Month of August
Forefeast of the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord
Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Oswald,
King of Northumbria
Composed by Reader Isaac Lambertson
At Vespers
At Lord, I have cried, 6 stichera: 3 of the forefeast, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: Thou hast given a sign
Come, let us go up with Jesus Who ascendeth the holy mountain, and there let us hear the voice of the living God, the all-unoriginate Father, which through the divine Spirit beareth witness by a cloud to His true Sonship; and, illumined in mind, let us gaze upon Light amid light.
Come, let us join chorus beforehand, let us purify ourselves and faithfully prepare for divine entry into the dwelling-place of the transcendent God; and let us receive the glory which the forechosen apostles were vouchsafed to behold mystically on Mount Tabor.
Come, and, having transformed ourselves with a more exalted transformation, let us prepare ourselves well for the morrow, to ascend the holy mountain of God, beholding the glory of Christ which shineth forth immutably, more brightly than the sun; and, illumined with the light of the Trinity, let us glorify His condescension therein.
And 3 stichera of the martyr, in Tone VIII: Spec. Mel.: O all-glorious Wonder
O all-glorious wonder! Before a mighty battle, the holy Oswald put the spiritual foe to flight, raising up a great cross of wood, fixing it firmly in the earth with his own hands; and he bade his warriors to kneel before the mighty standard of Christ, and to offer entreaties to the Bestower of victories, that He enable them to defend the their people.
O all-glorious wonder! Having defeated the foe and brought peace to his land, the pious King Oswald, afire with love for Christ, summoned the holy Aidan from Iona to take up the great task of the apostles, bringing the glad tidings of the Christian Faith to his benighted people, that their souls might be enlightened.
O all-glorious wonder! Full of all the virtues, the holy Oswald shone with supernal grace. For throughout his realm he founded churches, and gave lands to establish monastic houses; and his hand was ever extended to the poor, to ease the burden of their poverty: wherefore, his precious arm was untouched by corruption even after his martyrdom.
Glory: Idiomelon, in Tone V
When a treacherous alliance of apostates and pagans assailed the Christian kingdom like ravening wolves, the holy Oswald went forth with his warriors, to defend the lambs of Christ from their predations. Then was Maserfield sanctified, for upon its ground did he pour forth his martyr’s blood in a sanctifying stream, praying the while unto his Master on behalf of his enemies, and that He have mercy on the souls of his people.
Now & ever, of the forefeast, in the same tone
Come, let us ascend the mountain of the Lord to the house of our God, and let us gaze upon the glory of His transfiguration, the glory of the Only-begotten of the Father. Through light let us receive light; and, exalted in the Spirit, let us hymn the consubstantial Trinity forever.
Aposticha stichera of the forefeast, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: O house of Ephratha
Illumined with the effulgence of the virtues, let us proceed to the holy mountain, that we may behold the divine transfiguration of the Lord.
Stichos: Mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Shining forth like the sun on the mountain today, before undergoing His sufferings, Christ showeth to the initiates of His mysteries a divine sign of His divinity.
Stichos: Blessed is the people that knoweth jubilation.
Desiring to transform Adam’s nature, Christ now ascendeth Mount Tabor, that He might disclose His divinity to the initiates of His mysteries.
Glory: Idiomelon of the martyr, in Tone II
Seeking to dishonour the remains of the holy martyr, the cruel heathen king dismembered his precious body, and displayed his limbs and members throughout his realm in mockery of the power of the Christian Faith. But. mindful of His mercies, the Saviour of mankind preserved the sacred remains from corruption, and they were gathered together like a harvest of ripened fruit, imparting the nectar of healings to the possessed and the infirm, and delighting all the faithful with the grace wherewith they were filled.
Now & ever, of the forefeast, in the same tone
O Christ God Who wast transfigured on Mount Tabor, showing the glory of Thy divinity to Thy disciples, illumine us all with the light of the knowledge of Thee, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, as Thou alone art good and lovest mankind.
Troparion of the martyr, in Tone II
Mighty works did the holy King Oswald accomplish for the Faith, for in his great and surpassing love he willingly laid down his life for the people of God; wherefore, the Christ God filled his sacred relics with mighty power, to heal the sick and move men’s souls to compunction.
Now & ever: Troparion of the forefeast, in Tone IV
Let us go forth to meet the transfiguration of Christ, splendidly celebrating the forefeast thereof, O ye faithful; and let us cry aloud: The day of divine gladness hath arrived! The Master ascendeth Mount Tabor to shine forth the beauty of His divinity!
At Matins
At God is the Lord, the troparion of the forefeast, twice; Glory, that of the martyr; Now & ever, that of the forefeast, once.
After the first reading of the Psalter, this sessional hymn, in Tone IV:
Spec. Mel.: Thou hast appeared
The all-splendid festival of the Master hath arrived! Come ye all, and, having cleansed ourselves in spirit beforehand, let us ascend Mount Tabor to behold Christ.
Glory, Now & ever: The foregoing is repeated.
After the second reading of the Psalter, this sessional hymn, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: Joseph marvelled
Splendidly celebrating the day of the forefeast of the glorious and awesome transfiguration of Christ today, O ye faithful, let us cry aloud together: Transform our nature, O Saviour, illumining it with Thy divine flesh, and impart to it its original dignity of incorruption, in that Thou art compassionate, that we may all glorify Thee, our one God.
Glory, Now & ever: The foregoing is repeated.
Ode I
Canon of the forefeast, with 8 troparia, in Tone IV
Irmos: I shall open my mouth, and with the Spirit will it be filled; and I will utter discourse unto the Queen and Mother, and shall be seen, keeping splendid festival; and, rejoicing, I will hymn her wonders.
Let heaven shine down light from above brighter than the sun, and let the earth hear the words of the living God testifying to the Sonship of Him Who is transfigured; for the Father beareth witness on Mount Tabor.
Christ, Who is visible man but God concealed, doth ascend, disclosing the radiance of His divinity which shineth more brightly than the sun with the splendours of glory.
Christ now cometh forth spiritually to unto Moses, showing forth a vision of glory on Mount Tabor in His direct conversation with him face to face. And, rejoicing, let us celebrate the forefeast today.
Triodion, in the same tone
Irmos: I shall sing unto Thee, O Lord my God, for Thou didst lead Thy people out of the bondage of Egypt and didst inundate the chariot and power of Pharaoh.
Celebrating this day of the forefeast of the transfiguration of Christ our Deliverer, O ye faithful, let us clap our hands in hymnody.
Having reached the threshold of the holy transfiguration of Christ, embracing it we are illumined with divine favour.
Taking the disciples on this very day, Christ ascendeth the mountain, and is transfigured there, illumined by His divinity. Come ye all, and reaching Mount Tabor in spirit, let us gaze upon Christ Who is awesomely transfigured before His disciples.
We cry to Thee like the Prophet David: Mount Tabor and Hermon rejoice in Thy name, O Christ, at Thy transfiguration!
Having our heart purified of the passions like a lofty mountain, let us gaze upon the transfiguration of Christ which illumineth our mind.
Triadicon: In Orthodox manner let us glorify the Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one Godhead, the Unity in three Hypostases.
Theotokion: In Orthodox manner, we, the faithful, confess thee to be both Mother and Virgin, who ineffably gavest birth to Christ our God, Who alone hath great mercy.
Canon of the saint, with 4 troparia, the acrostic whereof is On Heavenfield Oswald raised the Cross, in Tone VIII
Irmos: In the Red Sea didst Thou engulf Pharaoh and his chariots, O Lord, and by Moses Thou didst save the people, who sang unto Thee a hymn of victory, in that Thou art our God and Deliverer.
Of Thy holy martyr Oswald do we now sing, O Lord; for, like Moses, he led his people to the promised land of Thy Holy Church, singing a hymn of victory unto Thee, His God and Deliverer.
Neither the threat of pain nor the thought of death dissuaded the wondrous Oswald from his valiant course; and in the midst of defeat on earth Christ gave him the crown of victory in heaven.
Holy among kings is the martyr Oswald, the great enlightener of his people, who, having defeated the ungodly hordes which threatened their lives, took care for the salvation of their souls.
Theotokion: Everlasting is the glory of the pure Mother of God; and angels in heaven and men on earth all sing her praises without ceasing: for she gave birth without corruption to our God and Deliverer.
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: O Theotokos, thou living and abundant fountain, in thy divine glory spiritually establish those who hymn thee and form themselves into a choir; and vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory.
He Who hath dominion over all creation hath become visible, taking the form of a servant; and thereby He hath shown to His disciples the unapproachable effulgence of His divinity, as far as they were able to perceive it.
Christ the Sun cometh to the mountain to shine forth glory, and to dim with His light the shining morning-star; and illumined by His rays, let us celebrate the forefeast today.
Fulfilling the words of eternal life, Christ stood forth as one who showeth things to others that they might understand; and He was well pleased to show forth in Himself the radiant glory of the Father.
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: Number me among the mighty of Thy people, O Lord, girding me about with power; break Thou the bows of the adversary, and uplift the horn of my poverty.
All the bows of the demons break asunder, and their fiery darts shatter against the armour of thy holiness, O saint; for the Lord hath girded thee with power.
Verily the might of divine grace filled thy sacred relics, O saint, for the Lord imbued them with healing power, that thereby He might uplift the spirits of thy people.
Ever didst thou meet the needs of the poor of thy kingdom, O divinely wise one, and by mercy and loving-kindness didst guide thy people to the heights of piety.
Theotokion: Never will the mouths of the faithful cease to extol thy wonders, O most immaculate Virgin; for by thy compassions thou dost uplift us from our sinful falls.
Kontakion of the martyr, in Tone III
At all times didst thou pray with reverence, giving thanks to thy Creator and Saviour, O most pious king and martyr Oswald; wherefore, the Lord hath granted thee a place in His kingdom on high, where with the choirs of all the saints thou standest ever before Him, interceding with fervour for our souls.
Ikos: As during his life the holy King Oswald prayed continually, uplifting his hands in godly entreaty; so now, as a good shepherd who laid down his life for the reason-endowed sheep, shedding his blood in piety like Abel, he standeth with boldness before the dread tribunal, pleading with the just Judge in behalf of those who honour him, and unceasingly interceding with fervour for our souls.
Sessional hymn, in Tone III: Spec. Mel.: Awed by the beauty of thy Virginity
Awed by the beauty of thy virtues and the pangs which thou didst suffer for thy God, the heavenly hosts were amazed, and lifted their voices in praise of thee, whom Christ hath rendered wondrous by His grace; wherefore, O martyr Oswald, as thou standest before Him with boldness, pray that He grant us great mercy.
Glory, Now & ever: Sessional hymn of the forefeast, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: Joseph marvelled
Prepare thyself now, O Tabor! For, lo! Christ cometh to show forth the radiance of His divinity to the glorious disciples on thee, in manner past understanding! Elijah and Moses stood forth in fear, a cloud of light covered them, and the voice of the Father of lights was heard from on high, saying: This is my beloved Son! Hear ye Him!
Ode IV
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, Jesus most divine is come upon a light cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power, O Christ!
The choir of heaven rejoiceth with those on earth and celebrateth beforehand the effulgence of the Bestower of light, Who ineffably shineth forth, transforming His human form on Tabor, as was His good pleasure.
Drawing nigh to men in Thy coming as God and man, Thou hast mystically enlightened the word with the splendour of miracles; and shining with the glory of divinity, Thou didst shine forth on Tabor with light unapproachable.
Of old, Jesus, son of Nun, caused the sun to halt, prefiguring the day of Thy divine suffering; and before suffering on Thy precious Cross, O Saviour, Thou Thyself didst dim the shining of the sun with the divine rays of Thy countenance.
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: Thou didst mount Thy steeds, Thine apostles, O Lord, and didst take their bridles in Thy hands; and Thy chariot hath become salvation for those who sing with faith: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!
Filled with courage and pious hope, O holy king Oswald, thou, with thine army, didst earnestly pray to the Lord, that in His loving-kindness thy chariots might serve for the salvation of thy people.
In thy holy hands thou didst take up the reins of the virtues, O Oswald, and thereby, as with the horses of a chariot, didst mount unto the gates of paradise, crying: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!
Ever restraining the carnal passions, as thou wouldst tame mules with bit and bridle, thou didst swiftly ride to thy martyrdom, O Oswald, singing with heart and mind: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!
Theotokion: Leaving all thought of earthly things behind, in mind let us mount unto the heavens, and devoutly chant to the Mother of the Word, crying out to her Son in worship: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!
Ode V
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: All things are filled with awe of thy divine glory; for thou, O Virgin who knewest not wedlock, didst hold within thy womb Him Who is God over all, and thou gavest birth to the timeless Son, granting peace to all who hymn thee.
Rejoicing, let us faithfully follow Christ, for, lo! he goeth to the mountain, taking with Him His foremost disciples; and, shining forth before them with unapproachable beauty outshining the sun, He hath shone forth His glory.
Let heaven be enlightened yet more splendidly today, by Christ’s ascent to the mountain, for He shineth forth with light unapproachable, dimming the rays of the sun with the glory of His divinity, in that He is the Bestower of light.
Christ hath shown the disciples a mystery on Tabor, His countenance shining forth more brilliantly than beams of light; He Who clotheth Himself with light, as saith the psalmist, hath made the vesture of His robes as white as snow.
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: O Lord Who by divine knowledge didst bring the ends of the earth into the light out of the night of ignorance, enlighten me with the dawning of Thy love for mankind.
Divine knowledge didst thou bring unto thy people, O royal martyr, leading them forth from the night of ignorance unto the dawn of Christ’s supernal love for mankind.
O Lord, have mercy upon the souls of those here fallen! the holy one prayed with fervour when he was slain upon the field of battle against the faithless and the ungodly.
Signified by a brilliant pillar of light, which extended even to the heavens, the favour of God for thee, His saint, was wondrously revealed, for the benefit of all mankind.
Theotokion: Whither shall we flee from the malice of the demons, if not to thee, O Theotokos? Who else will move thy Son to have pity on us, sinful though were are, and intercede for us?
Ode VI
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: Celebrating this divine and most honoured festival of the Mother of God, come, ye divinely wise, let us clap our hands and glorify God Who was born of her.
Making ready for His friends a bridal-chamber of the glory of that joy which is to come, Christ ascendeth the mountain, leading them up from life below to the life of heaven.
Astonishing the understanding of the disciples, Christ shone forth the effulgence of heaven on earth, while the leaders of the law and the prophets stood before Him as servants; and they bore witness to God as representatives of the living and the dead.
Christ cometh now to manifest Himself as a luminary by the radiance of divine effulgence in a place of darkness; and we walk toward His radiance, rejoicing in the sight of His countenance.
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: With the prophet we cry unto Thee, Who in Isaac prefigured Thy suffering, in Jonah Thy burial, granting resurrection unto all. O Lord Who art full of loving-kindness, lead us up from corruption!
Aidan the holy prophet didst thou call from Iona, the Isle of Saints, O Oswald, to proclaim unto thy people the salvation wrought by Him Who in His loving-kindness granteth resurrection unto all.
Lead thou my people up from corruption, the holy king cried out to the bishop, that, taught by thee to love the Lord, they may rid themselves of all the heathen ways which corrupt them utterly.
Dirt from the ground whereon thy precious blood poured forth, and dust which had received the water wherewith thy sacred relics were washed, wondrously wrought countless healings, O holy one.
Theotokion: Resounding praises do the ranks of angels offer unto thee in the heights, O Queen of heaven, and we on earth who, though unworthy, receive thy loving-kindness, ever call thee blessed.
Kontakion of the forefeast, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: Thou hast appeared
Human nature is made divinely luminous today by the transfiguration of God, and crieth out in gladness: Christ is transfigured, saving us all!
Ikos: By the divine transfiguration of our image, which of old was ruined by corruption, hath the Creator led our forefather Adam up from the chambers of hades, and He deifieth our understanding. He remaineth both God and man, bearing the nature of each in unity, without confusion or separation. Wherefore, He shineth forth now ineffably on Tabor, and from His flesh emitteth the rays of His divinity, illumining those who cry aloud: Christ is transfigured, saving us all!
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: The divinely wise refused to worship a created thing rather than the Creator, and, manfully trampling the threat of the fire underfoot, they rejoiced, chanting: O all-hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Let us follow the choice of the disciples to the translation from the earth which leadeth up to the heights, gazing upon the awesome sight of Christ; and, marvelling, let us cry out with them: Blessed art Thou, O God!
With water and fire Thou didst purify human nature which had become defiled; and through Thy flesh Thou showest forth its radiance, O Saviour, Thy countenance shining forth more brightly than the sun in an image of the glory which is to come.
Let us go forth to the holy mountain with Christ, Who leadeth up the son of Zebedee and the eminent Peter, whom He chose to be witnesses of His glory and who cry: Blessed art Thou, O God!
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: O Lord God of our fathers, Who in the beginning did st found the earth and establish the heavens by Thy word: Blessed art Thou forever!
All my hope do I set on thee, O Lord God of my fathers! the holy Oswald prayed with fervour, crying out in worship to the Creator of all.
In the beginning of thy reign, thou didst plant the precious Cross among thy people, teaching them to cry unto God: Blessed art Thou forever!
Sacred monasteries didst thou endow with substance and lands, that therein the pious might sing unto God: Blessed art Thou forever!
Theotokion: Eternal and infinite is the Word, Who in the beginning created heaven and earth; yet He willed to make His abode within thy womb, O Virgin.
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: The birthgiving of the Theotokos saved the pious children in the Furnace then in figure, but now in deed, and it moveth the whole world to sing to Thee: Hymn the Lord, O ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Who will not marvel at the magnificence of Thy glory, O King of glory, which, transfigured therein, Thou didst show to Thy friends, illumining them with divine splendours? With them illumine us all with Thy light, for with faith we sing hymns of the forefeast.
The heights of heavenly life and the divine radiance of everlasting glory do Thou grant to Thy servants who now celebrate the forefeast of the splendid solemnity of Thy transfiguration, whereon, shining forth light, Thou illuminest those who hymn Thee, O Christ, Bestower of life.
As Light unapproachable and the Bestower of light, O Ever-existent and All-unoriginate One, Who clothest Thyself in light as in a garment, coming in the flesh Thou hast shone forth light in the world; and Thou causest light to shine round about the mountain, showing forth an image of the Father’s glory.
Irmos: In the furnace the captive youths confessed Christ the King, saying with a loud voice: Hymn the Lord, all ye works! Shining forth, this present day of the radiant transfiguration of the Lord commandeth the world to cry aloud: Hymn and exalt Him supremely, all ye works, forever!
Come, ye faithful, and in mind let us go to the holy mountain, to behold the most radiant transfiguration of Christ; for it illumineth all who glorify it forever.
With a pure heart let us go forth today to meet beforehand the transfiguration of Christ, and let us cry out splendidly: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt Him supremely forever!
Triadicon: Let us make theology concerning the one Godhead in three Persons the Father, the Son and the all-holy Spirit, singing together: Hymn and exalt Him supremely forever!
Theotokion: Christ the King, to Whom the Virgin Mary gave birth for us, while remaining a pure virgin even after giving birth, do ye hymn, all ye works, and exalt supremely forever!
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: The King of glory Who is without beginning, before Whom the hosts of heaven tremble, hymn, ye priests, and exalt supremely for all ages!
Deira and Bernicia, united under thy sceptre, bent their knees before the King of glory, the One God Who is without beginning, O saint.
Tremble, O ye demonic hordes, for, taught by the example of the holy Oswald, Christians hymn and exalt the King of glory unto the ages.
Heaven’s hosts were amazed, beholding in their midst thee, an earthly king, arrayed in a martyr’s robe empurpled in thine own blood.
Triadicon: Equally worshipped, equally without beginning, equally enthroned are the three Hypostases of the Holy Trinity the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Theotokion: Come, ye faithful of the Church of Christ, and with trembling let us exalt the all-immaculate Bride of God, the merciful Mistress of all creation.
Ode IX
Canon of the Forefeast
Irmos: Let every mortal leap up, enlightened by the Spirit, and let the nature of the bodiless intelligences celebrate, honouring the sacred festival of the Mother of God; and let it cry out: Rejoice, O most blessed Theotokos, pure Ever-virgin.
Rejoice, O heaven, knowing now the never-waning Sun Who shineth forth from the earth and desireth to cover the radiance of the sun with divine glory! And let the earth join chorus radiantly, shining with heavenly splendour and brilliance, becoming light!
Singing, David foretold Thy transfiguration, saying: Who is like unto Thee among the sons of God, O Lord? For, glorified in the councils of the saints, Thou hast shown Thyself as great to those around Thee and awesome in the glory of Thy divine countenance.
O Word of God, Wisdom, Power and Image of the Father! O God Who art understood by the faithful and art recognized as man! Vouchsafe unto us Thy transfiguration, that we may celebrate the radiant festival in the light of splendid good deeds.
Irmos: With hymns do we magnify thee, the Theotokos who knewest not wedlock, the heavenly bridal-chamber, who gavest birth to the Author of our salvation.
Celebrating this the first day of Thine all-glorious and most radiant transfiguration, O Christ, we magnify Thee with hymns.
Earnest in our knowledge of the glorious transfiguration of the Lord, let us spiritually illumine our thoughts, magnifying them.
Transformed with the goodly transformation of the transfiguration of Christ, we find ourselves made radiant by our good works, magnifying it.
Triadicon: With hymns we magnify Thee, the Trinity in three Hypostases, the indivisible Essence, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Theotokion: With hymns we magnify thee, the bush which Moses beheld, burning yet not consumed, who received the fire of the Godhead.
Canon of the Martyr
Irmos: All of us, the generations of men, bless thee, the Mediatress between heaven and earth, for within thee the fullness of the Godhead made His abode in the flesh, O Virgin.
Resting now with the angels, and joining chorus with the choirs of the martyrs, great Oswald standeth boldly in the presence of the Godhead, praying for us who honour him.
Oswald pleased well the Master by his steadfast witness, and hath entered with gladness into the joy of his Lord, dwelling in everlasting bliss with all the saints.
Splendid was the martyr Oswald in all the virtues, splendid also in his adoration of the incarnate God; wherefore, the generations of England bless him with great praise.
Theotokion: Sacred hymns and spiritual songs do we offer thee, O Ever-virgin, Mediatress for our generation; but even though our lips are polluted and unclean, reject not our praises.
Exapostilarion of the martyr: Spec. Mel.: O Light immutable
When the monks of Bardney refused to receive thy sacred remains, O saint, the Word bore witness to thy holiness, and set a lofty pillar of light above thee; wherefore, they were moved to repentance.
Glory, Now & ever: Exapostilarion of the forefeast : Spec. Mel.: The heaven with stars
He Who created the sky and gave light to the stars, ascending Mount Tabor today, illumineth the disciples with the radiance of His divinity.
Aposticha stichera of the forefeast, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: Joy of the ranks of heaven
Celebrating this day the forefeast of the all-holy and glorious transfiguration, let us glorify Christ Who hath transfigured our nature with the fire of the Godhead, and illumined it with incorruption, as it was before.
Stichos: Mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Come, let us ascend the holy mountain, and gaze with faith upon the most radiant transfiguration of the Lord, worshipping Him with faith; and let us say: Thou alone art God incarnate, Who hast deified mankind.
Stichos: O Lord, in the light of Thy face shall we walk, and in Thy name shall we rejoice all the day long.
This is the day of the forefeast, whereon Christ is transfigured, Moses and Elijah were with Him on Mount Tabor, and His disciples; and a voice was heard, saying: This is truly My chosen Son!
Glory: Idiomelon of the martyr, in Tone VI
When the poor were an-hungered at Holy Easter, O merciful King Oswald, from thine own table thou didst thou send forth a silver charger of food, commanding thy servants to feed the paupers, and when they had eaten to break the salver apart and distribute the pieces as alms. Then did the holy bishop Aidan with joy lay hold of thy compassionate arm and cry aloud in prophecy: May this hand never perish! And what he foretold was fulfilled in truth, for thine arm remained incorrupt even after thou wast slain for the Lord. Wherefore, let Arundel rejoice, having within its walls a treasure beyond price: thy wondrous arm, which even now doth generously bestow miracles of healing upon those who honour thy memory with faith and love.
Now & ever: Idiomelon of the forefeast, in Tone V
Moses who beheld God, and Elijah of the fiery chariot, who traversed the heavens unconsumed, bore witness to Thee, O Christ, as the Fulfiller of the law and the prophets, at Thy transfiguration. Vouchsafe Thine enlightenment, O Master, to us also, that with them we may hymn Thee forever.
At the Liturgy
Prokimenon, in Tone VII
The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.
Stichos: Hearken, O God, unto my prayer, when I make supplication unto Thee.
Epistle to Timothy, § 292 [II Tim. 2: 1-10]
Timothy my child: Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man who warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. The husbandman who laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits. Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to my Gospel: wherein I suffer trouble, as an evildoer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. Therefore, I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
Alleluia, in Tone IV
Stichos: The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree, and like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.
Stichos: They that are planted in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God shall they blossom forth.
Gospel according to John, §52 [Jn. 15: 17-16: 2]
The Lord said to His disciples: These things I command you, that ye love one another. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you: The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for My name’s sake, because theyknow not Him Who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He who hateth Me hateth My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both Me and My Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law: They hated me without a cause. But when the Comforter is come, Whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, Who proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with Me from the beginning. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
Communion verse
In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings.