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Lord's Prayer is that special prayer given to us by the Saviour Himself.
Thus, any deformation of its meaning is a sign of a falling away from
Christ. In today's world where many men of power speak of the values of
a 'New World Order', the tendency is not only towards a deformation of
the meaning of the Lord's Prayer, but a complete reversal of its values.
Below we describe what we understand to be this tendency. We stress that
it is still only a tendency and not yet implemented in full. However,
it is good to be prepared and we pray that this tendency may not wholly
come to pass.
will be a word monopolized by the elite of the new world order. For the
subjects governed by the order, it will be replaced by 'my'. With the
individualism of those subject to the new world order, nothing will be
held in common, 'our' will no longer exist. In this way, the authorities
of the new world order, following the maxim, 'divide and rule', will be
able to exercise full control over all. Those who once formed communities
will be divided and so will be controlled and manipulated.
for the word 'Father', it will be made into a synonym for tyranny and
abuse. The new world order will not allow the use of the word 'Father',
for the father of the new world order is its satanic father. Without the
love of the Father, to Whom the subjects of the new order used to pray,
the world will fall into chaos. The new world order will then be able
to bring its own order, and individuals will surrender their freedom to
the order in exchange for the security given by their 'father'. Then the
new feudalism will begin. Without the Fatherhood of God, there will be
no Motherhood of woman and no Brotherhood of man, merely sterile, self-centred
individualism under central control.
word 'art', and also 'Thou', 'Thee', 'Thy' and 'Thine', will no longer
be understood. The new world order will put such a distance between the
world and God that the world will no longer use the intimate 'Thou'. 'Thou'
will no longer be used for Him, because the new order will live however
it pleases. The world will have no contact with God, because He will be
excluded from modern, limited, tiny minds and His death will be declared.
The new world order will impose its freedom - freedom from the interference
of the Love of God, and instead it will possess the freedom to hate and
annihilate all things.
new world order will proclaim that heaven does not exist. No-one will
therefore be able to 'be in heaven'. The only world will be the here and
now, the world of the new world order. Human-beings will become prisoners
of time and space and the powers to which time and space are submitted
- prisoners of the new world order. There will be no 'heaven', no ideal,
only the prison of hopeless cynicism and bitter and black despair.
be Thy Name.
new world order will continually take the Name of God in vain. This Name
will not be hallowed, but will become a banal term of surprise and abuse.
Thus the new world order will not hallow, but instead unhallow the holy
and saving Name of God and all things which were once subject to the Name.
kingdom come,
new world order will not want the Kingdom of the Father to come. It will
want to have its own kingdom, to live as it pleases. Even though it knows
that it will destroy the planet, making inevitable the Coming of the Kingdom,
illogically, it will still reject that inevitable Kingdom of the Father.
will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
new world order will not do the will of the Father. It will do the opposite
and thus create not heaven on earth, which is the plea of the Lord's Prayer,
but hell on earth. The new world order will pray to the father of lies,
and ask that his will be done on earth, as it is in hell, for hell is
where he keeps the laws, which must be extended to the earth according
to his ancient plan.
us this day our daily bread;
new world order will refuse to give literal bread to mankind. With artificial
scourges, wars, famines and chemical intoxication, it will make sure that
millions will die of starvation every year. There will be money for billions
of guns, but never enough money for five loaves to feed the masses. As
regards the true, spiritual sense of the Lord's Prayer, the new world
order will provide no understanding that daily bread means the Body of
Christ. Under its all-pervading influence, even those primitives who will
still weakly believe in the Eucharist will mostly stand silently and refuse
to take communion. Yes, they will still try and pray that they be given
not yearly, monthly or weekly bread, but daily bread, and yet will not
accept this gift even yearly or monthly, let alone weekly and daily.
forgive us our trespasses,
ask for forgiveness? The new world order will do nothing wrong, as will
be proved by its total control of the media through 'shock and awe'. The
new world order will be too important and infallible, too rational and
scientific, to ask for forgiveness. The new world order will be justified
because it will be modern and in full control. In the new world order
there will be no trespasses and therefore no forgiveness will be needed.
we forgive them that trespass against us;
new world order will not need to forgive, for it will eliminate all those
who trespass against it. Just as there will be no reason to ask for forgiveness,
so there will be no reason to forgive.
lead us not into temptation,
the contrary, the new world order will command: Lead them all into temptation
constantly, all of them. When they are still children, the new world order
will steal away their innocence from them, bombarding them with 500 channels
of junk television, giving them internet pornography by computer and mobile
phone, exposing them to foul lessons in schools, selling them evil magazines
and newspapers and showing them billboards covered with filth. In this
way the prodigals so conditioned will never be inclined to prayer, or
to knowledge of goodness, beauty and truth, which might raise them up
above the level of the swine, whose food they will eat. It will corrupt
them with the evil examples of their leaders, so that they will fall,
and never, never, never be able to raise themselves up again. In a word,
the new world order will take their souls, and then give them back to
them, dead.
deliver us from the evil one.
new world order will so fully manipulate through the black grace of its
father, the evil one, that it will not even admit of his existence. Belief
in the devil - how old-fashioned! The only evil will be that of those
primitives who disagree with the modern and politically correct, who refuse
the new world order. And they will be eliminated.
Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory:
new world order will say: No, no, the kingdom is all mine, the power is
all mine and the glory is all mine! It will say: I will fight to get it
all for myself, and it will all come to us, the kingdom to our politicians,
the power to our businessmen, the glory to our celebrity stars, but never
to Thee!
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
Divine Trinity. This cannot be, this does not accord with the ideology
of the new world order. A Holy Trinity Whose essence is Love, where all
is shared, but each has his own personality? This most dangerous revelation
of Love, Sharedness and Holiness is against all the dogmas of the new
world order, which believes, logically, in hatred, division and unholiness.
and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
always? No, the new world order will claim eternity as its captive, now
and always and always and always.
be it? No, it will not be so. The new world order will transform all things
and make them in the image of the one in whom the world lies, the father
of lies. The new world order will take its orders from its father. It
will be so.
And the gates of hell shall not prevail.