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Perpetua, Felicity, Saturus (Satyrus), Saturninus, Revocatus and Secundulus March 7 (in the East Feb 1) + 203. Vivia Perpetua was a young married woman of good social position. Felicity, also married, was a slave. The others were catechumens and Saturus perhaps their instructor. All were imprisoned together in Carthage in North Africa as a law of Septimus Severus forbade conversions to the faith. Secundulus died in prison: the others were thrown to the wild beasts in the amphitheatre on March 7. Their Acts were written by Saturus, one of the martyrs, and completed by an eyewitness. Andeolus May 1 + 208. A subdeacon from Smyrna sent to France by St Polycarp. He is said to have been martyred near Viviers on the Rhône. Africa, Martyrs of North-West Africa Jan 6 + c 210. A number of Christians of both sexes burnt at the stake under Septimius Severus. Martin of Trier July 19 + c 210. Tenth Bishop of Trier in Germany and possibly a martyr. Mavilus (Majulus) Jan 4 + 212. A martyr in Hadrumetum in North Africa, thrown to wild beasts at the time of Caracalla. Felix, Fortunatus and Achilleus Apr 23 + 212. St Felix, a priest, and his two deacons, Fortunatus and Achilleus, were sent by St Irenaeus of Lyons to enlighten the area around Vienne in France, where they were martyred. Ferreolus and Ferrutio June 16 + c 212. Ferreolus, a priest, and Ferrutio, a deacon, were brothers from Asia Minor. They were sent by St Irenaeus of Lyons to enlighten the area round Besançon in France, where they preached for thirty years and were finally martyred. Urciscenus June 21 + c 216. Seventh Bishop of Pavia in Italy c 183-216. Zephyrinus Aug 26 + 217. Pope of Rome from 198/9 to 217. He defended Orthodox Christology against heresies. Rome (Martyrs of) March 2 + 219. A large number of martyrs martyred in Rome under Alexander Severus and the prefect Ulpian. Callistus I Oct 14 + c 222. A Greek slave in Rome, he was ordained deacon by Pope Zephyrinus, whom he succeeded in 217. He condemned Sabellianism and other heresies, but was forgiving and tolerant to those whom rigorists regarded as sinners. As a deacon he had cared for the cemetery on the Appian Way, which is known by his name. He was probably martyred in Todi in Italy. Privatus Sept 28 + 223. A citizen of Rome scourged to death under Alexander Severus. Asterius Oct 21 + c 223. A Roman priest with Pope Callistus, whose body he secretly buried. For this reason he was cast into the Tiber at Ostia by order of the Emperor Alexander. Orthodox Christians recovered his body and buried it in Ostia where it is now enshrined in the Cathedral. Tatiana and Companions Jan 12 + c 225. A renowned virgin-martyr of the eminent Tatian family tortured and slain for the Orthodox Faith together with others in Rome. Martina Jan 30 + 228. A martyr in Rome under Alexander Severus. Urban I May 25 + 230. Born in Rome, he succeeded St Callistus as Pope of Rome (222-230). At that time the Church enjoyed relative peace. Calepodius, Palmatius, Simplicius, Felix, Blanda and Companions May 10 + 222-232. Martyrs in Rome under Alexander Severus. Calepodius, a priest, was the first to suffer; St Palmatius, of consular rank, died with his wife and children and forty-two members of his household. St Simplicius, a senator, was martyred with sixty-five members of his family and dependents. Sts Felix and Blanda were husband and wife. Andrew Jan 13 + c 235. The twelfth Bishop of Trier in Germany, whom some chroniclers also call a martyr. Florentius and Felix July 25 + 235. Two soldiers martyred under Maximinius the Thracian at Furcona near Aquila in the south of Italy. They belong to a group of eighty-three soldiers commemorated on July 24. Hippolytus, Concordia and Companions Aug 13 + c 235. Hippolytus was born in Rome where he became a priest, known for his excessive strictness. He was exiled to Sardinia but was reconciled to the Church before his martyrdom. He is one of the most important Church writers of his time. Pontian Aug 13 + 235. He succeeded St Urban I as Pope of Rome in 230. He was exiled by the Emperor Maximinus Thrax to Sardinia in c 235, where he died from ill-treatment. Quiriacus, Maximus Archelaus and Companions Aug 23 + c 235. Bishop, priest and deacon respectively, from Ostia in Italy, martyred with a number of Christian soldiers under Alexander Severus. Antherus Jan 3 (In the East Aug 5) + 236. A Greek who was Pope of Rome for only a few weeks. He may have been martyred and was buried in the catacomb of St Callistus, the first Pope to be so. Hippolytus of Porto Aug 22 + c 236. Bishop of Porto in Italy, martyred by drowning under Alexander. Orentius and Patientia May 1 + c 240. A husband and wife who lived at Loret near Huesca in Spain. An ancient Spanish tradition makes them the parents of St Laurence the Martyr. Crescens, Dioscorides, Paul and Helladius May 28 + c 244. Orthodox Christians burnt to death in Rome. Cyriaca (Dominica) Aug 21 + 249. A wealthy widow in Rome, she sheltered persecuted Orthodox Christians. The Roman Church of St Mary in Dominica recalls her. Monas Oct 12 + 249. Bishop of Milan in Italy from 193 for fifty-six years. He lived through several persecutions. Epictetus, Jucundus, Secundus, Vitalis, Felix and Companions Jan 9 + ? 250. Twelve martyrs in North Africa, who probably suffered under Decian. Epictetus was a bishop mentioned by St Cyprian. Felix of Nola Jan 14 + c 250. The son of a Romano-Syrian soldier who had settled in Nola near Naples in Italy. Felix was ordained a priest and devoted himself to his bishop, St Maximus, especially during the persecution which broke out under Decius. On account of his sufferings during the persecution, he was sometimes referred to as a martyr. Maximus of Nola Jan 15 + c 250. Bishop of Nola in Italy. He ordained St Felix. During the persecution of Decius he fled to the mountains, where he nearly died of exposure and hunger. He reposed in Nola worn out by the hardships he had endured for the Faith. Fabian Jan 20 (In the East Aug 5) + 250. Fabian succeeded St Antherus as Pope of Rome in 236 and was martyred in 250 under Decius. St Cyprian described him as an 'incomparable man' and added that the glory of his death matched the purity and goodness of his life. Celerinus Feb 3 + c 250. Born in North Africa, he earned the title of martyr on account of the sufferings he endured under Decius during a visit to Rome. Freed, he returned to Carthage, where he was ordained deacon and later a church was dedicated to him. Rome (Martyrs of) Feb 10 ? 250. Ten soldiers martyred on the Via Lavicana in Rome. Fusca and Maura Feb 13 + c 250. Two martyrs in Ravenna under Decius. Fusca was a young girl and Maura her nurse. Macarius, Rufinus, Justus and Theophilus Feb 28 + c 250. Potters by trade, they were martyred under Decius, perhaps in Rome, and were venerated in Bari and Bologna in Italy. Paul of Narbonne March 22 + c 250. Consecrated in Rome towards the middle of the third century and sent to France to preach the Gospel, which he did with great success in Narbonne. Nicon and Companions March 23 + c 250. Nicon was a Roman soldier of distinction who, while travelling in the East, became a Christian and a monk. His master left him with two hundred disciples. When persecution threatened Palestine, they fled to Sicily where they were martyred under Decius. Terence, Africanus, Pompeius and Companions Apr 10 + 250. A group of fifty martyrs, imprisoned with snakes and scorpions and finally beheaded in Carthage in North Africa under Decius. Mappalicus and Companions Apr 17 + 250. Martyrs in Carthage in North Africa under Decius. Eutropius Apr 30 c 250? One of the companions of St Dionysius of Paris. He is honoured as the first Bishop of Saintes and martyr. Sophia Apr 30 + c 250. A virgin from Fermo in central Italy martyred under Decius. Porphyrius May 4 + 250. A priest who preached in Umbria in Italy and was beheaded under Decius. Venantius May 18 + c 250. By tradition a boy of fifteen who was martyred in Camerino near Ancona in Italy under Decius. Calocerus and Parthenius May 19 + 250. Two brothers, eunuchs in the palace of Tryphonia, wife of the Emperor Decius. They were martyred in Rome in the Decian persecution. Castus and Emilius May 22 + c 250. Two martyrs who suffered in North Africa under Decius. At first they gave way under torture, but then repented. On being arrested a second time they were burnt to death. Felinus and Gratian June 1 + 250. Soldiers in the imperial army martyred in Perugia in Italy under Decius. Their relics were translated to Arona near Milan in 979. Florentius, Julian, Cyriacus, Marcellinus and Faustinus June 5 + 250. Martyrs beheaded in Perugia in central Italy under Decius. Martial of Limoges, Alpinian and Austriclinian June 30 + c 250. First Bishop of Limoges in France and Apostle of the Limousin, together with two of his priests. Anatolia and Audax July 9 + c 250. Martyrs in Rome under Decius. Confined to a prison near Rieti the small village now called Sant' Anatolia. Anatolia's miracles converted Audax, one of the guards. Rutilius Aug 2 + 250. Born in North Africa. During the persecution of Decius he fled from place to place, but he was finally arrested, bravely confessed Christ and was martyred. Agabius Aug 4 c 250. An early Bishop of Verona in Italy. Secundian, Marcellian and Verian Aug 9 + 250. Martyrs who suffered near Civitavecchia in Italy under Decius. Secundian seems to have been a prominent official. Cassian of Imola Aug 13 250 ? A martyr who refused to worship idols and suffered a slow death in Imola in Italy. Boniface and Thecla Aug 30 + c 250. Parents of the Twelve Brothers commemorated on Sept 1. They were martyred under Maximian in Hadrumetum, now Soussa in Tunisia in North Africa. Denis, Rusticus and Eleutherius Oct 9 + c 250. According to St Gregory of Tours, Denis, or Dionysius, was born in Italy and sent with five other bishops to Gaul: he became the first Bishop of Paris. He and his two companions were beheaded under Decius and the monastery of St Denis was built over their tomb. Maximus of Aquila Oct 20 + c 250. A zealous deacon of Aquila in the south of Italy, who was martyred by being thrown off an overhanging cliff near his native city during the persecution of Decius. He is venerated as the patron-saint of Aquila. Minias (Miniato) Oct 25 + c 250. A soldier in Florence in Italy, where he spread the Faith among his comrades and was martyred under Decius. A monastery in Florence was dedicated to him. Bassus Dec 5 + c 250. Bishop of Nice in France. He was martyred under Decius, his body transfixed with two huge nails. Moses (Moysetes) Dec 18 + c 250. A martyr in North Africa who probably suffered under Decius. Timothy Dec 19 + c 250. A deacon burnt alive in North Africa under Decius. Victoria and Anatolia Dec 23 + 250. Two sisters martyred in Rome for refusing to marry pagans. Messalina Jan 19 + 251. A holy virgin in Foligno in Italy. She visited Bishop Felician of Foligno in prison, was denounced as a Christian and clubbed to death. Felician Jan 24 and Oct 20 + 251. Born in Foligno in Italy, he was consecrated bishop and cared for his diocese for over fifty years, enlightening the whole of Umbria. He was arrested under Decius and died on his way to martyrdom in Rome. Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus May 10 + 251. Brothers from Sicily martyred under Decius. They were held in great veneration in Sicily, mainly in Lentini, where they are patron-saints. Anastasius and Companions May 11 + 251. A tribune in the army of the Emperor Decius, Anastasius was converted on witnessing the courage of the martyrs whom he was torturing to death. A few days after his conversion he too was arrested and beheaded with all his family and servants. Their relics are venerated in Camerino in central Italy. Pergentinus and Laurentinus June 3 + 251. Two brothers martyred in Arezzo in Italy under Decius. Numidicus and Companions Aug 9 + 251. A group of martyrs burnt at the stake at Carthage in North Africa under Decius. Numidicus was dragged still breathing out of the ashes of the funeral pyre and was ordained priest by St Cyprian. Cacrealis and Sallustia Sept 14 + 251. Caerealis, a soldier, and his wife Sallustia were martyred in Rome under Decius. Moses Nov 25 + 251. A priest in Rome, noted for his zeal in preaching the Gospel and his firm stand against Novatianism. He was martyred under Decius. Cornelius Sept 16 + 253. Pope of Rome, he was much tried by the heresy of Novatianism and his persecutors exiled him to Civita Vecchia where his sufferings probably hastened his death. St Cyprian refers to him as a martyr. His tomb in Lucina in the cemetery of Callistus still exists. Anastasia and Cyril Oct 28 (In the East Oct 29) + c 253. Early martyrs in Rome. The former was bound with chains in Valerian's persecution under the Prefect Probus, tortured, her breasts cut off, her nails torn out, her teeth broken, her hands and feet cut off, and being beheaded, she passed to her Bridegroom; Cyril, who offered her water when she begged for it, received martydom as his reward. Eutropia Oct 30 + ? 253. A martyr in North Africa, probably under Valerian. Lucius I March 4 + 254. He succeeded St Cornelius as Pope of Rome in 253 and was at once sent into exile. He was referred to as a martyr by St Cyprian. Venantius Apr 1 + c 255. A bishop in Dalmatia whose relics were brought from Spalato to Rome in 641. Restituta May 17 + 255 (or 304). A virgin-martyr in Carthage in North Africa under Valerian or Diocletian. Her relics are enshrined in Naples in Italy. Marcian of Syracuse June 14 + c 255? According to Sicilian tradition he was the first 'Bishop of the West', sent to Syracuse in Sicily by the Apostle Peter. It is more likely that Marcian was sent to Sicily in the third century. He was martyred by Jews who threw him from a tower. Paternus Aug 21 + c 255. Born in Alexandria, he came to Rome, was arrested in Fondi and was martyred for Orthodoxy there. Maximus Nov 19 + c 255. A martyr who suffered in Rome under Valerian. Quintus, Simplicius and Companions Dec 18 + c 255. Martyrs in North Africa under the Emperors Decius and Valerian. Rogatian and Felicissimus Oct 26 + 256. Rogatian, a priest, and Felicissimus, a layman, belonged to the church of Carthage in North Africa where they were martyred. Felix of Sutri June 23 + 257. A priest of Sutri in Tuscany in Italy, scourged to death under Valerian and Gallienus. Symphronius, Olympius, Theodulus and Exuperia July 26 + 257. Symphronius was a Roman slave who brought about the conversion of the tribune Olympius, the latter's wife Exuperia and their son Theodulus. They were all burnt to death under Valerian. Stephen I Aug 2 + 257. He became Bishop of Rome in 254. Tradition says that he was beheaded during the celebration of the Eucharist in the catacombs, but the earliest liturgical documents present him as a bishop and confessor. Tertullinus Aug 4 + 257. A priest, martyred in Rome under Valerian two days after his ordination. Nemesian, Felix, Lucius, another Felix, Litteus, Polyanus, Victor, Jader, Dativus and Companions Sept 10 + 257. Nine bishops of Numidia in North Africa who with numerous other clergy and laypeople were condemned to slavery in the marble quarries of Sigum where they ended their lives. A letter of St Cyprian addressed to them still exists. Protus and Hyacinth Sept 11 + c 257. By tradition brothers, they were both servants and were martyred in Rome. The relics of St Hyacinth were uncovered in 1845. Saturninus (Sernin) Nov 29 + c 257. A missionary who enlightened the area around Pampeluna (Pamplona) in Navarre in Spain and then the area and city of Toulouse in France. He is venerated as the first Bishop of Toulouse. By tradition he was martyred in the persecution of Valerian by being fastened to a wild bull which dragged him about until he was torn to pieces. Jovinus and Basileus March 2 + c 258. Two martyrs, who suffered in Rome under Gallienus and Valerian and were buried on the Latin Way. Pontius of Cimiez May 14 + 258 (?) A martyr in Cimella (Cimiez) near Nice in the south of France. His relics gave his name to the town of Saint-Pons. Romanus Ostiarius Aug 9 + 258. An early martyr in Rome. Laurence of Rome Aug 10 + 258. St Laurence was one of the deacons of Pope Sixtus II and was martyred three days after the Pope by being roasted on a gridiron. He has always been venerated as one of the most celebrated martyrs of Rome. His martyrdom, said Prudentius, was the death of idolatry in Rome. He was buried on the Via Tiburtina, where his basilica now stands. Sixtus II (Xystus) Aug 7 (in the East Aug 10) + 258. Born in Athens in Greece, this Pope was martyred. While celebrating the liturgy in the catacomb of Praetextatus in Rome, he was arrested together with his deacons Felicissimus, Agapitus, Januarius, Magnus, Vincent and Stephen. All of them were martyred and later the seventh deacon St Laurence followed them. Irenaeus and Abundius Aug 26 + c 258. Martyrs in Rome drowned in the public sewers during the persecution of Valerian. Cyprian Sept 16 (In the East Aug 31) c 200-258. Thascius Cecilianus Cyprianus was born in North Africa. He became a lawyer, was converted to Orthodoxy and consecrated Bishop of Carthage in 248. He wrote numerous treatises on theological subjects, one of the most important being De Unitate Catholicae Ecclesiae, and wrote numerous letters. He is one of the greatest Fathers of the Church and he was a model of compassion, discretion and pastoral zeal. Cyprian went into hiding during the persecution of Decius but was arrested and beheaded under Valerian. Crescentian, Victor, Rosula and Generalis Sept 14 + c 258. Martyrs in North Africa who suffered at the same time and place as St Cyprian. Fructuosus, Augurius and Eulogius Jan 21 + 259. Fructuosus, Bishop of Tarragoña in Spain, and his two deacons, Augurius and Eulogius, were burnt at the stake under Valerian. When the fire had burnt through their bonds, they stretched out their arms in the form of a cross and died. Patroclus Jan 21 + c 275 (or 259). A very wealthy and exceedingly charitable Orthodox in Troyes in France, who was martyred there. His relics were translated to Soest in Germany in 960. Montanus, Lucius, Julian, Victoricus, Flavian and Companions Feb 24 + 259. A group of ten martyrs in North Africa, disciples of St Cyprian of Carthage, who suffered in that city under Valerian. The story of their imprisonment was told by themselves and that of their martyrdom by eyewitnesses. Agapius and Companions Apr 29 c 259. Born in Spain, Agapius and Secundinus, bishops or priests, were exiled to Cirta in Numidia in North Africa in the persecution under Valerian. There they suffered martyrdom together with Tertulla and Antonia, virgins, and a certain woman with her twin children. Marianus, James and Companions Apr 30 + 259. Martyrs in Lambesa, an ancient town in Numidia in North Africa. Marianus was a reader and James a deacon. Justin Sept 17 + 259. A priest in Rome who devoted himself to burying the bodies of martyrs and was eventually martyred himself. His relics were later transferred to Frisingen in Germany. Eusebius, Marcellus, Hippolytus, Maximus, Adria, Paulina, Neon, Mary Martana and Aurelia Dec 2 + 254-259. Martyrs in Rome under Valerian. Eusebius, a priest, Marcellus, his deacon, and Neon and Mary were beheaded; Adria and Hippolytus were scourged to death; Paulina died in a torture-chamber; Maximus was thrown into the Tiber. Pontian and Companions Dec 2 + c 259. A group of five martyrs who suffered in Rome under Valerian. Rome (Martyrs of) March 4 + 260 (?) A group of nine hundred martyrs buried in the catacombs of Callistus on the Appian Way in Rome. Pontius March 8 + c 260. A deacon of the Church of Carthage in North Africa. He was with St Cyprian in his exile, at his trial and execution, and wrote his Life. Regulus (Rieul) March 30 + c 260. By tradition a Greek, he is honoured as the first Bishop of Senlis in France. A tradition connects him with Arles where many Greeks lived. Peter, Julian (Juliana) and Companions Aug 7 + c 260. A group of twenty or more martyrs in Rome under Valerian and Gallienus. Privatus Aug 21 + 260. Bishop of Mende in France. He was captured by invading barbarians, but was offered his life if he agreed to reveal where his flock was hiding. This he refused to do and he was beaten to death. Maurus and Companions Aug 22 + c 260? A group of fifty martyrs in Rheims in France. Their leader, Maurus, was a priest. Nemesius and Lucilla Aug 25 + c 260. Nemesius, a deacon, and Lucilla, his daughter, were martyred in Rome under Valerian. Narcissus and Crescendo Sept 17 + c 260. Early saints in Rome. Rome (Martyrs of) Jan 13 + 262. Forty soldiers who suffered on the Via Lavicana in Rome under Gallienus. Heraclius and Zosimus March 11 + c 263. Martyrs in North Africa who suffered in Carthage under Valerian and Gallienus. Cassius, Victorinus, Maximus and Companions May 15 + c 264. A group of martyrs in Clermont in Auvergne in France, he suffered at the hands of Chrocas, the leader of invading Teutonic barbarians. Antholian (Anatolianus) Feb 6 c 265. Mentioned by St Gregory of Tours as one of the martyrs of Auvergne in France under Valerian and Gallienus. Fellow-sufferers were Sts Cassius, Maximus, Liminius and Victorinus. Antidius (Antel, Antible, Tude) June 17 + c 265. Disciple and successor of St Froninus as Bishop of Besançon in France. He was put to death by the Vandals at the hamlet called Ruffey. Zama Jan 24 + c 268. The first Bishop of Bologna in Italy. Cyrilla Oct 28 + c 268. The daughter of St Tryphonia. They were both famed for their almsgiving and generosity. She was martyred under the Emperor Claudius II. Dionysius Dec 26 + 268. A priest chosen as Pope of Rome in 259, he restored the Roman Church after the persecution of Valerian, opposed Sabellius and condemned Paul of Samosata. Valentine Feb 14 + 269. A priest and doctor in Rome martyred probably under Claudius the Goth and buried on the Flaminian Way. In 350 a church was built over his tomb. Valentine Feb 14 + c 269. A Bishop of Terni in Italy martyred under Claudius the Goth. Rome (Martyrs of) March 1 + 269. Two hundred and sixty martyrs condemned to dig sand on the Salarian Way in Rome and later shot to death with arrows in the amphitheatre under Claudius II. Quirinus March 25 + c 269. A martyr who suffered in Rome under Claudius II. He was one of those befriended and buried by Sts Marius, Martha and Companions. Domnina and Companions Apr 14 269 ? A virgin martyred in Terni in Italy at the same time as Bishop Valentine. Solomon (Salonius) Sept 28 + c 269. First Bishop of Genoa in Italy. Theodosius, Lucius, Mark and Peter Oct 25 + 269. Members of a group of fifty soldiers martyred in Rome under Claudius II. Marius (Maris), Martha, Audifax and Abachum Jan 19 + c 270. Marius, a Persian nobleman, his wife Martha, and their two sons, Audifax and Abachum, travelled to Rome to venerate the tombs of the Apostles. While there, they also buried the bodies of those being martyred in the persecution of Claudius II. They too were arrested, the three men beheaded and St Martha drowned. Honestus Feb 16 + 270. Born in Nimes in France, he was ordained priest and sent to Spain by St Saturninus to preach the Gospel, which he did with success. He was martyred in Pampeluna. Sidronius July 11 + c 270. A martyr in Rome under Aurelian. Aurea Aug 24 + c 270. An early martyr in Ostia in Italy. Philip Oct 22 + c 270. Bishop and martyr of Fermo in Italy, his relics are enshrined in the Cathedral. Sabas and Companions Apr 24 + 272. An officer of Gothic descent, martyred with seventy companions in Rome under Aurelian. Priscus and Companions May 26 + c 272. Priscus, a Roman officer, several soldiers under his command and a number of citizens of Besançon in France were martyred near Auxerre. Restituta and Companions May 27 + 272. Born in Rome of a noble family, she fled to Sora in Campania in Italy to escape persecution under Aurelian but was martyred there with several companions. Reverianus, Paul and Companions June 1 + 272. Born in Italy, Reverianus, a bishop, and Paul, a priest, went to France. They enlightened Autun and the surrounding area and were martyred with several companions under Aurelian. Julia of Troyes July 21 + c 272. Born in Troyes in France, she was seized by soldiers of the Emperor Aurelian after his victory over the usurper Tetricus. Committed to the charge of an officer called Claudius, she converted him to Christ and both were beheaded in Troyes under the same Aurelian. Proculus, Ephebus and Apollonius Feb 14 + 273. Martyrs in Terni in Italy. Craton and Companions Feb 15 + c 273. Converted to Christ by St Valentine, Bishop of Terni. He was martyred in Rome together with his wife and family. Saturninus, Castulus, Magnus and Lucius Feb 15 + 273. These martyrs belonged to the flock of St Valentine, Bishop of Terni in Italy. Irenaeus and Mustiola July 3 + 273. Irenaeus, a deacon, and Mustiola, a noble lady, were martyred in Chiusi in Tuscany in Italy under Aurelian for ministering to other martyrs and burying their relics. Eutropius, Zosima and Bonosa July 15 + c 273. Martyrs in Porto near Rome under Aurelian. Claudius, Justus, Jucundinus and Companions July 21 + 273. A group of eight martyrs who suffered with St Julia in Troyes in France under Aurelian. Their relics were enshrined in the convent of Jouarre near Meaux. Augustine, Sanctian and Beata Sept 6 + 273. Born in Spain, they fled to Gaul in time of persecution and were martyred near Sens in France, where they were venerated. Columba of Sens Dec 31 + 273. Born in Spain, she left her country to avoid being denounced as a Christian. She went to France with other Spanish Christians, but all of them were martyred near Meaux under Aurelian. Her shrine was in Sens. Felix I May 30 + 274. Born in Rome, he was Pope from 269 to 274. He was the first to condemn the heresy of Paul of Samosata. He may have been martyred. Marcellus and Anastasius June 29 + 274. Martyred in Bourges in France. Marcellus was beheaded and Anastasius scourged. Rome (Martyrs of) Aug 10 + 274. One hundred and sixty-five martyrs martyred in Rome under Aurelian. Agapitus Aug 18 + c 274. A fifteen year old who bravely confessed Christ and was martyred in Palestrina near Rome. He is the patron-saint of Palestrina, where as early as the fifth century a church was dedicated to him. Anastasius Aug 21 + 274. A military tribune converted to Orthodoxy on seeing the courage of the young St Agapitus. This happened in Salone in Italy. Patroclus Jan 21 + c 275 (or 259). A very wealthy and exceedingly charitable Orthodox in Troyes in France, who was martyred there. His relics were translated to Soest in Germany in 960. Sabinian (Savinien) Jan 29 + ? 275. A martyr honoured in Troyes in France, having suffered there in one of the early persecutions, perhaps under Aurelian. Tradition relates that he came from Samos in Greece from where he had fled with his sister St Sabina. Basilides, Tripos, Mandal and Companions June 10 270-275. A group of twenty-three Orthodox martyred in Rome on the Aurelian Way under Aurelian. Sabina Aug 29 + ? 275. By tradition the sister of St Sabinian of Troyes in France where she was venerated together with him. Venerandus Nov 14 + 275. An influential citizen of Troyes in France martyred under Aurelian. Synesius Dec 12 + 275. A reader in Rome martyred under Aurelian. Trophimus Dec 29 + c 280. First Bishop of Arles in France. Pelagius Aug 28 + c 283. A boy martyred in Istria under Numerian. His relics were transferred to Città Nuova in Istria and part of them (c 915) to Constance in Germany. He is venerated as the patron-saint of Constance. Diodorus, Marianus and Companions Dec 1 + 283. Martyrs in Rome under Numerian. A whole Christian church was martyred while gathered for prayer in the catacombs, the entrance of which had been blocked up. Eutychian Dec 8 + 283. Born in Etruria or Tuscany in Italy, in 275 he succeeded St Felix I as Pope of Rome. He is venerated as a martyr. Justus and Abundius Dec 14 + 283. Martyrs in Spain under Numerian. After a futile attempt to burn them at the stake, they were beheaded. Marinus Dec 26 + 283. The son of a senator in Rome, he was martyred by beheading under Numerian. Hilary, Tatian, Felix, Largus and Denis March 16 + c 284. Hilary was Bishop of Aquileia, Tatian his deacon, and the others laymen. All were beheaded under Numerian. Maximilian Oct 12 + 284. Born in Noricum, between the Inn and the Danube, in Austria. As bishop, he founded the church of Lorsch near Passau and was martyred in Cilli in Styria under Numerian. Ariston, Crescentian, Eutychian, Urban, Vitalis, Justus, Felicissimus, Felix, Marcia and Symphorosa July 2 + c 285. A group of martyrs in the Campagna in the south of Italy under Diocletian. Crispin and Crispinian Oct 25 + c 285. Two brothers, shoemakers by trade, who were beheaded in Soissons in France under Diocletian. They are the patron-saints of shoemakers. Alberta March 11 + c 286. One of the first victims of the persecution under Diocletian. She suffered in Agen in France with St Faith and others. Zöe (Zoa) July 5 + c 286. With a Greek name, she lived in Rome. Married to a high official of the imperial court, she was martyred for the faith. Victor and Ursus Sept 30 + c 286. Two soldiers connected with the Theban Legion and venerated in Soleure in Switzerland. Piaton (Piato, Piat) Oct 1 + c 286. Born in Benevento in Italy, he enlightened the areas around Tournai in Belgium and Chartres in France. He was probably martyred in Tournai under Maximian. Victor and Companions Oct 10 + c 286. A group of three hundred and thirty soldiers connected with the Theban Legion in Switzerland. Macra Jan 6 + 287. A holy virgin from Rheims in France, she was martyred in Fismes in Champagne before the persecution under Diocletian began. Crescentian June 1 + c 287. A soldier beheaded in Saldo near Città di Castello in Italy. Valerius and Rufinus June 14 + c 287. Martyrs in Soissons in France. Mark and Marcellian June 18 + c 287. Twin brothers and deacons who suffered in Rome under Maximian Herculeus. Justa and Rufina July 19 + 287. Two sisters in Seville in Spain, potters by trade, who suffered under Diocletian. They are venerated as the main patron-saints of Seville. Theban Legion Sept 22 + c 287. The army of Maximinian Herculeus included a legion (6,600 men) of Christians recruited in Upper Egypt. When the Emperor marched his army across the Alps to suppress a revolt in Gaul, he camped near Agaunum in Switzerland and prepared for battle with public sacrifices. The Christian legion refused to take part and were as a result consequence decimated twice. When they still persevered in their refusal they were massacred. Among those who suffered were Maurice, Exuperius, Candidus, Vitalis, two Victors, Alexander (in Bergamo) and Gereon (in Cologne). A basilica was built in Agaunum, now St-Maurice-en-Valais to enshrine the relics of the martyrs. Boniface Oct 5 c 287 One of the martyrs with St Palmatius and Companions in Trier in Germany. Palmatius and Companions Oct 5 + c 287. Martyrs in Trier in Germany under Maximian Herculeus. Trier (Martyrs of) Oct 6 + 287. Innumerable martyrs were slain for Christ in divers ways in Trier in Germany during the persecution of Diocletian. Felix of Nola Nov 15 + 287. The first Bishop of Nola near Naples in Italy, he was martyred with thirty companions. Victoricus, Fuscian and Gentian Dec 11 + c 287. Victoricus and Fuscian are described as early missionaries in France, martyred near Amiens. Gentian was an old man martyred while trying to protect them when they were arrested. Maxentius, Constantius, Crescentius, Justin and Companions Dec 12 + c 287. Martyrs in Trier in Germany in the reign of Diocletian. Sebastian Jan 20 + ? 288. One of the most renowned of all the martyrs of Rome. According to his Life, he was an officer in the imperial army and a favourite of Diocletian. Nevertheless, when he was discovered to be Orthodox no mercy was shown him. Tied to a tree, his body was made a target for Roman archers and he was finally martyred with clubs. His church is one of the seven main churches in Rome. Castulus March 26 + 288. An officer of the palace in Rome of the Emperor Diocletian. He was tortured and buried alive for helping other Orthodox. A cemetery was named after his burial place on the Via Labicana. Tranquillinus July 6 + c 288. A martyr in Rome connected with St Sebastian. Tiburtius Aug 11 + c 288. A martyr in Rome. He was later connected with the soldier-martyr St Sebastian and was entombed at the Via Lavicana. Lucian, Maximian and Julian Jan 8 + c 290. Martyrs in Beauvais in the north of France. Hermes, Adrian and Companions March 1 + c 290. Martyrs in Numidia in North Africa under Maximian Herculeus. Victor Alexander, Felician and Longinus July 21 + c 290. Victor, an army officer in Marseilles in France, suffered martyrdom there with three prison-guards whom he had converted. In the fourth century St John Cassian built a monastery over their tomb which afterwards became the monastery of St Victor. Firmus and Rusticus Aug 9 + c 290. Two relatives, probably citizens of Bergamo in the north of Italy, honoured in Verona under Maximian. Solina Oct 17 + c 290. Born in Gascony in France, she escaped to Chartres to avoid marriage to a pagan. She was beheaded in Chartres. Pompeius Dec 14 + c 290. Bishop of Pavia in Italy. Vincent of Agen June 9 + ? c 292. A deacon martyred by pagans at Agen in Gascony in France. Archelais, Thecla and Susanna Jan 18 + 293. Three holy virgins of the Romagna in Italy who went to Nola in the Campagna in order to escape death, but there too they were accused of being Orthodox, were tortured, taken to Salerno and beheaded. Maximus, Claudius, Praepedigna, Alexander and Cutias Feb 18 + 295. Martyrs in Rome who suffered under Diocletian. Gabinus Feb 19 + c 295. A martyr in Rome who was related to the Emperor Diocletian, but was also the brother of Pope Gaius and father of the martyr St Susanna. Maximilian March 12 + 295. A young martyr who refused to do military service and was therefore executed in Thebeste in Numidia in North Africa. Domnio July 16 + c 295. A martyr in Bergamo in Italy under Diocletian. Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus and Licinius Aug 7 + c 295. Soldiers martyred in Como in the north of Italy under Maximian Herculius. Susanna Aug 11 + 295. A martyr in Rome to whom the Roman church of St Susanna is dedicated. Rufus and Carpophorus (Carpone) Aug 27 + 295. Martyrs in Capua under Diocletian. Rufus was a deacon. Felix and Fortunatus June 11 + 296 Two brothers, born in Vicenza in Italy, who suffered under Diocletian in Aquileia. Gaius Apr 22 (In the East Aug 11) + 296. Born in Dalmatia, he became Pope of Rome and was martyred with members of his family. Primus and Felician June 9 + c 297. Two elderly brothers beheaded under Diocletian on the Via Nomentana in Rome. Clement June 27 + c 298 A martyr in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian. He belongs to the group led by St Zoilus. Marcellus Oct 30 + 298. A Roman centurion in Tangier in North Africa. During a festival in honour of the Emperor, he refused to join in the pagan celebrations and declared himself to be Orthodox. The notary who refused to write the official report was also martyred with St Cassian. Cassian Dec 3 + 298. A court recorder, Cassian was taking down the Acts of the proceedings at the trial of St Marcellus at Tangier in North Africa. Indignant at the injustice done to the martyr, he threw down his pen and declared himself to be Orthodox. He was arrested and a few weeks later he too suffered martyrdom. Donatian and Rogatian May 24 + 299. Two brothers of Nantes in Brittany martyred under Diocletian. Restitutus May 29 + c 299. A martyr in Rome under Diocletian. Polycarp Feb 23 + c 300. A priest in Rome noted for ministering to those in prison for their faith. Luperculus (Lupercus) March 1 300. Perhaps born in Spain, he was martyred under Diocletian. He is especially venerated in Tarbes in France. Victor Apr 12 + c 300. A catechumen martyred in Braga in Portugal under Diocletian, thus baptised in his own blood. Jovinian May 5 + c 300. A companion of St Peregrinus of Auxerre in France, whom he served as a reader. By tradition he was martyred. Montanus June 17 + c 300. A soldier who was taken to the island of Ponza in Italy and martyred by being thrown into the sea with a heavy stone tied round his neck. Christians recovered his body and enshrined it in Gaeta. Fabius July 31 + 300. A soldier beheaded in Caesarea in Mauretania in North Africa under Diocletian for refusing to carry a standard bearing idolatrous emblems. Memmius (Menge, Meinge) Aug 5 + c 300. Founder and first Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne in France and Apostle of the region. Martial, Saturninus, Epictetus, Maprilis, Felix and Companions Aug 22 + c 300. ? Martyrs with St Aurea honoured in Ostia in Italy. Genesius the Actor Aug 25 + c 300. An actor in Rome who, while taking part in a satire on Orthodox baptism, was suddenly converted and at once martyred. Sixtus (Xystus) of Rheims Sept 1 + c 300. First Bishop of Rheims in France c 290-300. Crescentius Sept 14 + c 300. The son of St Euthymius, he was aged only eleven when he was brought from Perugia to Rome, bravely confessed Christ under torture and was beheaded under Diocletian, Lucy and Geminian Sept 16 + c 300. A widow and a neophyte martyred together in Rome under Diocletian. Sanctinus Sept 22 + c 300. By tradition the first Bishop of Meaux and a disciple of St Denis of Paris. Agileus Oct 15 + c 300. He was martyred in Carthage in North Africa, but his relics were later translated to Rome. Claudius, Lupercus and Victorius Oct 30 + c 300. Three brothers, sons of the centurion, St Marcellus. They were martyred in Léon in Spain under Diocletian. Papulus (Papoul) Nov 3 + c 300. A priest who worked with St Saturninus in France and like him was martyred under Diocletian. His shrine is in Toulouse. Honorius, Eutychius and Stephen Nov 21 + c 300. Martyrs in Asta in Andalusia in Spain under Diocletian. Facundus and Primitivus Nov 27 + c 300. Born in Léon in Spain, he was beheaded near the River Cea where Sahagun now stands. Later the monastery of Sahagun, around which the present town grew up, was named after St Facundus. Carpophorus and Abundius Dec 10 + 290-300. A priest and his deacon who suffered under Diocletian, either in Rome or else in Spoleto in Italy, or possibly in Seville in Spain. Mercurius and Companions Dec 10 + c 300 (?) A group of soldiers told to escort Christian prisoners to their place of execution in Lentini in Sicily. The soldiers were so impressed by the prisoners that they too declared themselves believers in Christ and all of them were beheaded together. Severinus Dec 21 + c 300. Bishop of Trier in Germany. Sabinian and Potentian Dec 31 + c 300. Sabinian is honoured as the first Bishop of Sens in France. Potentian was perhaps his successor. Both were martyred. Florentius of Vienne Jan 3 3rd century? A martyred Bishop of Vienne in France. Genulfus (Genou) and Genitus Jan 17 ? 3rd cent. Two monks who lived in Celle-sur-Naton in France. Prisca Jan 18 3rd cent. (?) A virgin-martyr venerated from ancient times in Rome, where a church is dedicated to her on the Aventine. Julian of Le Mans Jan 27 (In the East July 13) ? 3rd cent. Venerated as the first Bishop of Le Mans in France. Laurentinus, Ignatius and Celerina Feb 3 3rd cent. Martyrs in North Africa. Sts Laurentinus and Ignatius were uncles and St Celerina was an aunt of the deacon St Celerinus. Aquilinus, Geminus, Gelasius, Magnus and Donatus Feb 4 3rd cent. Martyrs in 'Forum Sempronii', which has been interpreted as Fossombrone in central Italy. Severus and Sixty-Two Companions Feb 21 3rd-4th cent. Martyrs in Syrmium in Pannonia. Donatus, Justus, Herena and Companions Feb 25 3rd cent. A group of fifty martyrs who suffered in North Africa under Decius. Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus Apr 14 3rd century? Martyrs in Rome. Curcodomus May 4 3rd cent. A deacon in Rome sent to help St Peregrinus, first Bishop of Auxerre in France. Heliodorus, Venustus and Companions May 6 3rd cent. A group of seventy-seven martyrs who suffered under Diocletian. Heliodorus and seven others were martyred in North Africa, the others in Milan. Aurelian May 10 3rd cent. Disciple of St Martial of Limoges in France and eventually bishop of that city. Ausonius May 22 3rd cent. By tradition a disciple of St Martial of Limoges and first Bishop of Angoulême in France. Caecilius (Caecilian) June 3 3rd cent. A priest in Carthage in North Africa who converted St Cyprian to Christ. St Cyprian never ceased to revere his name, adding it to his own, and on Caecilius's repose, he looked after his wife and children. Abdon and Sennen July 30 3rd or 4th cent. Persian nobles brought to Rome as prisoners, they devoted themselves to looking after imprisoned Christians and burying the relics of the martyrs. Chromatius Aug 11 3rd cent. The prefect of Rome and father of St Tiburtius the martyr. Tarsicius Aug 15 3rd-4th cent. Tarsicius was seized by a heathen mob and preferred to die rather than expose the sacred mysteries to profanation. Quadratus Aug 21 3rd cent. A Bishop of Utica in North Africa who taught both clergy and laity to confess Christ. They were all martyred. St Quadratus was greatly revered in Africa. Minervius, Eleazar and Companions Aug 23 3rd cent. Martyrs in Lyons in France. Eight children are included in their number. Secundus Aug 26 3rd cent. A soldier of the Theban Legion martyred near Ventimiglia in Italy. Julian of Auvergne Aug 28 3rd cent. Born in Vienne in France, he was an officer in the imperial army and a secret Christian. On the outbreak of persecution, probably under Decius, at first he fled but then gave himself up and was martyred near Brionde. Caesidius and Companions Aug 31 3rd cent. Martyrs on the shores of Lake Fucino in Italy. Verena Sept 1 3rd century. An Egyptian related to a soldier of the Theban Legion, she travelled to Switzerland in search of him and settled as an anchoress near Zurich. Felix and Regula Sept 11 3rd cent. Brother and sister who at the time of the martyrdom of St Maurice under Maximian Herculeus, took refuge in Switzerland, where they were found and martyred near Zurich. Philip Sept 13 3rd cent. The father of St Eugenia of Rome, in whose home Sts Protus and Hyacinth were employed. Ferreolus Sept 18 3rd cent. An army officer, he was martyred in Vienne in France under Diocletian. Jonas (Yon) Sept 22 3rd cent. A companion or disciple of St Dionysius of Paris in France, he was martyred there. Antoninus Sept 30 3rd cent. A soldier of the Theban Legion, martyred on the banks of the Trebbia near Piacenza in Italy. His blood, kept in a phial, has the same miraculous properties as that of St Januarius. Alexander Oct 5 3rd cent. One of the 'innumerable multitude' martyred in Trier in Germany under Diocletian. Marcellinus of Ravenna Oct 5 3rd cent. The second or third Bishop of Ravenna in Italy. Faith (Foi) Oct 6 3rd cent. A holy virgin in Agen in the south of France, burnt to death under Maximian Herculeus. Her shrine in Conques is very famous. Clarus Oct 10 3rd century? Bishop of Nantes in France. Gereon Oct 10 3rd cent.? A soldier martyred in Germany, either in Xanten or else in Bonn. Tryphonia Oct 18 3rd cent. A widow martyred in Rome. Cyrinus Oct 25 3rd cent. A martyr in Rome under Diocletian. Fronto and George Oct 25 3rd century? Apostles of Périgueux in France. Florentius Oct 27 3rd cent. A martyr in Trois-Châteaux in Burgundy in France. Eusebia Oct 29 Late 3rd cent. A virgin-martyr in Bergamo in Italy and niece of St Domnio, martyred under Maximian Herculeus. Austremonius (Stremoine) Nov 1 3rd cent. Preaching in Auvergne in France, he became the first Bishop of Clermont-Ferrand. Amaranthus Nov 7 3rd cent. A martyr venerated in Albi in the south of France. Ursinus Nov 9 3rd cent. First Bishop of Bourges in France. Amator Nov 26 3rd cent. Bishop of Autun in France. Syrus Dec 9 3rd cent? First Bishop and main patron-saint of Pavia in Italy. Fausta Dec 19 3rd cent. The mother of St Anastasia of Sirmium in Dalmatia. Honoratus of Toulouse Dec 21 + 3rd cent. Born in Spain, he succeeded St Saturninus as Bishop of Toulouse in France.