Month of March
Commemoration of Our Father Among The Saints Chad, Bishop of Lichfield
Composed by Reader Isaac Lambertson
If this feast fall within Great Lent, we chant Alleluia; if not, we chant “God is the Lord …” and the troparia.
At Vespers
On “Lord, I have cried …”, these stichera of the holy hierarch, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: “As one valiant among the martyrs …” –
Attaining full spiritual maturity under the cultivation of the holy Aidan, O wondrous father Chad, thy soul grew in stature and ripeness like a mighty mustard plant, which, spreading its verdant branches like a lofty noetic tree, gave shade to thy holy disciples and to this day provideth shelter for all the faithful.
Endowed by God with modesty and having attained marvellous humility, O Chad, in all the virtues thou didst strive to imitate Christ, that thereby thou mightest ascend the ladder of salvation; and the people, beholding thy struggles and thy manifold victories over the spiritual foe, heeded thy corrections and eagerly sought salvation.
Adorned with humble-mindedness, O godly hierarch Chad, like the Lord thou didst ever travel on foot to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation unto all; and, perceiving thy great love for God and thy manifest charity toward thy neighbour, they forsook the trackless wastes of falsehood and sought out the kingdom of God Most High.
Glory …, Now and ever …: Theotokion, in the same melody –
Deliver my soul from condemnation and grievous transgressions, O all-holy Bride of God, and rescue it from death by thy supplications. Grant that on the day of trial I may receive the justification which the assemblies of the saints have received; and before the end show me to be cleansed through repentance and by the shedding of tears.
Stavrotheotokion –
As she beheld Thee nailed to the Cross, O Lord, the ewe-lamb Thy Mother marvelled and cried out: “What is this that I see, O my Son most desired? How hast Thou been rewarded by the unfaithful and iniquitous assembly which hath enjoyed Thy many miracles? Yet glory to Thine ineffable condescension, O Master!”
Troparion, in Tone IV –
Receiving divine grace from God on high, and strengthened by the power thereof, O glorious Chad, thou didst tread the straight and narrow path of the Gospel, and didst draw with thee a multitude of the faithful; wherefore, dwelling now in the mansions of heaven, thou hast received rich recompense for thy labours from Christ, Whom do thou beseech to save our souls.
At Matins
Canon of the holy hierarch, with 4 troparia, the acrostic whereof is “By piety Chad waged war on the foe of man”, in Tone IV –
Ode I
Irmos: He Who is mighty in battle cast the chariots of Pharaoh and his power into the sea. Let us chant a new hymn, for He hath been glorified!
Battling the hosts of Satan, the holy Chad vanquished them utterly; wherefore, grant me the grace to chant unto him a new hymn, O Lord.
Ye servants of Christ, lift up your voices, glorifying the holy hierarch, the valiant warrior, who trampled the noetic foe beneath his beautiful feet.
Prevailing over all the passions of the flesh, the wondrous Chad scaled the heights of dispassion by his surpassing wisdom and Christian virtues.
Theotokion: In thee, Gall-blessed Virgin, do we attain salvation, for without knowing man thou gavest birth unto Him Who is glorified in His saints.
Irmos: Let the vainglorious sage boast not, but let him consider this: There is none as holy as God, Who exalteth our horn, granting might to our rulers.
Eternal be thy parents’ reward, O holy Chad, for they instilled true piety in thee and thy brethren, whom they gave to the Church as bishops and priests.
Trained in ascetic feats by the sainted Aidan at Lindisfarne, O great hierarch of Christ, with thy holy brother Cedd thou didst overcome the adversary.
Yearning to commune with the Most High in true contemplation, O Chad, to the monasteries of Ireland didst thou go to gain knowledge divine.
Theotokion: Choirs of angels hymn thy supernal beauty, O holy Maiden, and the ranks of archangels glorify thee exceedingly, for thou dost surpass them all in holiness.
Sessional hymn, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: “Having been lifted up …” –
Having fought the good fight and finished well the course of thy life, O Chad, thou wast vouchsafed to hear the Judge of the contest say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! Enter into the joy of thy Lord!” Wherefore, the angelic hosts escorted thy pure soul to heaven.
Glory …, Now & ever …: Theotokion –
Who can describe the multitude of mine impure thoughts and the tempests of my wicked notions, O all-immaculate one? Who can recount the assaults of mine incorporeal foes and their malice? Yet by thine entreaties grant me deliverance from them all, O good one.
Stavrotheotokion –
Beholding Thee hanging upon the Cross Who wast begotten of the unoriginate Father, she who in latter days gave birth unto Thee in the flesh, O Christ, cried out: “Woe is me, O Jesus most beloved! How is it that Thou, O my Son, Who art glorified as God by the angels, art now crucified by iniquitous men? I hymn Thee, O Long-suffering One!”
Ode IV
Irmos: When the years draw nigh, Thou shalt be acknowledged; when the season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth; when my soul is troubled, in Thine anger shalt Thou remember mercy. Glory to Thee, O Lord!
Having been summoned to Northumbria by thy blessed brother, O Chad, thou didst undertake to govern there the holy Monastery of Lastingham, until it was God’s good pleasure that thou be made bishop of York.
Anointed with the grace of the episcopacy, O wondrous Chad, thou didst put on the hierarchal vestments as a soldier putteth on his armour, and with courage and valour didst wage war, undaunted, upon the primordial foe.
Doctrine and Christian piety didst thou preach to thy flock, proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in every town and village of the realm, in thy modesty and humility travelling about on foot like the holy apostles.
Theotokion: When woes afflict us and the ungodly oppress us, and divine wrath justly punisheth us for our manifold sins, O Lady, beseech thine omnipotent Son to be mindful of His mercy, that we may sing His glory.
Ode V
Irmos: Ascend Mount Sion, proclaiming glad tidings, and go up to Jerusalem with proclamation, lifting up your voices with strength, saying: Wondrous things have been spoken of thee, O city of God! Peace be upon Israel, and salvation upon the nations!
Aidan’s example didst thou truly follow, O holy hierarch; for, imbued with the grace of the Scriptures, thy godly conduct and actions won converts to the Christian Faith even more than thy words: wherefore, thou wast the salvation of thy nation.
Giving place in thy surpassing humility to the saintly Wilfrid, O Chad who art most rich, at the behest of the holy hierarch Theodore of Canterbury thou didst accept Mercia as the vineyard wherein thou wouldst labour tirelessly for thy Master and Lord.
Ever concerned for the well-being of thy body and soul, the holy Archbishop Theodore forbade thee to continue visiting thy flock on foot, O saint of God, lifting thee up upon a horse with his own hands to enforce his divinely inspired commands
Theotokion: Damnation and perdition surely await us at our death, for many are our sins and grievous our transgressions; but take pity on us, the wretched and accursed, O Mistress, and by thine intercessions obtain peace for our lives and salvation for our souls.
Ode VI
Irmos: I have been brought down into hades by the abyss of life and my deeds; yet as Jonah cried out from within the sea monster, so do I cry: Lead me up from the depths of evils, I pray, O Son and Word of God!
Wulfhere, King of Mercia, in his piety gave thee land whereon to found a monastic house in the province of Lindsey, O holy Chad, and there thou didst establish the Monastery of Bardney to the glory of God.
Angelic voices were heard in thy cell at Lichfield, O saint of God, and when they returned to heaven thou didst summon thy monks, admonishing them to keep peace among themselves after thy repose.
Relating to thy disciples that the day when thou wouldst be called from this life was nigh at hand, O hierarch of Christ, thou didst commend thyself to the prayers of the brethren, that thy passage might be eased.
Theotokion: Our trust and hope are all in thee, after God, O all-merciful Theotokos; wherefore, disdain not our earnest supplications, neither spurn our fervent pleas, but as thou standest at the right hand of glory, save us.
Kontakion, in Tone II –
O boast of Lichfield and glory of Mercia, disciple of the holy Aidan and brother of the godly Cedd, by thine exalted humility thou didst ascend the mount of the virtues, and by thine evangelical poverty thou hast enriched thy people; wherefore, as thou dwellest in the uncreated light of grace divine, O Chad, entreat Christ, the Sun of righteousness, to illumine us all.
Ikos: Chanting together, O ye faithful, let us clap our hands in exultation, celebrating the right gladsome memory of the holy hierarch Chad, the scion of Northumbria and enlightener of the Midlands, by the sound of whose gentle voice many were called to salvation and have come to dwell with the saints in glory; and with compunction for our manifold sins let us cry out to him with hope: Entreat Christ, the Sun of righteousness to illumine us all!
Irmos: Deliver us not up utterly, for Thy holy name’s sake, neither disannul Thou Thy covenant, and cause not Thy mercy to depart from us, O Lord God of our fathers, Who art supremely hymned forever.
Never uttering a complaint, thou didst endure a languishing infirmity for seven days, O athlete of Christ, and then, having communed of His holy Body and Blood, didst depart straightway to heaven.
Thy flock mourned thy passing, O blessed Chad, but thou wast full of joy when, escorted by radiant hosts of angels and the deified soul of thy holy brother Cedd, thou didst enter the holy Sion in triumph.
Holy are thy relics, O wondrous Chad, abundantly pouring forth a torrent of healings upon the sick and infirm, like oil from an oil-press, curing their maladies of soul and body and restoring their health.
Theotokion: Even the worst of sinners beggeth mercy of thee and receiveth thine aid, O Virgin Maiden, for the King of glory gave thee as a mother to mankind, and at her maternal supplications extendeth mercy unto all.
Irmos: Rejoicing after their condemnation by the tyrant for not worshipping all the abominable gods, but only the living God, the children braved the fire; and, bedewed by the Angel, they chanted the song: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Free us from the chains wherewith the primordial foe hath fettered us, O valorous warrior of the Lord, and lead us up from the nethermost dungeon of our despair, that with thee we may joyfully chant: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Over the sheep of thy flock do thou ever keep vigilant watch, O good shepherd of Christ, leading them to the green pastures of Orthodox doctrine and fending off the rabid assaults of the noetic wolves, crying: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Triadicon: Enfold us in Thy love which passeth all human understanding, O All-holy Trinity our God – unoriginate Father, consubstantial Son and equally eternal Spirit – and grant that we may ever adore Thee in spirit and in truth, hymning and exalting Thee supremely for all ages!
Theotokion: Out of the raging depths of the pyre of our passions do we send our piteous cry: Hearken unto us, O unstained Bride of God, and by the angels send down upon us the dew of mercy, that like the youths we may cry: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Ode IX
Irmos: The God of Israel hath wrought might with His arm; for He hath cast down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree, wherein the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, and guided us to the way of peace.
Forming a choir with the angels of God and all the ranks of His saints, in gladness let us chant hymns of praise to Him, for He hath been glorified in His servant Chad, the boast of Lichfield, who hath guided us in the way of peace.
Mighty in strength is the God of Israel, and strong in His might is the valiant Chad, His courageous warrior, who, clad in the armour of uncreated light, cast down all the enemies of man’s salvation and put their vile hordes to flight.
All Christians beseech the blessed Chad to make entreaty to the Lord in their behalf, that, pulled from the mire of sins by his mighty arm, by his guidance they may tread the way of peace to the glorious kingdom of heaven.
Theotokion: Now bless we all the most pure Maiden, who without stain or corruption gave birth to the incarnate Word of God, the Dayspring from on high, Who in His mercy hath visited our lowly race, to guide us in the way of peace.
Exapostilarion: Spec. Mel.: “The heaven with stars …” –
Lindisfarne, the Holy Isle, doth cherish the memory of the holy Chad; Lastingham likewise rejoiceth in him as its godly abbot and shepherd; York also was gladdened by his hierarchal ministry; but more than these doth Lichfield exult, for it witnessed the saint’s passage into heaven and treasured his sacred relics.
Glory …, Now & ever … Theotokion –
In thine honoured church, O all-holy Virgin Mary, was the godly hierarch Chad interred; and his grave became like a fountain, abundantly pouring forth upon the faithful all manner of healings and cures, causing every infirmity of men and cattle to cease through the grace which shone forth from his dust.