Saints et Saintes de Belgique au Premier Millenaire

At 365 pages this is the first book written by a Belgian Orthodox to detail the Lives of the Orthodox Saints on Belgian Territory. It covers the whole of the first millennium, detailing the early evangelisation of the territory covered by modern Belgium from the first century to the period of persecution and the Germanic invasions. It goes on to relate how the truths of Orthodoxy were sown after this, culminating in the Golden Age of the seventh century, 'The Age of the Saints'. It covers apostles like St Hubert, martyrs like St Dympna and a multitude of other saints, well-known and little known. There are numerous illustrations in colour and black and white, as well as a menologion and prayers addressed to these saints.

Written in French, price 15 Euros, it is available from:

Mr Jean Pierre Hambienne,
BP 19
B 1420 Braine L'Alleud,