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In your patience possess ye your souls.
Lk 21, 19
will seek to devour you’.
Alexander Nelidov, shortly before his repose
forthcoming celebration of unity in the Russian Orthodox Church will,
please God, be a celebration with Pan-Orthodox consequences. For it will
have been achieved against the lobbying and politicking of groups who
have constantly attempted to sabotage the process of unity. It will be
a celebration of the overcoming of injustices that affected all the Local
Orthodox Churches in the twentieth century. Those injustices were caused
by the spiritual impurity of small minorities against large majorities.
They included:
Injustices against the Russian Orthodox faithful of the Patriarchal Church,
caused either by those who had infiltrated the Church from outside or
by certain representatives of the Church who suffered from human weaknesses.
against the Russian Orthodox faithful of the Patriarchal Church, caused
by from modernist ideologues, whether inside or outside Russia, who in
their souls and minds had lapsed from Orthodoxy and lost their Faith.
against the faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, who
were slandered and persecuted by others for their faithfulness to the
Orthodox Tradition. For decades these refused to concelebrate with us,
attempting to isolate us at the instigation of the Soviet Secret Services.
against the faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, committed
by others who attempted to introduce a political, pharisaic and sectarian
mentality into the Church from the Cold War world outside, even putting
the great St John of Shanghai on trial.
Let us keep on the Cross, veering neither to left nor right, for the place
of the Cross, the place of injustice, is also the place of spiritual purity,
the place of prayer for our enemies, and thus the place of the Resurrection.
January/1 February
St Macarius the Great