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Several English newspapers today (12 May 2004) speak of Prince Charles'
current pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain. As usual, they are full of gross
factual errors, sometimes deliberate pieces of anti-Christian nastiness
as in The Guardian, sometimes merely errors of sheer journalistic ignorance.
Nevertheless, as we mentioned in our article of Bright Monday 2002 (see
Archived Material), it is clear that the Prince of Wales is seriously
interested in Orthodox Christianity. As even The Guardian states, Mt Athos
is 'the world's holiest site'.
course it is hardly surprising when we consider that thirty years before
the birth of the royal Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor, several of
his relatives had been martyred in the Russia of 1918. His father, Prince
Philip, born in Corfu, is Greek Orthodox, his grandmother was an Orthodox
nun, who had a chapel in Buckingham Palace, and his cousin is the exiled
King Constantine of Greece. It was the latter who introduced Prince Charles
to Fr Ephraim of Vatopedi Monastery on the Holy Mountain.
is the Prince's third visit to Mt Athos in the last twelve months. During
this time he has not only given financial support to Vatopedi, but also
donated over £600,000 (in excess of $1,000,000) for restoration
work to the Serbian Monastery of Hilandari on Athos after the fire there
during Lent this year. Prince Charles' first visit to the Holy Mountain
took place very shortly after the death of Princess Diana in 1997. Many
have said that it was this tragedy which triggered that first visit to
Mt Athos. Whether this visit was sparked by human sorrow, or by a feeling
of contrition for any part he may have played in the Princess' own drama,
we cannot say. Most believe, however, that his interest in the Orthodox
Church goes back much further than these events and it is not merely a
matter of family background. It is said that he has had a genuine interest
in Orthodox life and spirituality for a very long time.
whatever Prince Charles' interior state, he is limited in his range of
actions regarding the Orthodox Faith. Unless he is to renounce his right
to inherit the British Throne, he cannot become Orthodox. The British
monarch must automatically become the head of the Protestant Church of
England, not becoming a member of the Orthodox Church. Given Prince Charles'
intense dislike for the sort of modernistic secular political correctness
which now dominates the Anglican Communion, which is virtually in schism
on the issue of homosexuality, perhaps his renunciation of the throne
would be no bad thing.
controversial pro-Orthodox position would then no longer be controversial.
The British throne could pass from Prince Charles, the eldest son of Queen
Elizabeth II, to Prince Charles' eldest son, Prince William. This would
leave Prince Charles with the spiritual freedom to renounce spiritual
emptiness and join the Orthodox Church. In self-renunciation and acceptance
of Orthodoxy, he would find not only a solution to his present anomalous
marital position. Above all he would recover his own roots and the spiritual
depth and historic righteousness of the Early Church.
the future decides, we can certainly agree with one Athonite monk: 'Prince
Charles is Orthodox in his heart'.
On 11
May, the Romanian Elder Fr Dionysius (Ignat) of Colciu Skete reposed in
Christ. (See our article: 'An Alternative Constitution for the European
Union' ). Aged 95, he had been on Mt Athos since 1926, longer than any
other monk. HRH Prince Charles attended his funeral, together with some
200 monks. May the Kingdom of Heaven be his!