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following document has only just become available to us. Its hope of establishing
a Metropolia and later, God willing, a Local Orthodox Church in Western
Europe, is exactly that which we have so ardently prayed for, strived
for and written of, with almost inhuman sacrifices of tears, blood, and
sweat against all the bitter opposition of the gainsayers of all 'jurisdictions'
for over twenty-five years. Always remaining faithful children of the
authentic Russian Orthodox Tradition in the local cultures and languages
of Western Europe wherever we have lived and served, particularly in England,
France and Portugal, whatever the cost of the persecution and slanders
we have received, we treat this document with the utmost importance as
a turning-point for all of us who have remained faithful to the Russian
Orthodox Tradition in Western Europe. It deserves a most important place
on this website, for this document expresses the same ideals as this website,
the same ideals that we have always consistently expressed.
we must await the canonical elections of an Orthodox Metropolitan and
Synod of Bishops who uphold the Orthodox Tradition. Obviously, there are
many difficulties ahead of us, but given the exceptional importance of
this document, we here reproduce it in full.
Moscow, Chistiy per. 5
Doc. No. 1378
Grace the Most Reverend Anthony,
Metropolitan of Sourozh
His Grace the Most Reverend Simon,
Archbishop of Brussels and Belgium
His Grace the Most Reverend Innokentii,
Archbishop of Korsun
His Grace the Right Reverend Gabriel,
Bishop of Komana,
Locum Tenens of the Archdiocese
of Russian Orthodox Parishes in Western Europe
His Grace the Right Reverend Amvrosii,
Bishop of Geneva and Western Europe
(Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia)
and all Orthodox parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe
Reverend Bishops,
dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters!
During these forty days of Holy Lent we think constantly about the future
of the heritage of the Russian Church which follows the traditions of
Russian Orthodoxy in the countries of the West.
the grace of God, through the intercession of the Queen of Heaven and
the prayers of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Church life in
our country is being successfully reborn in all its fullness. Of course
one must not yield to the temptation of a misplaced triumphalism: on the
human side there are still very many shortcomings in the good ordering
of our Holy Church. The Lord expects from us a greater depth of repentance,
a greater readiness for sacrifice, a greater zeal in our work for the
salvation and enlightenment of the millions of people, who though they
have been baptised were not brought up in the Orthodox Faith as children.
However, the temptations and weaknesses to be observed in the Church community
in our country are mainly due to "growing pains". A spring-like
awakening after a long and cruel winter of enforced godlessness can be
neither instantaneous nor painless.
picture changes when we look at the Church life of our compatriots in
the diaspora. The first question which inevitably arises is: how
can one explain the continuing separation of the sundered parts of the
Russian Church? Clearly it was brought into being by the historical tragedy
of the Russian people, the breakdown of society as a result of the catastrophe
that was the Revolution. Both Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) and
Metropolitan Evlogii made it clear that their move away from full unity
with the Mother Church in our country was motivated only by political
rather than by any other reasons. These outstanding bishop-pastors, each
in his own way, deeply loved the Russia they were never to see again,
and each believed that Church unity would be restored as soon as the yoke
of godlessness oppressing their country was broken. Their fellow bishops,
who experienced the full ferocity of the persecution of the Church in
the USSR of that time, believed this too. His Holiness Photius, Patriarch
of Constantinople, also believed this when, in 1931, he voiced his opinion
that the temporary subordination of the Russian Exarchate in Western Europe
to the throne of Constantinople would continue "until, God willing,
unity and the unbroken image of the Holy sister Russian Church are restored."
His Holiness Patriarch Athenagoras confirmed this when, in 1965, he gave
his blessing to the Exarchate of Russian Parishes in Western Europe for
their return to the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church.
can hardly doubt that the time has come for a restoration of unity. We
have already written on this matter in brotherly epistles, in September
of last year to His Holiness Bartholomew, Patriarch of Constantinople,
and in the preceding year to the members of the Episcopal Council of the
Russian Church Outside Russia. We consider that the time has now come
for us to address this epistle directly to our compatriots in the countries
of Western Europe and to their spiritual pastors. Why is it that now,
when the years of sore trials have passed, when the Mother Church can
freely fulfil its calling and Russia aspires to restore continuity with
its historical past, Church divisions still continue, though the reasons
for them have long disappeared? Why do we not fulfil the hopes of our
predecessors and spiritual fathers?
from those reasons that have their roots in human sinfulness, there are
other, more benign reasons for this. The grandchildren and great grandchildren
of the 'first generation' émigrés feel that they have in
every sense put down roots in the countries where they now live and where
they play an active part in social and cultural life. While the heritage
of their fathers is precious to them, many of these representatives of
the Russian spiritual tradition who live in Western Europe wish to preserve
the forms of Church life which have gradually developed over many years
conditions quite unlike those in which the Church found itself in Russia,
though these forms are rooted in the same canonical tradition, as set
out in the regulations established by the Ecumenical and Local Councils
and by the Fathers of the Church, traditions made manifest in the acts
and decisions of the All-Russian Local Council (Sobor) of 1917-1918.
addition to this, parishes founded by Russians and following Russian traditions
have over the years acquired a multinational character and in liturgical
practice make widespread use of local languages, which since the time
of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal to the Apostles, has invariably been
a characteristic of Orthodox pastoral and missionary work.
so as to have a certain guarantee in the preservation of an established,
familiar order, some of our compatriots living in Western countries -
and some of the local Orthodox who form part of communities living according
to the Russian Tradition - wish to structure their Church life according
to their own Statutes, which guarantee internal self-government and the
election of their own ruling bishop, on condition that the bishop so elected
is then confirmed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and the Holy
Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.
wishes have been expressed in particular by the Diocesan Assembly of the
Diocese of Sourozh and have found expression in their draft Statutes.
They also represent a very significant element in the conclusions arrived
at by the "Commission on the Future of the Archdiocese of Russian
Orthodox Parishes in Western Europe" established two years ago by
the late Archbishop Serge of Evkarpia. Such an arrangement is also envisaged
in the current Statutes of the Archdiocese.
into consideration the combined weight of these wishes, I consider that
they could be realised through the creation in Western Europe of a single
Metropolia, consisting of several dioceses and embracing all the Orthodox
parishes, monasteries and communities of Russian origin and Russian spiritual
tradition who would wish to be a part of such a Metropolia. In addition
to this it is envisaged that such a Metropolia would be granted the right
of self-government, including the election of its ruling bishop by a Council
of the Metropolia consisting of bishops, presbyters and laity on the basis
of Statutes to be worked out with the participation of all groups in the
Orthodox Russian diaspora in the countries of Western Europe.
the first election of a Ruling Bishop (Metropolitan) takes place we consider
it right to entrust the care of the newly constituted Metropolia to His
Grace Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh, despite his previously expressed
wish to retire. The immense pastoral experience and recognised spiritual
authority of this universally respected Bishop will act as a guarantee
of success for this new way of organizing the life of the Russian Orthodox
Church in Western Europe.
the period preceding the election the Most Reverend Archbishop Simon of
Brussels and Belgium, the Most Reverend Archbishop Innokentii of Korsun,
the Right Reverend Bishop Gabriel of Komana, the Right Reverend Bishop
Amvrosii of Geneva and Western Europe, as well as Archbishop Anatolii
of Kerch, Bishop Basil of Sergievo and Bishop Michael of Klavdiopolis,
whilst retaining their usual powers, are invited to become close collaborators
and assistants to Metropolitan Anthony. At the next stage the Most Reverend
Archbishop Mark of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain (Russian Church Abroad),
the Most Reverend Archbishop Longin of Klinsk, the Most Reverend Archbishop
Feofan of Berlin and Germany, and the Most Reverend Archbishop Paul of
Vienna and Budapest should obviously also be invited to take part in the
process, so that the restoration of Church unity in the Russian diaspora
can be extended to the countries of Central Europe as well.
hope that an autonomous Metropolia, uniting all the faithful of the Russian
Orthodox tradition in the countries of Western Europe, will serve, at
a time pleasing to God, as the foundation for the future canonical establishment
of a multinational Local Orthodox Church of Western Europe, to be built
in a spirit of conciliarity by all the Orthodox faithful living in those
a spirit of love I call upon you all, dear Bishops, Fathers, Brothers
and Sisters, to labour in the great work of healing the painful divisions
of the Russian diaspora. May the God of love and peace bless your

source :: www.russian-orthodox-church.org.ru