people are?
indebtedness, that is financial enslavement, of the British public to
mysterious financial organizations, which reached the sum of £1
trillion (£1,000,000,000,000) in the summer of 2004.
signature of a European Constitution which guarantees tyranny until the
end of the world: 'The Union shall provide itself with the means necessary
to carry through its policies and pursue its objectives' (Article
proposed law to allow government-sponsored euthanasia. (True, it is not
actually called 'euthanasia', following intervention by the Roman Catholic
Church, which Mr Blair is at present preparing to join following his family
crisis last May).
forthcoming introduction of compulsory identity cards with biometric data,
without which life will be unliveable because you will starve to death
without them.
proposed law against 'incitement to religious hatred' - in fact, the prohibition
to state that all religions are not equal.
single one of these events is leading directly to centralized control
of personal life. Every single one of these events takes us a step closer
to the world demokratura of Antichrist.
summary? 2004 was the public reading of another verse of the Book of Revelation.