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Between 1 and 4 October, His Holiness Patriarch Alexis visited France.
There he officially thanked the French government for its historic role
in taking in hundreds of thousands of Russian émigrés,
who fled persecution after the atheist coup d’etat in Russia ninety
years ago. Then His Holiness visited the Russian cemetery at St Genevieve
de Bois to the south of Paris and celebrated a memorial service for the
representatives of exiled Russian culture and all faithful Orthodox who
repose there.
also met and spoke to the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, about the
situation of the Russian Church in France and its need for new churches,
notably, in Paris, where it needs a new and spacious Cathedral and Church
centre. In Paris the main service, in Slavonic and French, celebrated
by His Holiness and attended by some 9,000 people, had to take place in
the Notre Dame Cathedral, for lack of any other suitable building. President
Sarkozy has promised to help the Russian Church in this vital matter.
His Holiness also once more called schismatic elements from among the
children and grandchildren of Westernized émigré intellectuals,
who still occupy the old Russian Cathedral, back to unity with the Russian
Holiness gave several interviews. Among other things, it was explained
to the media that there can be no meeting between Patriarch Alexis and
the Pope of Rome as long as Uniatization is being pursued in the extreme
west of the Ukraine and Roman Catholic proselytism pursued elsewhere in
Russia. Until there is repentance for Roman Catholic aggression and intrigues
against the Russian Church and people since 1917 (if not also for those
during the long centuries before), any meeting with the Pope would be
a meaningless photo opportunity. Patriarch Alexis was also called onto
address the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, where he expressed the Orthodox
view on what is happening in Europe today and called Non-Orthodox Europeans
back to their Orthodox roots. He declared that:
a split that is fatal for European civilization is taking place between
human rights and morality. This can be seen in a new generation of human
rights which contradict morality and justify immoral acts. If we do not
take morality into account, then ultimately we do not take freedom into
account. Morality is freedom in action…the destruction of moral
standards and propaganda in favour of moral relativism can undermine the
world view of European man and lead the peoples of the Continent to a
point, beyond which European peoples will lose their spiritual and cultural
identity, in other words, their place in history. I am convinced that
if Europe is to keep its cultural identity, especially in its dealings
with other cultures and civilizations, it is extremely important to keep
this moral dimension, which spiritualizes and ennnobles the life of Europeans.
At the very least, with the help of State institutions, we must avoid
creating propaganda and encouraging anything that weakens or destroys
the moral foundations of society.
his historic visit to the spiritual vacuum of contemporary Western Europe
with an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, the Patriarch stated:
‘If the countries of Western Europe do not keep faith with their
spiritual and moral values, they have no future. Today, European society
is distinguished by an aggressive secular ideology, the cult of consumption
and the worship of the reason. If freedom does not go hand in hand with
a sense of responsibility and humility, then mankind and society enter
on a path of self-destruction’.