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The Holy Orthodox Popes of Rome
In this present short work it is our aim to present a full list of the
holy popes of Rome, a work which to our knowledge has never been carried
out before in its Orthodox context. We feel that this task is particularly
valuable at the present time for two reasons:
Rome remains the historic centre of the Western Patriarchate and remains
a holy place of Orthodox pilgrimage after that Patriarchate ceased to
confess Orthodoxy. Indeed, the very word 'pope' is Greek, meaning 'father'
and to this day the official title of the Patriarch of Alexandria remains
'Pope of Alexandria'. Some fifteen popes were Greek and another six Syrian
and the first Latin pope was St Victor (+ 198).
although Rome has not been an Orthodox centre for a thousand years and
has often ferociously attacked the Orthodox Church since then, it has
nevertheless conserved important vestiges of Orthodoxy. However, with
the passing of time, it seems to be losing these vestiges, abandoning
even its saints. Some Roman Catholics themselves today doubt the survival
of what for us are vestiges of Orthodoxy much into the third millennium.
It would seem to us therefore that the following list would be useful
for all.
us ask the prayers of these holy Orthodox popes of Rome of the first millennium,
asking that, through their prayers, Rome and all it once represented and
all that remains there of Orthodoxy may, with the third millennium, yet
return to the Orthodox Faith of the first millennium. Let us pray that
papal supremacy may one day become again papal primacy in its Orthodox
sense. In praying to the past, we pray for the future, in calling on these
Western Patriarchs, we pray for the salvation of the West, we pray for
a West with saints, not a West without saints. And who will pray, if not
we Orthodox?
would remind readers that St. Peter was never a pope of Rome, indeed he
was not a bishop at all, but an Apostle. This is the early tradition of
the Church of Rome itself and therefore remains the tradition of the rest
of the Orthodox Church today. Moreover St. Peter founded not the Church
of Rome, but the Church of Antioch. The Church in Rome was founded by
St. Paul. This is clear to any reader of the Acts of the Apostles and
the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. In the following list, popes who
already appear in all Eastern Orthodox calendars are marked with an asterisk.
St. Linus (+ c. 78), first pope, Martyr. A disciple of the Apostle Paul,
he was consecrated by him. One of the Seventy Apostles, he is mentioned
in 2 Timothy 4,21. He was pope for about twelve years and may have been
martyred. Feast: 23 September (In the East 4 January and 5 November).
Anacletus (Cletus) (+ c. 91), by origin a Greek from Athens and possibly
a martyr. His name, correctly Anencletus, means 'blameless' (see Titus
1,7) and he may originally have been a slave. Feast: 26 April.
Clement of Rome (+ c. 101), martyr. One of the Seventy Apostles and a
Church Father, he was consecrated by the Apostle Peter. He is mentioned
in Philippians 4,3 and his letter to the Church of Corinth still exists.
He was much venerated in the West in the early centuries and still today
in the East. The church of San Clemente in Rome probably stands on the
site of his house. According to tradition, he was banished to the Crimea
and there martyred. Feast: 23 November (in the East 4 January, 22 April,
10 September and 25 November). *
Evaristus (+ c. 109), perhaps a martyr and almost certainly of Hellenic/Jewish
origin. Feast: 26 October.
Alexander I (+ c. 116), the fifth pope and possible a martyr and by tradition
a Roman. Feast: 3 March (in the East 16 March).*
Sixtus (Xystus) I (+ c. 125), possibly a martyr. A Roman of Greek origin.
Feast: 3 April. *
Telesphorus (+ c. 136), a martyr, Greek by origin. Feast: 5 January (in
the East 22 February). *
Hyginus (+ c. 142), by origin a Greek philosopher from Athens. Also perhaps
a martyr. Feast: 11 January.
Pius I (+ c. 155), from Aquilea, probably born a slave and perhaps the
brother of Hermas who wrote 'The Shepherd'. He defended the Church against
Gnosticism. Possibly a martyr. Feast: 11 July.
Anicetus (+ 166) the tenth pope and of Syrian origin, he fixed the date
of Easter, opposed the Gnostics, perhaps martyred. Feast: 17 April.
Soter (+ 174), of Greek descent, he may have been martyred. Feast: 22
Eleutherius (+ 189), Greek, possibly martyred. Feast: 26 May.
Victor (+ 198), an African and the first Latin pope. A forceful character,
he fought for Orthodoxy and against Gnosticism. He may have been martyred.
Feast: 28 July. *
Zephyrinus (+ 217), of Greek descent. Although not a strong character,
he still fought for Orthodoxy against Adoptionism and Modalism and may
have been martyred for it. Feast: 26 August.
Callistus I (+ 222), the fifteenth pope and originally a slave. Pope Callistus,
with his Greek name, was known for his mercifulness and defended married
clergy against fanatics. He condemned modalism. Probably martyred. Feast:
14 October.
Urban I (+ 230), Roman, possibly martyred. Feast: 25 May.
Pontian (+ 235), Roman, he was persecuted for the faith and deported to
Sardinia, where he died as a confessor. Feast: 19 November.
Antherus (+ 236), Greek and perhaps martyred. Feast: 3 January (5 August
in East). *
Fabian (+ 250), Roman martyr. Described as an incomparable man, 'his death
matched the purity and goodness of his life', he did much to help the
poor. Feast: 20 January (5 August in the East). *
Cornelius (+ 253), the twentieth pope and a Roman, he was greatly helped
by St Cyprian of Carthage in the struggle against novatian fanaticism.
He was renowned for his mercifulness and died as a result of persecution.
Feast: 16 September.
Lucius (+ 254), a Roman he was exiled as soon as he was elected in a persecution.
Supported by St Cyprian, he was certainly a confessor and perhaps was
martyred. Feast: 4 March.
Stephen I (+ 257), a Roman and a strong character, perhaps a martyr, he
is well known for his argument with St Cyprian of Carthage about the baptism
of heretics. St Stephen defended the view of economy, that invalid baptism
outside the Church was made valid by entry into the Church, and there
was no need to repeat the actual rite. Feast: 2 August. *
Sixtus II (+ 258), an Athenian. He was 'a good and peace-loving man' who
was much helped by Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria. He was martyred by
beheading, together with his seven deacons, one of whom was St Lawrence.
He was and is greatly venerated in the Orthodox Church, West and also
East. Feast: 7 August (10 August in the East). *
Dionysius (Denis) (+ 268), one of the most important Roman popes of the
third century. He was a learned Greek, who opposed several heresies, helped
the persecuted and also reorganized the Church in Rome. Feast: 26 December.
Felix I (+ 274), the twenty-fifth pope. A Roman, he opposed the adoptianist
heresy. Feast: 30 May.
Eutychian (+ 283), a native of Tuscany. Feast: 7 December.
Gaius (+ 296), possibly from Dalmatia. It seems that he was martyred together
with his brother, a priest, and his children. Feast: 22 April (11 August
in the East). *
Marcellinus (+ 304), possibly a martyr, and certainly a penitent for previous
errors and apostasy. Feast: 2 June (7 June in the East). *
Marcellus I (+ 309), a confessor who died as a result of persecution.
Feast: 16 January (7 June in the East). *
Eusebius (+ 310), the thirtieth pope and a Greek by origin. He was deported
to Sicily by the Emperor and died there as a confessor. Feast: 17 August.
Miltiades (+ 314), probably from Rome, although he had a Greek name. The
Emperor Constantine gave him a palace on the Lateran as his residence.
He condemned Donatism. Feast: 10 December.
Sylvester I (+ 335), Roman. Feast: 31 December (2 January in the East).
Mark (+ 336), Roman. Feast: 7 October.
Julius I (+ 352), Roman. A defender of St. Athanasius, this most Orthodox
Pope condemned arianism. Feast: 12 April.
Liberius (+ 366). The thirty-fifth pope, he was not of strong character
and even compromised the Faith at one point in his life, confessing arianism.
However, like St Marcellinus, he then repented, atoned and is recognised
as a saint of God. Feast: 27 August. *
Damasus (+ 384). Of Spanish origin, he was born in Rome in c. 305, the
son of a priest. He fought for Orthodoxy and opposed several heresies.
He did much to establish the Latin text of the Bible, developed the liturgy
and the veneration of the Roman martyrs. Although as a new pope, he made
several arrogant errors, he repented for these and was recognized as a
saint at the end. Feast: 11 December.
Siricius (+ 399), Roman. An imperious man like St Damasus, he nevertheless
forbade the harsh treatment of heretics and supported ascetics. He received
the support of St Ambrose of Milan and opposed those who slandered the
Mother of God. Feast: 26 November.
Anastasius I (+ 401). A man of poverty and apostolic mind, he did much
to stop the spread of origenism. Feast: 19 December.
Innocent I (+ 417). The son of St Anastasius I, he had an imperious character
and thirty-six letters of his survive. He supported St John Chrysostom
and condemned pelagianism. Feast: 28 July.
Zosimus (+ 418), the fortieth Pope, by origin a Greek. Although initially
he made many errors of tact and judgement, he was anti-pelagian. Feast:
26 December.
Boniface I (+ 422), a Roman and son of a priest. He was kind, humble and
fought for Orthodoxy. Feast: 4 September.
Celestine I (+ 432). A strong character, he was active against pelagianism,
he sent St. Germanus of Auxerre to Britain and St. Palladius to Ireland.
He also strongly opposed nestorianism and supported St Cyril of Alexandria.
Feast: 6 April (8 April in the East). *
Sixtus III (+ 440), Roman. He vigorously opposed the heresies of both
Pelagius and Nestorius. Feast: 28 March.
Leo I, 'the Great' (+ 461). He was born in Rome at the end of the fourth
century. He was very energetic, opposed many heresies and protected Rome
from the barbarian Huns and Vandals. His teaching on Christ was acclaimed
by all the Orthodox at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. Feast: 11 April
(In the East 18 February) *.
Hilary (+ 468), the forty-fifth pope and by origin Sardinian, he actively
opposed many heresies. Feast: 28 February.
Simplicius (+ 483), he supported the Orthodox in the East against monophysitism.
Feast: 10 March.
Felix II (+ 492), the son of a priest, he was also the grandfather of
St. Gregory the Great. He sternly opposed monophysitism. Feast: 1 March.
Gelasius I (+ 496), African, but born in Rome. He helped the poor and
was sternly opposed monophysitism. Of imperious character, he put the
authority of the Pope on the same level as that of the Emperor. We have
from him over a hundred letters or fragments and six theological works.
He was the greatest Pope of the fifth century after St Leo. Feast: 21
Anastasius II (+ 498), Roman and the son of a priest, he had a conciliatory
character. Feast: 8 September/19 November.
Symmachus (+ 514), the fiftieth pope and by origin Sardinian, he was very
active and a builder of churches. Feast: 19 July.
Hormisdas (+ 523), from Italy and father of St. Silverius (see below),
he helped end the monophysite schism. Feast: 6 August.
John I (+ 526), Tuscan. A confessor, he suffered much from the Arian Goth
Theodoric, King of Italy. He was immediately revered as a saint on his
repose. Feast: 18 May.
Felix III (+ 530), the fifty-third pope and saint in succession, he was
greatly loved for his simplicity and almsgiving. He was succeeded by Boniface
II, who was the first pope of Germanic origin, and John II, neither of
whom is considered a saint. John II was the first pope to change names
on assuming that office. Feast: 22 September.
Agapitus I (+ 536), the son of a priest, he opposed monophysitism and
reposed in Constantinople. Feast: 22 April and 20 September (In the East
17 April). *
Silverius (+ 537), he was exiled to Asia Minor as a result of political
intrigues. He later died in exile from starvation and various hardships
and injustices. He was venerated as a martyr for Orthodoxy. He was succeeded
by five popes who are not saints. Feast: 20 June.
Gregory I, 'the Great' (in the East 'the Dialogist') (+ 604). One of only
two popes to be called 'the Great' (with St. Leo), this able and energetic
saint was possibly the greatest of all Roman popes. Known as 'the Apostle
of the English', he also did much to convert the Lombards and the Goths.
A true monk and ascetic, he wrote much about the monastic life, and was
greatly concerned for liturgical life and the poor. Some 850 of his letters
survive as well as other extremely important patristic and pastoral works,
especially his Dialogues. Notably, he condemned as 'antichrist' any bishop
who claimed universal jurisdiction and supremacy. Feast: 12 March. *
IV (+ 615). A follower of St Gregory the Great, he was also a true monk.
Preceded by two popes who are not saints. Feast: 25 May.
I (+ 618), Roman. 'Simple, devout, wise and shrewd', he loved ordinary
priests and did much for those then suffering from the plague. He was
succeeded by five popes who are not saints. Feast: 8 November.
Martin I (+ 655), from Umbria. Condemning the monothelite heresy, he was
arrested in Constantinople and starved to death. He was the last Pope
of Rome to be martyred. He is widely venerated in the East. Feast: 12
November (In the East 14 April). *
Eugene I (+ 657), Roman. Famed for his mildness and kindness to the poor,
this saintly man resisted threats to his life from the Emperor in Constantinople.
Feast: 2 June.
Vitalian (+ 672), opposed monothelitism and appointed the first Greek
Archbishop of Canterbury, St Theodore. Feast: 27 January (In the East
23 July). *
Agatho (+ 681), Sicilian of Greek origin. Preceded by two popes who are
not saints, he was a kindly and generous man, who also helped call the
Sixth Oecumenical Council and helped end monotheletism. Feast: 10 January
(20 February in the East). *
Leo II (+ 683), Sicilian, possibly of Greek descent. He confirmed the
condemnation of a predecessor, the heretical Pope Honorius I (+ 638),
who had fallen into the monothelite heresy. He loved the poor and was
also much concerned with church music. Feast: 3 July.
Benedict II (+ 685), Roman. He loved the poor and was humble-minded and
gentle. Feast: 7 May.
Sergius I (+ 701), born in Palermo, he was a Syrian. Able and energetic,
he did much for missionary work in England and northern Europe. He loved
the liturgy and church singing and introduced the feast of the Exaltation
of the Cross into the West. He was preceded by two popes who are not saints
and succeeded by four other non-saints, two Greeks and two Syrians. Feast:
8 September.
Gregory II (+ 731), the most outstanding Roman pope of the eighth century
An able leader, he condemned iconoclasm as a heresy and did much to encourage
missionary work, like that of St Boniface among the German tribes. He
restored churches and fostered the monastic life. Feast: 11 February.
Gregory III (+ 741), Syrian. He was acclaimed Pope by the crowds at his
predecessor's funeral. He vigorously opposed iconoclasm, built churches
and had them adorned with frescos, and also encouraged the monastic life
and fostered missionary work in northern Europe. Feast: 28 November.
Zacharias (+ 752), a Greek and the last Orthodox saint in this see, he
opposed iconoclasm, adorned churches with frescos, and did much for missionary
work and peace all over western Europe. Feast: 15 March.
Readers will notice that information on many of the early popes is lacking.
Many of these are also traditionally held to be martyrs, but there is
some uncertainty about this. It should be added that many of the popes
were opposed by antipopes, often heretics. This became more and more the
case in the Middle Ages when the Orthodox period of the papacy is over
and the institution becomes more political and worldly than religious
and spiritual.
reader will no doubt be struck by the fact so many of the early popes
are revered as saints, indeed, the first fifty-three in continuous succession.
If we take the period up till St Zacharias inclusive, of 90 popes, 68
are revered as saints. Perhaps even more striking is the fact that since
St Zacharias, the last Orthodox Roman pope to be a saint, there have been
no fewer than 173 popes. Of these only seven are today considered to be
saints by the Vatican: one of these was Nicholas I, the notorious filioquist
who condemned St Photius of Constantinople, another was Leo IX, the pope
ultimately responsible for excommunicating Patriarch Michael of Constantinople
in 1054.
with our thoughts on the holy Orthodox popes of Rome, let us pray with
one mind and one soul for the salvation of the once Orthodox lands of
the West and their salvation in this new millennium.
Orthodox Popes of Rome, pray to God for us!
Fr Andrew, 1999, revised and expanded 2005.