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Grimbald July 8 + 901. A monk at Saint Bertin in the north of France. In 885 King Alfred invited him to England. He became Abbot of Winchester and he helped restore learning in England. Elswith July 20 + 903. Wife of King Alfred the Great, after his death she became a nun at the convent which she had founded in Winchester. Pandwyna Aug 26 + c 904. A holy virgin born in Ireland. The church in Eltisley in Cambridgeshire in England is dedicated to her. Cormac Sept 14 + 908. Probably the first Bishop of Cashel in Ireland. The 'Psalter of Cashel' compiled by him still exists. Adalbero Apr 28 + 909. Uncle of St Ulric, he became a monk in 850 and then Abbot of Ellwangen in Germany. He restored the monastery of Lorsch and became Bishop of Augsburg. Gerald of Aurillac Oct 13 855-909. Gerald, Count of Aurillac in France, led virtuous life as a layman. He founded a monastery on his estate and endowed it. He is the patron-saint of Upper Auvergne. Hadelin (Adelheim) Nov 10 + c 910. A monk and Abbot of Saint-Calais and then Bishop of Séez in France from c 884 on. Notker Balbulus Apr 6 c 840-912. Nicknamed Balbulus, i.e. the Stammerer. He was born near Zurich in Switzerland and when still a child entered the monastery of St Gall where he spent his whole life, excelling as a musician Plegmund Aug 2 + 914. The tutor of King Alfred and twentieth Archbishop of Canterbury. Born in Cheshire (his hermitage at Plemstall, Plegmundstow, was named after him). He restored the Church in England after the Danish attacks and was a notable scholar. Tutilo March 28 + c 915. A gifted and artistic monk at St Gall in Switzerland. Betto Feb 24 + 918. A monk at Sainte Colombe in Sens in France. He became Bishop of Auxerre in 889. Radbod Nov 29 + 918. Bishop of Utrecht in Holland from 900 to 918. Ludmilla Sept 16 + 921. Princess of Czechia, entrusted with the education of the young prince St Wenceslas, she was the victim of jealousy and was strangled by hired assassins. Athelhelm (Athelm) Jan 8 + 923. Paternal uncle of St Dunstan. A monk and then Abbot of Glastonbury in England, he became first Bishop of Wells in Somerset and in 923 twenty-first Archbishop of Canterbury. Ansurius (Aduri, Asurius, Isauri) Jan 26 + 925. Bishop of Orense in Galicia, he helped found the monastery of Ribas de Sil in Spain. He became bishop in 915, but in 922 became a simple monk at the monastery. After his repose he was venerated there, together with seven other bishops who had followed his example. Wiborada (Guiborat, Weibrath) May 2 + 925. A Swabian noble in Germany. When her brother became a monk at St Gall in Switzerland, she became an anchoress not far away, and here she lived the rest of her life. She was martyred by invading Hungarians. Pelagius (Pelayo) June 26 c 912-925. A young boy from Asturias in Spain left as a hostage with the Moors in Cordoba. He was offered freedom and other rewards if he would accept Islam. These inducements were repeatedly put before him during the three years that he was kept in prison. On his stubborn refusal, he was tortured, which he endured for six hours before finally reposing. His relics were transferred to Leon in 967 and to Oviedo in 985. Edith of Polesworth July 15 + c 925. Abbess of Polesworth in England and a sister of a King of England. Tigridia (or Trigidia) Nov 22 + c 925. A daughter of Count Sancho Garcia who founded for her the convent of Oña, near Burgos in Spain. Berno Jan 13 + 927. Born in Burgundy in France, he became a monk at St Martin in Autun. He restored Baume-les-Messieurs and founded monasteries at Gigny, Bourg-Dieu, Massay and Cluny (910), where he was abbot until 926. Gerald May 29 + 927. A monk at Brou in France, he became Bishop of Mâcon but after some forty years as bishop he returned to his monastery and reposed there. Wenceslas (Viacheslav) Sept 28 907-929. Prince of Czechia, he was brought up in the Orthodox Faith by his grandmother, the future martyr Ludmilla. During a pagan reaction in 922, which he tried to stop through patience and mildness, he too was martyred as a result of a political conspiracy. He is the patron-saint of Czechia. Hugh of Anzy-le-Duc Apr 20 + c 930. Born in Poitiers in France, he became a monk at Saint Savin. Later he restored monastic life in several monasteries. He reposed at Anzy-le-Duc. Tuto (Totto) May 14 + 930. A monk and Abbot of St Emmeram in Regensburg in Germany, where he later became bishop. Adelindis Aug 28 + c 930. As a widow she founded and became a nun, and perhaps Abbess, of Buchau on the Federsee in Wurtemburg in Germany. Frithestan Sept 10 + 932. A disciple of St Grimbald, he was consecrated Bishop of Winchester in England by St Plegmund. He was bishop for twenty-three years, loved the poor and prayed much for the departed. Gregory of Nonantula Aug 3 + 933. Abbot of Nonantula near Modena in Italy. Birnstan (Beornstan) Nov 4 + c 934. Successor of St Frithestan as Bishop of Winchester in England. He loved to pray for the departed. Gennadius May 25 + c 936. A monk at Argeo near Astorga in Spain, he restored the monastery of San Pedro de Montes. About the year 895 he became Bishop of Astorga, but five years before his repose he returned to his beloved San Pedro to live as a hermit. Uni (Unni, Unno, Huno) Sept 17 + 936. A monk at New Corvey in Germany, in 917 he became Bishop of Bremen-Hamburg. He helped enlighten Sweden and Denmark and reposed in Birka in Sweden. Elfleda (Aelflead) Oct 23 + c 936. A princess who lived as an anchoress in Glastonbury in England. She was revered by St Dunstan. Lucidus July 28 + ? 938. A monk of St Peter's near Aquara in the south of Italy. Aldegrin (Adalgrin, Aldegrin) June 4 + 939. A noble who became a monk near Cluny in France. Urban Apr 6 + c 940. Abbot of the Monastery of Peñalba near Astorga in Spain. Guy June 18 + c 940 The successor of St Berno at Baume in France. About the year 940 he resigned and lived as a hermit near Fay-en-Bresse. Benno Aug 3 + 940. Born in Swabia in Germany, he became a hermit on Mt Etzel in Switzerland, St Meinrad's former hermitage. He lived there with a few disciples, so founding the monastery of Einsiedeln. In 927 he became Bishop of Metz in France. Striving to overcome abuses, he was attacked and blinded by enemies of Christ. He resigned and returned to Einsiedeln. Odo of Cluny May 11 c 879-942. Born in Maine in the west of France, he became a monk at Baume in 909 and Abbot of Cluny in 927. He freed Cluny from secular interference, paving the way for its rapid growth. He reposed in Tours at the tomb of St Martin. Hermogius June 26 + c 942. Born in Tuy in Spain, he founded the monastery of Labrugia in Galicia in 915. He was taken prisoner by the Moors and taken to Cordoba, but was later freed. His nephew, St Pelagius, was kept as a hostage. Elgiva May 18 + 944. Widow of King Edmund and mother of St Edgar, she became Abbess of Shaftesbury in England. Maurus Jan 20 + 946. He became monk and Abbot of Classe in Ravenna in Italy (926), and finally Bishop of Cesena. He built for himself a cell on a hill near the city, where he spent part of his time in prayer. After his repose the cell grew into the monastery of Santa Maria del Monte. Rachildis Nov 23 + c 946. An anchoress who lived near the monastery of St Gall in Switzerland. Vincent May 9 + c 950. Abbot of St Peter de Montes in Spain and a disciple and successor of St Gennadius. Olav of Sweden July 30 + c 950. King of Sweden, martyred by the heathen for refusing to sacrifice to idols at the spot where Stockholm now stands. Victor (Vitores) Aug 26 + c 950. By tradition Victor was a priest in Spain martyred by the Moors in the ninth or tenth century. Pelagius, Arsenius and Sylvanus Aug 30 + c 950. Hermits near Burgos in Old Castile in Spain who were martyred by the Saracens. Faciolus Sept 7 + c 950. A monk at the monastery of St Cyprian in Poitiers in France. Alphege the Elder March 12 + 951. Also called 'the Bald'.. He became Bishop of Winchester in England in 935. He encouraged many to become monks, notably his relative St Dunstan, whom he ordained priest. Rasso (Ratho) May 17 + 953. A noble from Bavaria in Germany, he fought bravely against the invading Hungarians. Later he went on pilgrimage to Palestine and Rome and on his return founded the monastery of Worth in Bavaria (now called Grafrath after him) and became a monk there. Odilo Oct 15 + c 954. A monk at Gorze in Lorraine in France, in 945 he became Abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy in Belgium. Thiento and Companions Aug 10 + 955. Abbot of Wessobrunn in Bavaria in Germany, he was martyred with six of his monks by invading Hungarians. Agilo Aug 27 + 957. Monk of St Aper in Toul in France. He was invited to restore monastic discipline at Sithin (Saint Bertin). Eberhard of Einsiedeln Aug 14 + 958. Born in Swabia in Germany, he became a monk and then the first Abbot of Einsiedeln in Switzerland. Columbanus Feb 2 + 959. Born in Ireland, he lived as a hermit near the church of Saint-Bavo in Ghent in Belgium. Oda (Odo) the Good July 4 + 959. Born in East Anglia of Danish parents, he became a monk at Fleury in France, then Bishop of Ramsbury in England and in 942 Archbishop of Canterbury. As Archbishop he played a prominent role under Kings Edmund and Edgar and paved the way for monastic restoration under Sts Dunstan, Oswald (Oda's nephew) and Ethelwold. Gerard of Brogne Oct 3 + 959. Born near Namur in Belgium, he went to France where he became a monk at St Denis. After some years he was ordained priest and left for Belgium in order to found a new monastery on his own estate at Brogne. He was Abbot here for twenty-two years and revived monastic life in Flanders, Lorraine and Champagne. Reinold (Rainald, Reynold) Jan 7 + 960. A monk at the monastery of St Pantaleon in Cologne in Germany. He was killed by stonemasons who threw his body into a pool near the Rhine. It was later found by divine revelation. Edburgh (Edburga) of Winchester June 15 + 960. Daughter of Edward the Elder and granddaughter of Alfred the Great, she was placed as a child in the convent which King Alfred's widow had founded in Winchester in England. Her shrine in Pershore in Worcestershire was famous for its miracles. Salvius Feb 10 + 962. Abbot of Albelda in the north of Spain. Mundus (Munde, Mund, Mond) Apr 15 + c 962. An abbot who founded several monasteries in Argyle in Scotland. Guibertus May 23 + 962. A noble from Lorraine in France, who after a military career lived the life of a hermit on his own estate of Gembloux in Brabant in Belgium. Eventually he turned it into a monastery before retiring to the monastery of Gorze in the east of France. Gorman Aug 28 + 965. A monk at Reichenau in Germany, he preached the Gospel and became Bishop of Schleswig in Denmark. Aymard Oct 5 + 965 He succeeded St Odo as Abbot of Cluny in France in 942. However, after about ten years he became blind and resigned his office to St Majolus, setting for all an example of resignation for the rest of his life. Bruno Oct 11 c 925-965. Sometimes called 'the Great', in 953 he became Bishop of Cologne in Germany. Guerembaldus Nov 10 + 965. A monk at Hirschau in Germany, who out of humility refused to become Bishop of Spire. Englatius (Englat, Tanglen) Nov 3 + 966. Possibly a bishop, he lived in Tarves in Aberdeenshire in Scotland. Raynerius (Raynier) Feb 22 + c 967. A monk at Beaulieu near Limoges in France. Odo of Massay June 7 + 967. Abbot of Massay in France (935-967). Matilda (Mathildis, Maud) March 14 + 968. Wife of the German king Henry the Fowler, she was very generous and founded, among others, the monasteries of Nordhausen, Pöhlde, Engern and Quedlinburg in Germany. She was a widow for thirty years and suffered greatly at the hands of her sons, by whom she was despoiled of most of her possessions. Merewenna Feb 10 + c 970. Abbess of Romsey, a convent in Hampshire in the south of England. Ethelfleda (Elfleda) Oct 23 + c 970. Daughter of Earl Ethelwold, founder of Romsey in England, she became a nun there and eventually abbess after St Merewenna. Ulric (Uldaricus, Udalric) July 4 c 890-973. Born in Augsburg in Germany, at the age of seven he was sent to the monastery of St Gall in Switzerland. In 923 he became Bishop of Augsburg and protected his people against the invading Magyars. In his old age he lived as a monk at St Gall. In 993 he became the first person to be canonised by the Pope of Rome. John of Gorze Feb 27 + c 975. Born in Vandières near Metz in the east of France, after some years in the world, he made a pilgrimage to Rome. On his return he restored and entered the monastery of Gorze in Lorraine in 933. Emperor Otto I sent him as his ambassador to the Caliph Abd-er-Rahman of Cordoba, where he stayed for two years. In 960 he became Abbot of Gorze,. Edgar the Peaceful July 8 + 975. A King of England who repented of a depraved youth and whose reign was marked by a strong religious revival in England. Thurketyl (Turketil) July 11 887-975. Of Danish origin, he restored the monastery of Crowland in England, which had been destroyed by the pagan Danes. He was also abbot of the monastery at Bedford. Alaricus (Adalricus, Adalrai) Sept 29 + 975. Son of Duke Burkhard II of Swabia. A monk at Einsiedeln in Switzerland, eventually he became a hermit on the island of Uffnau in the lake of Zurich. Conrad of Constance Nov 26 + 975. Bishop of Constance in Germany from 934 on. He went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land three times. Cadroe (Cadroel) March 6 + 976. Born in Scotland, he lived in Armagh in Ireland. He went to France and lived as a monk at Fleury. He then became Abbot of Waulsort on the Meuse in Belgium and finally lived in Metz. Anastasius Jan 7 + 977. Archbishop of Sens from 968 to 977, he began building the Cathedral and greatly helped the monks of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif, in whose church he was buried. Rudesind (Rosendo) March 1 907-977. Born of a noble family in Galicia in Spain, he became Bishop of Mondoñedo and then of Compostella. In this capacity he opposed with equal success both the Vikings and the Saracens. Exiled from Compostella through an intrigue, he founded the monastery of Celanova and other monasteries. Maccallin (Macallan) Jan 21 + 978. Born in Ireland, he went to St Fursey's shrine in Péronne in France and entered the monastery of Gorze. Later he became a hermit and then Abbot of St Michael's monastery at Thiérache and Waulsort near Dinant in Belgium. Edward the Martyr March 18 + 978. The son of Edgar the Peaceful, he became King of England at the age of thirteen, in 978 he was murdered by plotters at Corfe and buried in Wareham in Dorset. He was at once acclaimed as a martyr. His relics are venerated in an Orthodox church in Surrey to this day. Gerold Apr 19 + 978. Of the family of the Counts of Saxony in Germany, he donated his land to the monastery of Einsiedeln in Swizerland where his two sons, Cuno and Ulric, were monks. He went to live as a hermit at a village near Mitternach. Ulric of Einsiedeln May 29 + c 978. Son of St Gerold, he became a monk at the monastery of Einsiedeln in Switzerland. After his father's death he retired to live as a hermit in the latter's cell. Liafdag Feb 3 c 980. He became Bishop in Jutland in Denmark and met the needs of the growing number of Orthodox there but was martyred by pagans. Fantinus Aug 30 + c 980. A monk in Calabria in Italy and Abbot of St Mercurius. He was already old when his monastery was destroyed by the Saracens. Elstan Apr 6 + 981. A monk at Abingdon in England with St Ethelwold, he was celebrated as a model of obedience. He became Bishop of Ramsbury and succeeded St Ethelwold as Abbot of Abingdon. Adalbert June 20 + 981. A monk at St Maximin in Trier in Germany, he went to preach to the pagans. In 961 all his companions were killed by them and he only escaped with difficulty. He then became Abbot of Weissenburg and in 968 the first Archbishop of Magdeburg with jurisdiction over the western Slavs or Sorbs. Senorina Apr 22 + 982. She was related to St Rudesind of Mondoñedo. Entrusted to the care of her aunt, Abbess Godina at the convent of St John of Venaria (Vieyra), she later became its abbess. As such she moved the convent to Basto near Braga in Portugal. Forannan Apr 30 + 982. Born in Ireland, he went to the monastery of Waulsort on the Meuse in Belgium and became a monk and in 962 abbot. John of Parma May 22 + c 982. Born in Parma in Italy, he was ordained priest. He is said to have made six pilgrimages to Jerusalem. He became Abbot of St John's in Parma (973-c 982). Amaswinthus Dec 22 + 982. Monk and abbot for forty-two years at a monastery in Silva de Málaga in Spain. Ludolf Aug 13 + 983. Abbot of New Corvey in Westphalia in Germany from 971 to 983. Gausmarus June 3 + 984 Abbot of St Martin of Savigny in France (954-984). Ethelwold Aug 1 912-984. Born in Winchester in England and already a monk and priest, in 955 he became Abbot of Abingdon and in 963 Bishop of Winchester. Together with St Dunstan and St Oswald of York he led the monastic revival of the age, restoring the monasteries of Newminster, Milton Abbas, Chertsey, Peterborough, Thorney and Ely to monastic life after occupation by married clergy. For this reason, he was called 'The Father of Monks'. The Winchester School of Illumination flourished under him, as did developments in music and liturgy. Edith of Wilton Sept 16 + 984. Daughter of King Edgar and St Wilfrida. She became a nun at Wilton in England at the age of fifteen. She reposed at the age of twenty-two, famous for her generosity to the poor and her familiarity with wild animals. Bobo (Beuvon) May 22 + c 985. A warrior who fought bravely against invading Saracens and then lived as a hermit in repentance. He reposed at Pavia in Italy while on pilgrimage to Rome. Hatto July 4 + 985. Born of a noble Swabian family, he left all his property to the monastery of Ottobeuren in Germany and became a monk there. Wiltrudis Jan 6 + c 986. After her husband's death (c 947), she founded (c 976) the convent of Bergen near Neuburg in Germany and herself became a nun and the first abbess. Minnborinus July 18 + 986. Born in Ireland, he became Abbot of St Martin's in Cologne in Germany (974-986). Sandratus (Sandradus) Aug 24 + 986. A monk of the monastery of St Maximinus at Trier in Geramny. In 972 he was sent by the Emperor Otto I to restore the monastery of St Gall. Shortly afterwards he became Abbot of Gladbach and in 981 Abbot of Weissenburg also. Peter Urseolus Jan 10 928-987. Born in Venice in Italy, at the age of twenty Peter became Admiral of the Venetian fleet. In 976 he became Doge of Venice. After two years, he disappeared from Venice to become a monk at the monastery of Cuxa in Spain, where he later lived as a hermit. Dunchaid O'Braoin Jan 16 + 988. Born in Westmeath in Ireland, he lived as a hermit near the monastery of Clonmacnoise until the year 969, when he became abbot there. Dunstan May 19 909-988. Born near Glastonbury, he became a monk and abbot there. He was called to court as a counsellor but was forced into exile. He then spent a year in Ghent, a centre of monastic revival, but then he was recalled to England by King Edgar and became his main advisor. He was consecrated Bishop of Worcester in 957 and Archbishop of Canterbury in 961. Together with Sts Ethelwold of Winchester and Oswald of York, he restored monastic life in England. He reposed peacefully at Canterbury. Wilfrida Sept 13 + c 988. Mother of St Edith of Wilton in England. After Edith's birth, Wilfrida went to Wilton where she became a nun. As a nun, and later as abbess, she led a repentant and edifying life. Wolfrid June 21 + c 990. Founder of the monastery of Hohentwiel in Germany. Oswald Feb 28 + 992. Born in England of a noble Danish family, he was the nephew of St Oda of Canterbury. He went to Fleury in France to learn from monastic life and later became Bishop of Worcester (961), identifying himself with St Dunstan and St Ethelwold in their efforts to revive monastic life in England. St Oswald founded monasteries at Ramsey and at Worcester. In 972 he became Archbishop of York. He repose on his knees after washing the feet of twelve poor people, as was his daily practice. Mary (Mileda, Mlada) Feb 8 + 994. Daughter of Boleslav, Duke of Czechia. She founded the convent of St George in Prague. Gerard of Toul Apr 23 + 994. Born in Cologne in Germany, he became Bishop of Toul in France in 963. He rebuilt the Cathedral and established monasteries with both Greek and Irish monks for the furtherance of the Orthodox Faith. Majolus (Maieul) May 11 c 906-994. Born in Avignon in France, became a priest and then a monk at Cluny in order to avoid becoming a bishop. Later he became Abbot of Cluny, advising Popes and Emperors. Wolfgang Oct 31 924-994. Born in Swabia in Germany, he became a monk at Einsiedeln in Switzerland (964). In 971 he was ordained and with a group of monks went to convert the Magyars, but in 972 he was made Bishop of Regensburg. He was a great benefactor of the poor. Victor Feb 25 + 995. A monk at St Gall in Switzerland who became a hermit in the Vosges in France where he reposed. Gebhard Aug 27 + 995. Bishop of Constance in Germany (979-995). In 983 he founded the monastery of Petershausen near Constance where he was buried. Gregory of Einsiedeln Nov 8 + 996. On pilgrimage from England to Rome, he became a monk. On his way home he stopped at the monastery of Einsiedeln in Switzerland in 949. Eventually he became abbot there and the monastery flourished under him. Adalbert (Voitech) Apr 23 956-997. Born in Czechia, he became Bishop of Prague (983). Disheartened, he went to Rome and became a monk. Twice he returned to his former mission and twice he had to abandon it. On each occasion he preached in Poland, Prussia and Hungary. He was martyred by the Prussians near Danzig. Gregory of Burtscheid Nov 4 + 999. A Greek monk from Cerchiara in Calabria in Italy, he fled from the Saracens and met Emperor Otto III in Rome. The latter befriended him, invited him to Germany and built for him the monastery of Burtscheid near Aachen. Adelaide Dec 16 c 930-999. Daughter of the King of Burgundy in France, she was married to Lothair II of Italy. She was rescued from brutality after his death by Otto the Great who married her. Widowed again, she was maltreated by her son and daughter-in-law. In old age she became the regent of the Empire. At the end of her life she became a nun. Gregory Makar March 16 + c 1000. An Armenian who became a monk and was elected Bishop of Nicopolis in Armenia. He fled to France and settled as a hermit in Pithiviers near Orleans. Felix of Montecassino March 23 + c 1000. A monk at Montecassino. On account of the many miracles at his tomb the Bishop of Chieti enshrined his relics for veneration. Robert of Syracuse Apr 25 + c 1000. Abbot of a monastery in Syracuse in Sicily. Illuminatus May 11 + c 1000. A monk at the Monastery of San Mariano in his native town of San Severino near Ancona in Italy. Wulfhild Sept 9 + c 1000. Abbess of convents at Barking and Horton, both in England. Peter Martinez Sept 10 + c 1000. Also called St Peter of Mozonzo. He was born in Spain and in about 950 became a monk at the monastery of St Mary of Mozonzo. Later he became Abbot of St Martin in Compostella and finally (c 986) Archbishop there. Virila Oct 1 + c 1000. Abbot of the monastery of the Saviour in Leyre in Spain. Germanus of Montfort Nov 1 c 906-1000. Born in Montfort in France, he became a monk at the monastery of Savigny. He reposed as a hermit. Leo of Nonantula Nov 20 + 1000. Monk and abbot of the monastery of Nonantula near Modena in Italy. Wolfeius Dec 9 c 1000. A hermit at St Benet Hulme in Norfolk in England. Meingold Feb 8 10th cent. A holy man, Meingold lived in Huy on the Meuse and was venerated in Belgium Antony March 9 10th cent. A monk at Luxeuil in France, he became a hermit in Froidemont in Franche-Comté. Alkeld (Athilda) March 27 10th cent. Two churches in Yorkshire in England are dedicated to this holy woman who was martyred by the Danes. Drogo Apr 2 10th cent. After a worldly life, Drogo became a monk at Fleury-sur-Loire in France and afterwards at Baume-les-Messieurs. Sunniva (Sunnifa) July 8 10th cent. By tradition, Sunniva was a princess who fled from Ireland with her brother and others. They were shipwrecked off the coast of Norway but landed on Selje Island. Here they were slain by people from the mainland and their relics were enshrined in Bergen. Benedicta and Cecilia Aug 17 10th cent. These two daughters of the King of Lorraine became nuns and successively Abbesses of Susteren in the Rhineland in Germany. Baya and Maura Nov 2 ? 10th cent. Anchoresses in Scotland, St Bava guided St Maura and the latter became abbess of a convent. Gervadius (Gernard, Garnet) Nov 8 10th cent. Born in Ireland, he went to Moray and became a hermit near Elgin in Scotland. Alberic (Albert) Dec 24 10th cent. A monk at Gladbach in Germany.