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Ruins, Ashes, Tears, Death and Rage

One hundred and twenty-five years ago, through all the villages of Europe life was a short, hard, poor but often dignified walk from the door to the window, from birth and baptism to the parting of the soul and the funeral service. Inbetween, the villagers walked in wedding procession to church, accompanied by children and musicians, playing and singing the folk songs of the past.

Although you, Satan, were shut up in hell, you plotted and grinned, for your minions were toiling in the new towns and cities, making the hearts of the rich hard and the hearts of the poor envious. And so you tried to make Marxism the opium of the intellectuals. In this way you deprived first the rich and then the poor of what they had had before and

One hundred years ago, you tried to make Militarism the opium of the people. You built dread battleships and flying machines, you forged huge cannons and shells, cunningly-machined guns and gas-weapons, training great armies of men, whom you would soon slaughter or maim or drive insane and leave to wander among the ruins. Then the world heard the rasping laugh of you, Satan, and your hordes and

Seventy-five years ago, you tried to make Fascism the opium of the people. You built great airfleets, bombs with unheard of destructive power, new and monstrous armaments, and prepared camps where millions from other races would be worked and starved and gassed to death, their bodies turned to ashes. Then the world heard the raucous laugh of you, Satan, and your hordes and

Fifty years ago, you tried to make Consumerism the opium of the people. You proclaimed the idol of money and manipulated a generation to spend and consume and pleasure themselves with all that you desired, but which they did not need, building bubbles for their selves and their tears. Then the world heard the screams of delight of you, Satan, and your hordes and

Twenty-five years ago, you tried to make Mammonism the opium of the people. Tired of simple pleasures, you told them to spend their money on self-destruction, on opium and many other addictions, leaving their bodies to wither and die. Then the world heard the cackling laugh of you, Satan, and your hordes and

Today, after the ravages of Marxism, Militarism, Fascism, Consumerism and Mammonism and the loss of all the hopes of the past, you are trying to make Despair the opium of the people.

You have tried to enslave them to things which they do not need, made from materials that can never be replaced, and so enslave them to debts which they can never pay. Now violent protests rage on the streets of Tunis, Cairo, Athens, Madrid, Dublin, Zagreb, Tbilisi, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, London and tomorrow in the next city on your list.

What is left of all the human doctrines that Satan inspired? Only ruins, ashes, tears, death and rage.

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