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The division of the Russian Church into one part inside Russia and another outside Russia is providentially furthering the paintaking, comprehensive and detailed examination of the most important and fateful issues and problems of our homeland and our people. The coming reunion, which has made common the unrepeatable spiritual experience of both sides of the One Church, will undoubtedly turn into yet another motive for the rebirth of Russia.

Metropolitan John (Snychev) of St Petersburg and Ladoga (+ 1995), The Triumph of Orthodoxy, 30 December 1992

The unity between the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia would be of the greatest benefit both for Universal Orthodoxy and, particularly, of course, for the Russian Church. All the more so because this unity would above all reinforce the critique of ecumenism. We know how much attention ROCOR has given to the problem of ecumenism. Today, in the healthier atmosphere of unity within the whole pleroma of the Russian Church, this critique of ecumenism would be far more convincing. And not only for all the faithful of the Russian Church, but for the Orthodox world as a whole.

Archpriest Valentin Asmus, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, speaking on Radio Radonezh, 7 March 2007.

This year will go down in the annals of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church as the year when the terrible wound, caused by the Revolution of 1917, was healed and the two branches of the Russian Orthodox Church were reunited.

All the issues which were preventing the restoration of canonical and eucharistic communion have been solved...

The present mood of the ROCOR flock is best characterized by the fact that people in all our dioceses and parishes earnestly wish to make their way to Moscow, to become eyewitnesses and participants in the solemnities connected with the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion on 17 May. ROCOR is even chartering an Aeroflot plane, not only for the official delegation and a combined ROCOR choir under the direction of the choirmaster of the Synodal Cathedral in New York, but also for a large group of pilgrims, many ordinary parishioners of all ages.

In all her history, the Russian Orthodox Church has never seen such solemnities, and so a new church service has had to be drawn up. At the same time, it is now crystal clear that there is a quite intentional campaign of those who are trying their utmost to break off the process of reunion. But this does not trouble healthy forces and this course of events was even to be expected.

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev, Secretary of the Commission of ROCOR for Negotiations with the Moscow Patriarchate.

ITAR-TASS/Sedmitza.RU, 14 March 2007

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