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dear, beloved spiritual children! My path is coming to an end. Death will
soon part me from you. I leave you as an inheritance my testament, do
not forget my words.
remember the main aim of life - to acquire the Holy Spirit. Have the fear
of God, keep purity of body and soul, adore the greatness of God in trembling
and humility. Turn aside from impiety and strive for piety.
endeavor to be working, fasting, keeping vigil, praying unceasingly. Fear
idleness, endeavour to fulfil all God's commandments.
spirit will rejoice in your piety, For me there is no greater joy than
to know that my spiritual children abide in truth and piety.
salvation, my beloved children! Be good and merciful, do not do to anyone
that which you would not have done unto you. Remember: we shall only organize
our own salvation when we do not disorganize the salvation of others.
The most precious thing in man is the soul, and in man we must respect
the soul (the image of God). To glorify God means not condemning our neighbour.
If you ask God for help, then yourself help your neighbour; if you ask
for forgiveness of sins - then yourself forgive your neighbour.
peace and love amongst you, so that Christ might dwell in your hearts,
but the love must be true, which seeks the salvation of your neighbour,
and not a flattering love. In the spirit of meekness and love, help one
another to become free of sins, and guard against condemning and coarsely
convicting one another. Yourselves do not be coarse and flattering, but
joyfully accept strictness, coarseness and insults from others, casting
aside flattery and obsequiousness. Endure without end, forgive without
count. Each of you patiently bear your cross and the weaknesses of others,
do not be despondent, do not complain and thank God for all things. To
bear sorrow and illness with mildness of soul and to care for others with
tenderness are higher than fasting and prayer, and for all this we receive
a reward from God.
not love vain honour and glory, but love humility and meekness. Humility
and love destroy all the sinful passions in the soul and body and attract
the grace of God. This is what salvation is about.
all fear and remember the hour of death and the second coming of Christ!
you sorrow and are in temptation, read the Canon and Akathist to the Sweetest
Jesus and the Canon of Intercession to the Mother of God, Preserved
from many temptations. In order to bless your soul, so that your inner
eyes might be opened, read the seventeenth kathisma
(1) attentively.
not omit for a single day the rule of the Mother of God - Mother of
God and Virgin rejoice, said 150 times. Do not forget to kiss your
neck cross morning and evening, that your soul might be blessed by rays
of grace.
the Gospel, read it more often, in it everything is written with sweetness
for the heart and salvation for the soul. Especially often read the Saviour's
Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 1-12), chapter 15 of St John's Gospel
about love, and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans (chapter
13), where it tells Christians how they should live. Whenever possible
read the prayers that I gave out to you. Study the books which I wrote
for you. They will decide all your unresolved questions.
simplicity, do not seek vain sophistication. Inner joy comes from simplicity,
but arrogance of mind leads to lack of faith and unbelief and leads astray
from the path of salvation. Avoid cunning...If they ask you: 'Are you
a believer?', simply say: 'Yes, I believe'. Do not reject the Lord, do
not fall into crafty ruses.
again I remind you, my dear children: there is no salvation in this life
for him who has not repented, and true repentance consists of cleansing
the heart of passions and vices, in correcting a depraved life. Mechanically
listing sins at confession does not save the soul, it an abomination in
the sight of God and sacrilege of the sacrament of the Holy Orthodox Church.
Receive the Holy Mysteries of Christ more often.
that your efforts to acquire the Holy Spirit, your love for the Saviour,
for the Mother of God and the saints who dwell in heaven, and also for
your neighbours and your enemies, your humility and your humble acceptance
of the will of God will bring unspeakable joy to my soul.
last word to you is a request for prayer. Remember me and pray that the
Lord will give rest to my soul in His dwelling-places, but the prayer
must breathe hope, for without hope prayer is sinful.
ask you and beseech you, my beloved children, do not forget your time
to read the Unceasing Psalter and pray harder for one another, for your
relatives, for all those whom you know and for the whole world, for all
the departed, who thirst for our prayers: this is a great help for their
alms. Remember to pray for the rest of the ever-memorable Archpriest John
Sergiev (2), Blessed Xenia
(2) and my departed spiritual fathers: Bishop Benjamin, Schema-Archimandrite
Hilarion, Schema-Abbot Alexis, the priest John (who baptised me), my parents
Michael and Catherine, and my relatives: Vera, Eudocie, Juliana, Lucy,
Tatiana, Gregory, the soldier Basil, the officer Peter and his soldiers,
Michael, Anna, Joseph, Agatha, John, Anna, the maiden Paraskeve, the child
Rodion, the child Barbara, the child Theodora, the child Natalie.
'The everyday rules of Christian life' and 'For what it is fitting to
thank God'. May all this be kept in your memory and in your hearts, for
all of this is food and life for the soul.
peacefully, joyfully endure the sorrows and illnesses which befall you
and keep everything that you have heard from me. My dear, beloved spiritual
children, I entrust you to Her, Who from all the ages was destined to
become the Mother of the Desired Redeemer of people from the captivity
of hades - the Most Holy Sovereign Lady Virgin Mother of God. She will
be your Abbess and Defendress from all the darts of the enemy, from enemies
seen and unseen'.
Psalm 118 in the Orthodox Septuagint: 'Blessed are the blameless in
the way...
Now universally canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church