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Hofbauernstrasse 26, 81247 Munich, Germany

28 February 2007

Dear Fathers, Brother and Sisters in Christ,

As you will know, the Act of Canonical Communion is to be signed in the Church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow on Ascension Day, 17 May 2007. The signing will be followed by the Divine Liturgy, at which Patriarch Alexis and Metropolitan Laurus, together with other hierarchs and clergy of both parts of the Russian Church, will for the first time concelebrate. The following day, 18 May, the Liturgy will be concelebrated in the Cathedral of the Dormition. On 19 May the Church of the New Martyrs of Russia at Butovo, the site of the shootings of thousands of New Martyrs, will be jointly consecrated. Vladyka Laurus and our other hierarchs took part in laying the foundation stone of this Church in May 2004. Orthodox believers from various countries will take part in these events and it is for us to help them.

We ask you as soon as possible to ascertain how many people and who exactly wishes to attend. We wish to know the total number soonest in order to make plans. We will give detailed information soon afterwards. When we have accurate information, we will be able to order group air tickets, costing about 300 euros (200 GBP) each.

We assume that there will be very large numbers of people in the Church of Christ the Saviour. In contemporary circumstances, admission can only be by ticket at the doors. All our faithful will be issued with free tickets for each service. Apart from this, transport will also have to be organized.

Many of our faithful have friends or family in Moscow, but not all. Accommodation can be provided as follows:

a) Hotel with en suite room costing 85 euros per night
b) A more modest hotel costing 55 euros per night
c) Cheaper accommodation (the cost of fares and other costs coming to 25-30 euros per night, possibly in a pilgrims’ hostel in the Trinity St Sergius Laura and other monasteries).

Places can be reserved by money orders for 120 euros, sent by 28 March 2007 to the account of the German Diocese, indicating first name, surname and the mention M-May-2007 (Postbank Muenchen, BLZ 700 100 80 Acct No 13018808, Russ. Orth. Diozese).

Please enclose the form over. Telephone Enquiries: 00 49 89 6904295. Fax: 00 49 89 6991812. E-Mail:

Thanking you in advance!

With love in Christ,

Archpriest Nikolai Artemoff

pdf file Form for those taking part in the solemn divine services on the occasion of the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion, Moscow 16-20 May 2007


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