The Small Supplicatory Canon to the Holy Martyr Edmund, King of East Anglia
Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
O Heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things, O Treasury of good gifts and Giver of life, come and abide in us, and cleanse us from all impurity and save our souls, O Good One.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (Thrice).
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins. Master, forgive our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy Name’s sake.
Lord have mercy (Thrice).
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Our Father, Which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord have mercy (12 times).
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O come, let us worship God our King.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ our King and our God.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.
Psalm 142
Then the following Troparia in Tone IV.
Having upheld the True Faith, O righteous Edmund, thou wast found worthy to exchange thine earthly crown, for the crown of martyrdom at the hands of the godless Northmen. Inspired by thine example, we beseech thee to pray that we may have courage to fight all evil, that we too may be counted worthy of the reward of eternal blessedness.
Glory…Now and ever:
The mystery hidden from eternity and unknown even to angels hath been revealed in thee to those who live on earth, O Mother of God: the Incarnation of God in the flesh without confusion, and the suffering of the Crucifixion for our sakes, that He might raise the first-created man and save our souls.
Psalm 50
Canon Tone VIII
Ode I
Irmos: Traversing the water as on dry land, and thereby fleeing from the toils of Egypt, the Israelites cried aloud proclaiming: Let us now sing unto our God and Redeemer.
Refrain: Holy Martyr Edmund, pray to God for us.
Thy memorial hath now shone forth brighter than the sun, O warrior martyr of Christ. For it has cast the beaming rays of the sunlight of thy wonders over this our land, O Edmund, bearer of light.
Edmund the great king loved Christ the King, Who had laid down His life for the world, therefore made haste to die for Him. For having divine zeal in his heart, he offered up his own self. Let us then sing his praises with faith, as our fervent advocate who emulating his Master, doth beseech Him to grant forgiveness of our sins.
Glory: Ever skilful with hand, boldly thou hast appeared in battle as a new David, for as David wrested with Goliath, so thou hast prevailed against the weapons of the enemy by the arrows of thy words, O noble martyr Edmund.
Now and ever: Holy Maiden, thy childbirth is unsearchable as it is beautiful, dread and strange. For thou hast fed the perfect God in the flesh from thy breasts: O Report Unheard: O Mother who gavest suck without having known a man.
Irmos: Thou, O Lord, art the Fashioner of the vault of the heavens; so too Thou art the Founder of the Church; do Thou establish me in unfeigned love for Thee Who art the height of things sought for and staff of the faithful, O Thou Who alone lovest mankind.
O glorious and blessed Saint Edmund, shining with the crown of martyrdom, pray to Our Deliverer and God, to deliver from every affliction those who piously call out to thee.
Thou, O Martyr, hast trampled underfoot the pride of the enemy. For thy mind kindled by divine zeal, hath quenched the godless insolence of tyrants. Therefore thou hast worthily received the crown, the reward of tortures, and thou, O Martyr Edmund, dost grant healing.
Glory: Confirmed in hope and love, fenced around by faith, thou, strong in the strength of Christ, O Edmund, hast overthrown the error of idolatry.
Now and ever: All-holy Virgin, thou hast borne after the flesh Him Who enlightened all the ends of the earth, Who is without flesh eternal together with the Father, being with Him before all things were. Therefore we honour thee as Mother of God.
Ode IV
Irmos: I have hearkened and heard, O Lord, of the most awesome mystery of Thy dispensation; and I have come to the knowledge of Thy works and I sing the praises of Thy divinity.
Afflictions beyond number beset Thy saints in the English land, O Lord, and barbarous hordes arose to slaughter Thy baptized children. But Thou didst not suffer the darkness to overcome the light of the Gospel that Thy saints had kindled, in that Thou didst raise up Edmund, a mighty protector of Thy Church and people.
Raising up Thy Cross as an emblem, O Master, in the sight of the heathen, Edmund, the holy king, besought Thy mercy against a proudand savage foe, and trusting to Thee the just cause of his people, that kings, priests and people might praise God for evermore.
Glory: The enemy, not acknowledging Thy reproving words, ordered thy body to be pierced with arrows. And thus pierced, O Edmund, thou hast cried like a cymbal sounding, ‘Christ is the only true God!’
Now and ever: Thou art blessed unto all generations, O Mother and Virgin, mountain overshadowed by the Grace of God, Who didst bear for us Christ, the Light of the Gentiles. Save us also by thine intercessions.
Ode V
Irmos: Lord enlighten us by Thy precepts and by Thy commandments, and by the lofty power of Thine arm, bestow Thy peace upon us all, as Thou alone lovest mankind.
Richly adorned by Christ for thy boldness as a martyr, beseech Him earnestly for salvation for those who sing thy praises, thrice-blessed Edmund, and by thy prayers do thou heal the sickness of our souls, O victorious martyr.
Ever rejoicing as martyr with the choir of angels, and filled to the full with deathless and blessed glory, do thou pluck from every rough sea and every storm those who run to thee for refuge.
Glory: Do Thou Who art merciful, deliver us from every need, laying low the manifold turmoils of sin and danger, and accepting, O Christ, the prayers of Thy servant Edmund.
Now and ever: O Mother of God, Thou hast appeared far above the cherubim and seraphim, for Thou who alone art Most Pure hast received in Thy womb God Who cannot be contained. Strengthen us by Thy mighty intercession, O Most Blessed One.
Ode VI
Irmos: I pour forth supplications unto the Lord, and to Him I proclaim all my sorrows, for many woes fill my soul, and lo, my life hath now drawn nigh unto hades; like Jonas do I pray to Thee: raise me up from corruption, O Lord my God.
Unsurpassed are thy manly and noble deeds, beyond nature and word and understanding, and we praise them in unceasing song, O most blessed Edmund.
Not yielding to sharp and grievous tortures, thou hast gone to them as if they were pleasures, abiding with the Lord and singing, O glorious Edmund. Whilst fixed to the trees with arrows the sound of thy prayers to the King of heaven and earth resounded like thunder.
Glory: Dance and make glad, singing a hymn of praise, O ye martyrs, at finding Edmund the King, and greatly rejoice as did David, for this day the Lord is glorified.
Now and ever: We now seek refuge in Thee, O Most Pure Virgin. Save and guard me by thy prayers, for as Mother of Him that hath power over all, Thou canst do what Thou wishest.
Kontakion Tone II.
Cultivated by God, thou hast been shown forth a most precious husbandman of godliness, gathering for thyself sheaves of virtue. For having sown in tears, thou dost reap in gladness, and having fought the good fight unto the shedding of thy blood, thou hast received Christ. By thine intercessions do thou obtain the forgiveness of our sins, O Holy Edmund.
Irmos: In times of old the children went forth from Judea to the land of Babylon; there they trampled down the fiery furnace, singing of their faith in the Trinity, O God of our Fathers, blessed art Thou.
Worthily emulating thy Master, O Martyr, thou hast gone into battle of thine own will, thou glorious saint of the Church of Christ; and carrying off the victory, thou hast been her guardian, preserving her by thine entreaties.
As unconquerable martyr, as wrestler in suffering, as undefeated champion of the Faith, as unshaken tower, fence around with thy prayers all those who praise thee, O Edmund the Wise.
Glory: Prudently husbanding the divine seed, thou didst make it to increase by watering it with the streams of thy blood and by the zeal of thy labours thou hast quenched the insolence of tyrants.
Now and ever: Resplendent in death, O Edmund, thy light shone forth, for thine incorrupt body, brought to the burgh which took thy name, shone like a lamp for a people thou didst not forsake, proclaiming to them the Most Pure Virgin Mother, Whom we bless and magnify.
Irmos: The King of heaven, Whom all the hosts of angels praise with their songs and hymns of glory, praise ye and exalt Him to the ages for ever.
At thine intercession, O noble martyr Edmund, grant us strength in our struggle against the flood of grievous passions and perils, troubled circumstances, the temptations of sickness, the devices of demons and the assaults of our enemies.
O Invincible Martyr, entirely illumined by the light of the Trinity, as champion of godliness, as victor crowned by God, save by thine intercessions those who honour thee, thou dweller in heaven.
Glory: Serenely adorned by a spiritual crown and the diadem and sceptre of the Kingdom; clothed in purple, dyed red with thine own blood, thou dost reign with the King of the Heavenly Powers, O blessed saint.
Now and ever: Ever-Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mother, Thou hast borne Him Who was begotten of the Father before all eternity, Who shone forth and made all things, seen and unseen. Therefore all nations glorify Thee as the Birthgiver of God.
Ode IX
Irmos: We who through thee seek salvation confess thee most rightly as the Mother of our God, O Thou Most Pure Virgin, and with the choirs of bodiless angels Thee do we magnify.
O blessed saint, do thou beseech Christ without ceasing for us who praise thee as martyr of Christ, as vanquisher of tyrants, as healer of the blind and sick, as vigilant guardian, as advocate who cannot be confounded.
O thrice-blessed saint, the Master of all has richly endowed thee with the prizes of thy contests; standing before Him as martyr with boldness and joy, preserve those who call upon thee and give thee all honour.
Glory: We venerate the chains and cudgels, the lashes and arrows, and the sword of thy decapitation, for thou, O martyr of Christ, hast endured such sufferings. Indeed, I bless them all and I kiss the arrows of thy martyrdom.
Now and ever: The Ark of Testimony which doth contain the tables, the jar, and golden tabernacle, forefigure Thee, O Most Pure Virgin. For thus indeed thou, O Mother of God, hast held in Thy womb the Word made flesh, Who hath no beginning.
And Immediately:
It is truly meet to call Thee blessed, O Birthgiver of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Pure Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim and beyond incompare more glorious than the Seraphim; Thou who in virginity didst bear God the Word, Thee true Birthgiver of God do we magnify.
Thou, O Edmund, the great Passion-bearer, hast shone forth on earth by the glory of thy martyrdom; and through the rays of thy miracles thou dost move every tongue to the glory and praise of Him Who hast glorified thee. Pray to Him, then, O chosen one among the martyrs, for the salvation of those honour thy memory with faith and love.
O Edmund, triumphant and most blessed, filled with love for the Master, pierced by arrows, thou, O glorious martyr, hast bravely hurled back the host of pagan error, confessing Christ before thy tormentors. Pray then to Christ our God for His great mercy.
O Brethren, let us praise in spirit that living arrow of sharp faith, Edmund the famous martyr, who was pierced for the sake of Christ. Dangers forged and tortures burdened, and all manner of chastisement smote the body to corruption. For love conquered nature, persuading the beloved to make his way through death to Christ our God, his Beloved, and the Saviour of our souls.
We now sing fervently and joyfully a song to Thee, the Mother of God, who art hymned by all; together with the Forerunner and all the Saints, do Thou beseech the Saviour of all, O Mother of God, that we may obtain compassion.
Holy God… Glory… Now and ever… Most Holy Trinity… Glory… Now and ever… Our Father … (See above).
Having upheld the True Faith, O righteous Edmund, thou wast found worthy to exchange thine earthly crown, for the crown of martyrdom at the hands of the godless Northmen. Inspired by thine example, we beseech thee to pray that we may have courage to fight all evil, that we too may be counted worthy of the reward of eternal blessedness.
We celebrate in happy song the bright memorial of the most glorious martyr Edmund, who in joy and light shineth forth for us, that we may be made worthy of divine grace from Christ the Saviour.
Now and ever:
In truth thou art the consolation of the afflicted, and the relief of those in sickness, O Virgin Mother of God; pray for thy people and thy flock, thou who art the peace of the embattled and the calm of the storm-driven, the only protection of the faithful.
Prayer to the Holy Martyr Edmund, King of East Anglia
King, virgin, martyr, O thrice-crowned Edmund, hero of righteous warfare and victor of countless battles, grant me to sing of the sufferings and struggles which thou hast valiantly endured, for thou wast afire with the love of Christ, from Whom thou hast won the crown of martyrdom. O patron of our land, forsake us not in these latter times, protect us as our noble guardian and intercede for us with the Saviour for the forgiveness of our sins and the salvation of our souls.
Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen.