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Jerusalem and Moscow: Apocalypse Postponed?
Sunday 25 June 2006.
thousand Jewish zealots gather at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Among
them are the former Chief Rabbis of Israel, Abraham Shapiro and Mordechai
Eliyahu. The zealots process around the Temple Mount to the call of the
Jewish ritual horn, calling for the building of a Third Temple. Detailed
plans to rebuild the Temple and restore its rituals are very advanced.
For example, even the upper part of the vestment of the Jewish High Priest
has been recreated and there are plans to recreate the vestments of the
Temple priests, following the indications in the Jewish Torah. As this
goes on, the Israeli government is about to launch massive attacks with
American-supplied jets and armour on Gaza and the Palestinian refugees,
whose forebears Israel expelled from their native Palestine nearly sixty
years ago.
the New Jerusalem. Tuesday 27 June 2006.
Istra near Moscow an international conference takes place on the subject
of the New Jerusalem. It is in honour of the 350th anniversary of the
building of the complex of buildings at Istra by the great Russian Patriarch
Nikon, known as the New Jerusalem Monastery of the Resurrection. This
site was chosen for its resemblance to the Holy Land. The River Istra
represents the River Jordan, and the buildings represent the ‘sacral
space’ or holy places of Jerusalem. In his time, Patriarch Nikon
took in several monks of non-Russian origin to populate the Monastery,
for it was intended to represent the multinational Orthodoxy of the Heavenly
Jerusalem. (See our article of 1985, 'Patriarch Nikon and the New Jerusalem'
in Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition, pp. 71-78)
3 July 2006.
opens an international summit of traditional religious faiths. The aim
of the summit is not the old-style ecumenical one of Geneva, that of uniting
all religions in a syncretistic and modernistic union of the lowest common
denominator, according to the ‘one size fits all’ egalitarianism
of the past. Nor is the aim of the summit the old-style monolithic one
of Rome, that of uniting all in the grasp of the Vatican, according to
the ceasaropapist imperialism of the past.
aim is the opposite of both Geneva and Rome. It opposes both Genevan modernistic
secularization and Roman monolithic globalization, now sweeping the world
and destroying all spiritual values and traditional beliefs. It hopes
to express the worldwide opposition to the primitive, neo-pagan, materialistic
values of the contemporary Western world. The only unity to be achieved
is a unity of opposition to modern secularist and globalist decadence.
There is here neither syncretism, nor imperialism, merely service. Russian
Orthodoxy witnesses to the traditional, spiritual values of the other
world and the existence of another way.
fact that the Russian Orthodox Church can mount such a summit shows just
how far it has come from being the downtrodden and brutally repressed
erastian servant of the old atheist Soviet State. Soviet decadence –
alcoholism, abortion, crime - ironically put the Russian Church in the
forefront of the struggle against this world. The post-Soviet Russian
State knows that if Russia and the Russian population are to survive,
they will need a spiritual and moral Revolution, and that only the Russian
Orthodox Church can provide this. That is why in the last twenty years
it has baptized tens of millions, opened over 650 monasteries and 20,000
churches, which it continues to open at the rate of three a day.
we compare what is going on in Jerusalem under the Western-backed Israeli
occupier and what is going on in Moscow, we are drawn to certain thoughts.
Since the devil keeps the laws in hell, he also endeavours to introduce
them into the world, to make the world infernal. He who fights against
his laws will be attacked by him. Indeed, if we are not under attack from
him, then it becomes clear that we are not doing God’s will. Thus
it was in 1917 and 1918, when having overthrown Orthodox Russia, the satanists
martyred the Russian Royal Family in their kabbalistic plot.
also, the devil will not stand by, as his plans to take over the world
through globalization, that is worldwide secularization, risk being thwarted
by Russian Orthodoxy. The latter is now a vital force, promoting spiritual
values, opposing Western humanist decadence, standing at the forefront
of worldwide Orthodoxy. Therefore, we can therefore expect further attacks
on the Russian Church, similar to those mounted in England in recent months.
These may be led by the Western media, or they may be led by individuals,
whether on the inside or the outside of Orthodoxy. But if the Apocalypse
now being prepared in Israel is to be postponed, Russian Orthodoxy is
our only hope.