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Zoilus and Companions June 27 + c 301. A youth martyred in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian. The monastery of San Zoil de Carrión in León in Spain was founded to enshrine his relics. Arcadius Jan 12 + c 302 A prominent citizen of Caesarea near Algiers in North Africa, who under Maximianus Herculeus was slowly and barbarously mutilated until he died under torture. Artemius, Candida and Paulina June 6 + 302. Artemius, a jailer in one of the Roman prisons, with his wife Candida and daughter Paulina, was converted to Christ by St Peter the exorcist and baptised by St Marcellinus. Artemius was beheaded and his wife and daughter buried alive under a pile of stones. Trophimus and Theophilus July 23 + c 302. Martyrs beheaded in Rome under Diocletian. Verissimus, Maxima and Julia Oct 1 + c 302. Martyrs in Lisbon in Portugal under Diocletian. They have a full Mozarabic service. Palatias and Laurentia Oct 8 + 302. Palatias was a lady of Ancona converted to Christ by her slave Laurentia. Both were martyred in Fermo near Ancona in Italy under Diocletian. Ampelus and Gaius Nov 20 + c 302. Martyred in Messina in Sicily under Diocletian. Julius, Potamia, Crispin, Felix, Gratus and Companions Dec 5 + 302. Twelve martyrs who suffered in Thagura in Numidia in North Africa under Diocletian. Trason, Pontian and Praetextatus Dec 11 + c 302. Martyrs in Rome under Diocletian, put to death for ministering to Christian prisoners awaiting martyrdom. Rome (Martyrs of) Jan 2 + c 303. Many martyrs who suffered in Rome under Diocletian for refusing to give up the Holy Scriptures. Papias and Maurus Jan 29 + c 303. Soldiers martyred in Rome under Maximian. Augulus (Augurius, Aule) Feb 7 + c 303. An early martyr and bishop, probably in France, though some have suggested London in England. Africa, Martyrs of North-West Africa Feb 11 + c 303. Martyrs known as the 'Guardians of the Holy Scriptures'.. They preferred martyrdom to giving up the sacred books to be burnt. They suffered under Diocletian. Benignus Feb 13 + c 303. A priest in Todi in Umbria in Italy martyred under Diocletian. Dionysius of Augsburg Feb 26 + c 303. Venerated as the first Bishop of Augsburg in Germany. By tradition he was baptised and later consecrated bishop by St Narcissus. He was martyred under Diocletian. Acius (Ache) and Aceolus (Acheul) May 1 + c 303. The former a deacon, the latter a subdeacon, they were martyred near Amiens in France under Diocletian. Victor the Moor May 8 + 303. A soldier from Mauritania in North Africa, martyred in Milan in Italy under Maximian. Anthimus May 11 + 303. A priest in Rome, who converted the pagan husband, a prefect, of the Christian matron Lucina, famed for her charity to imprisoned fellow-Orthodox. The martyr, thrown into the Tiber and miraculously rescued by an angel, was afterwards recaptured and beheaded. Sisinius, Diocletius and Florentius May 11 + 303. Martyrs in Osimo near Ancona in Italy under Diocletian. They were stoned to death at the same time as the Roman priest, St Anthimus. Heradius, Paul, Aquilinus and Companions May 17 + 303 Five martyrs at Nyon in Switzerland under Diocletian. Felicissimus, Heraclius and Paulinus May 26 + 303. Martyrs under Diocletian, in all probability in Todi in Umbria in Italy, where their relics are still venerated. Erasmus (Elmo, Erarmo, Ermo) June 2 + c 303. Bishop of Formiae in Campania in Italy, martyred by disembowelment under Diocletian. His relics were transferred to Gaeta in 842 and he became the protector of sailors, hence 'St Elmo's fire'. Vincent of Bevagna June 6 + 303. First Bishop of Bevagna in Umbria in Italy martyred under Diocletian. Vitus (Guy), Modestus and Crescentia June 15 + c 303? Fleeing from Sicily, they were all martyred in Italy under Diocletian. St Vitus is called on in prayer against epilepsy and the nervous disorder called St Vitus's dance. Alban June 20 c 303. Venerated as the Protomartyr of Britain. He was a citizen of Verulam, now in England, converted by a persecuted priest whom he had sheltered in his house. He was executed on Holmhurst Hill and on this site was built the monastery of St Alban's, by which name Verulam has since been known. Papias (Papius) June 28 + c 303. A martyr, possibly in Sicily, under Diocletian. Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix July 29 + c 303. By tradition, two brothers and their sister martyred in Rome under Diocletian. Emygdius (Emidius) Aug 5 + c 303. A saint whose relics were venerated in Ascoli in Italy. Ambrose Aug 16 + c 303. A centurion put to death under Diocletian in Ferentino in central Italy. Luxorius, Cisellus and Camerinus Aug 21 + 303. Martyrs in Sardinia beheaded under Diocletian. Luxorius had been a soldier in the imperial army, the other two were boys whom he helped to accept martyrdom. Genesius (Genès) of Arles Aug 25 + c 303. A notary in Arles in France who refused to put on record an imperial decree against Orthodox Christians and declared that he himself believed in Christ. He was martyred under Maximian Herculeus. Fortunatus, Gaius and Anthes Aug 28 + 303. Martyrs near Salerno in Italy under Diocletian. Their relics were enshrined in Salerno in 940 and they were much venerated. Twelve Holy Brothers Sept 1 + c 303? The relics of several groups of martyrs who had suffered in the south of Italy were brought together and enshrined at Benevento in 760. The various groups who comprised the so-called 'Twelve Brothers' or Martyrs of the South are: (1) Aug 27. In Potenza in the Basilicata, Arontius or Orontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus and Sabinian. (2) Aug 28. In Venosa in Apulia, Septiminus, Januarius and Felix. (3) Aug 29. In Velleianum in Apulia, Vitalis, Sator (or Satyrus) and Repositus. (4) Sept 1. In Sentianum in Apulia, Donatus and another Felix. Abundius, Abundantius, Marcian and John Sept 16 + c 303. The first two were martyred in Rome on the Flaminian Way under the Emperor Diocletian who ordered them to be beheaded together with Marcian, a senator, and John, his son, whom Abundius had raised from the dead. Cassius, Florentius and Companions Oct 10 + 303. Martyrs under the Emperor Maximian Herculeus in Bonn in Germany. Edistius Oct 12 + c 303. A martyr in Ravenna in Italy under Diocletian. Caprasius Oct 20 + 303. Born in Agen in the south of France, he hid during the persecution of Diocletian, but hearing of the courage of St Faith, confessed his faith openly and was at once beheaded. Felix (Africanus), Audactus (Adauctus), Januarius, Fortunatus and Septimus Oct 24 + 303. Felix was a Bishop of Thibiuca in North Africa, martyred with others for refusing to deliver up the sacred books. He was one of the first victims of Diocletian. Protus and Januarius Oct 25 + 303. Protus, a priest, and Januarius, a deacon, worked in Sardinia. They were beheaded in Porto Torres, not far from Sassari, in the persecution of Diocletian. Vincent, Sabina and Christeta Oct 27 + 303. Martyrs in Avila in Spain. Saturninus Oct 30 + 303. A martyr in Cagliari in Sardinia under Diocletian. By tradition he was beheaded during a pagan festival of Jupiter. Justus of Trieste Nov 2 + 303. A citizen of Trieste in Italy martyred under Diocletian by being thrown into the sea. Tiberius, Modestus and Florentia Nov 10 + 303? Martyrs under Diocletian at Agde in the south of France. Felicissimus Nov 24 + c 303. A martyr who suffered in Perugia in Italy, probably under Diocletian. Olympiades Dec 1 + 303. By tradition a noble from Rome martyred in Amelia in Italy under Diocletian. Leocadia (Locaie) Dec 9 + c 303. A holy virgin in Toledo in Spain who was condemned to death and died in prison under Diocletian. Rome (Martyrs of) Dec 22 + c 303. A group of thirty martyrs who suffered in Rome under Diocletian and were buried on the Via Lavicana. Migdonius and Mardonius Dec 23 + 303. High officials at the imperial court in Rome. When persecution broke out under Diocletian in 303, they refused to renounce their Faith. Migdonius was burnt at the stake and Mardonius drowned in a well. Sabinus, Exuperantius, Marcellus, Venustian and Companions Dec 30 + 303. Sabinus is described as a bishop who was martyred near Spoleto in Italy. Venustian and his family were converts of Sabinus, while Exuperantius and Marcellus are said to have been his deacons. Rome (Martyrs of) Jan 1 + c 304. Thirty soldiers martyred in Rome under Diocletian. Vincent the Deacon Jan 22 + 304. Born in Huesca in Spain, he became deacon of St Valerius in Saragossa and was martyred in Valencia under Diocletian. He has always been widely honoured. In some places he is honoured as the patron of vinedressers. Apronian Feb 2 + c 304. A Roman executioner who was converted to Orthodoxy when taking the martyr St Sisinnius before the tribunal and was then himself martyred. Saturninus, Dativus, Felix, Ampelius, Victoria and Companions Feb 11 + 304. A group of forty-six martyrs in Albitina in North Africa. They were arrested at the liturgy and sent to Carthage for examination. Saturninus was a priest, and with him suffered his four children, Saturninus and Felix, readers, Mary, a virgin, and Hilarion, a young child. Dativus and another Felix were senators. Other names from this group which have come down to us are: Thelica, Ampelius, Emeritus, Rogatian and Victoria, a holy virgin of undaunted courage. The child Hilarion, when threatened by the magistrates while his companions were being tortured, replied: 'Yes, torture me too; anyhow, I am a Christian'. They all died in prison. Eulalia (Aulaire, Aulazie, Olalla) of Barcelona Feb 12 + c 304. Born in Barcelona in Spain, she was a virgin-martyr under Diocletian. Modestus Feb 12 + c 304. A deacon, born in Sardinia and martyred under Diocletian. His relics were brought to Benevento in Italy in c 785. Donatus, Secundian, Romulus and Companions Feb 17 + 304. A group of eighty-nine martyrs who suffered under Diocletian. They were martyred in Porto Gruaro, not far from Venice in Italy. Irenaeus of Sirmium March 25 + 304. Bishop in Pannonia (Hungary), he was martyred under Diocletian at Sirmium (Mitrovica). Montanus and Maxima March 26 + 304. Montanus, a priest, and Maxima, his wife, were drowned in the River Sava in Sirmium in Dalmatia or in Singidunum in Pannonia. Encratia (Encratis, Encratide, Engracia) Apr 16 + ? 304. A virgin who suffered terribly for Orthodoxy in Saragossa in Spain, where a church dedicated to her now exists. She was famous for 'her ardour in suffering for Christ'. Though counted a martyr, she outlived her torments. Saragossa, The Eighteen Martyrs: Optatus, Lupercus, Successus, Martial, Urban, Julia, Quintilian, Publius, Fronto, Felix, Caecilian, Eventius, Primitivus, Apodemius and four named Saturninus Apr 16 + c 304. Martyrs in Saragossa in Spain under Diocletian and the prefect Dacian. Prudentius, who lived in Saragossa a lifetime later, described their martyrdom. Vincent of Collioure Apr 19 + c 304. A martyr in Collioure in Languedoc in the south of France under Diocletian. Marcellinus Apr 26 (In the East June 7) + 304. A Pope of Rome, who may have been martyred in repentance for his previous errors. Pollio Apr 28 + c 304. A reader of the church of Cybalae in Pannonia, burnt alive under Diocletian. Florian May 4 + 304. A senior Roman officer in Noricum, now Upper Austria, he was drowned in the River Enns near Lorsch under Diocletian. He is the patron-saint of Upper Austria and Poland. Maximus, Bassus and Fabius May 11 + 304. Martyrs in Rome under Diocletian. Dionysius May 12 + 304. Born in Asia Minor, he was the uncle of St Pancras, to whom he acted as guardian. They came together to Rome, became Orthodox and were martyred under Diocletian, Pancras May 12 + c 304. (?) A martyr buried in the cemetery of Calepodius in Rome. In the seventh century relics of the saint were sent to England and St Pancras became popular there. Simplicius May 15 + 304. A martyr in Sardinia buried alive at the time of Diocletian. Peregrinus May 16 + c 304. By tradition he came from Rome to become first Bishop of Auxerre in France and was martyred under Diocletian in a village called Bouhy. Restituta May 17 + 255 (or 304). A virgin-martyr in Carthage in North Africa under Valerian or Diocletian. Her relics are enshrined in Naples in Italy. Felix of Spoleto May 18 + c 304. A bishop, either of Spoleto or of Spello in Italy. He was martyred under Diocletian. Basilla May 20 + 304. Having been baptised, she refused to marry a pagan patrician and so was martyred for Christ in Rome. Cantius, Cantian, Cantianilla and Protus May 31. + c 304 Two brothers and their sister, martyred in Aquileia in Italy where they had gone with their tutor, Protus. Proculus June 1 + c 304 (?) By tradition a Roman officer martyred in Bologna in Italy under Diocletian. Secundus June 1 + 304. An martyr in Amelia in Italy who was drowned in the Tiber under Diocletian. Marcellinus and Peter June 2 + 304. Martyred in Rome, Marcellinus was a priest and Peter probably an exorcist. Nabor and Felix July 12 + c 304. Martyrs in Milan in Italy under Diocletian. Their relics were enshrined by St Ambrose nearly a century after their martyrdom. Victor, Stercatius and Antinogenes July 24 + 304. By tradition three brothers martyred in Merida in Estremadura in Spain. Cucuphas (Cucufate, Cugat, Guinefort, Qoqofas) July 25 + 304. Born in North Africa, he went to Spain and was martyred near Barcelona where the monastery of St Cugat del Valles was later founded. He is one of the most famous Spanish martyrs. Maxima, Donatilla and Secunda July 30 + 304. Three holy virgins (Secunda was aged twelve), martyred in Tebourba in North Africa under Diocletian. Afra Aug 5 + c 304. A martyr who suffered in Augsburg in Germany, probably under Diocletian. She was venerated there from early times and the monastery of that city was dedicated to her. Justus and Pastor Aug 6 + c 304. Two brothers, aged respectively thirteen and nine, who were scourged and beheaded at Alcalá in Spain under Diocletian. Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus and Companions Aug 8 + 304. A group of twenty-four martyrs who suffered in Rome under Diocletian. At their head was St Cyriacus, a deacon. They were buried near the seventh milestone on the Ostian Way. Euplus Aug 12 + 304. Living in Catania in Sicily, he was found with a copy of the Gospels, which was against Diocletian's edict. He was cruelly racked and martyred. Gracilian and Felicissima Aug 12 + c 304. While in prison awaiting martyrdom, Gracilian, from Faleria in Tuscany in Italy, restored the sight of the blind girl Felicissima and converted her to Christ. They were beheaded on the same day. Hilaria, Digna, Euprepia, Eunomia, Quiriacus, Largio, Crescentian, Nimmia, Juliana and Companions Aug 12 + c 304. Hilaria was by tradition the mother of St Afra of Augsburg in Germany. She and her three maids were seized while visiting the tomb of St Afra and burnt alive. The others (Quiriacus etc, twenty-five in all) were martyrs in Rome buried on the Ostian Way. Centolla and Helen Aug 13 + ? c 304. Two virgin-martyrs near Burgos in Spain. Maginus (Magí) Aug 25 + c 304. Born in Tarragona in Spain, he enlightened the people near his native town and was finally beheaded under Diocletian. Felix and Adauctus Aug 30 + c 304. Martyrs beheaded in Rome under Diocletian. St Felix was a priest and as he was being led to execution, a bystander confessed Christ and was martyred with him. Because this second martyr's name was not known, he was called Adauctus, i.e., the one added. They were buried on the Ostian Way. Maxima Sept 2 + 304. A Roman slave who was scourged to death in Rome during the persecution of Diocletian. She was condemned to death together with St Ansanus. Anastasius the Fuller Sept 7 + 304. A fuller in Aquileia, not far from Venice in Italy. He went to Dalmatia and continued his trade in Salona where he openly confessed Orthodoxy, painting a conspicuous cross on his door. He was seized and drowned. Januarius (Gennaro) Sept 19 + 304. Januarius, Bishop of Benevento in Italy, was beheaded, perhaps with others, at Pozzuoli under Diocletian. His relics were enshrined in Naples of which he became the patron-saint. The annual miracle of the liquefaction of his blood is famous. Domninus (Donnino) Oct 9 + 304. Born in Parma in Italy, while fleeing his persecutors, he was overtaken and beheaded on the Via Claudia or Aemilia. This was a few miles outside Parma at a place now called Borgo San Donnino after him, where his relics are venerated. Faustus, Januarius and Martial Oct 13 + 304. Martyrs in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian and called 'The Three Crowns of Cordoba'. Fidelis of Como Oct 28 + c 304. A soldier martyred in Lombardy in Italy under Maximian Herculeus. Victorinus of Pettau Nov 2 +. c 304. Bishop of Pettau in Styria in Austria and the earliest exegete in the West. Saragossa, The Innumerable Martyrs Nov 3 + 304. An exceedingly large number of martyrs put to death in Saragossa under Diocletian by the savage prefect Dacian, who had been sent to Spain to enforce the decrees. He published an edict exiling all Orthodox from the city, and while they were leaving he ordered the soldiers to fall upon and massacre them. Eighteen of them are honoured separately on April 16. Valentine and Hilary Nov 3 + c 304. A priest and his deacon, beheaded at Viterbo near Rome under Diocletian. Vitalis and Agricola Nov 4 + c 304. Martyrs in Bologna in Italy under Diocletian. Vitalis suffered martyrdom with such courage that Agricola was inspired by him to face a shameful death - probably crucifixion - for Christ's sake. The basilica in Ravenna is dedicated to St Vitalis. Acisclus and Victoria Nov 17 + 304. Brother and sister, they were born in Cordoba in Spain and were martyred, probably under Diocletian. Their home was turned into a church. They are the main patron-saints of Cordoba and were venerated throughout Spain and the south of France. Chrysogonus Nov 24 + c 304. A martyr in Aquileia in Italy. Rufus and Companions Nov 28 + 304. A citizen of Rome who was martyred with his entire household under Diocletian. Ansanus Dec 1 c 304. Born in Rome he became Orthodox when he was twelve years old, but his own father denounced him to the authorities. The boy contrived to escape and converted so many pagans, first in Bagnorea and then in Siena, that he was called 'the Baptiser'. Finally he was arrested and beheaded. Crispina Dec 5 + 304. A wealthy matron in Thebeste in Numidia in North Africa. She was horribly tortured and ultimately beheaded. Dalmatius Dec 5 + 304. Born in Monza of pagan parents he became a Christian and preached in France and Italy until he became Bishop of Pavia. He was martyred under Maximian Herculeus a year later. Eulalia Dec 10 + c 304. The most famous virgin-martyr in Spain. Prudentius wrote a long hymn describing her martyrdom and she is mentioned by other writers. Born in Mérida, aged thirteen she was burnt at the stake there under Diocletian. Julia of Mérida Dec 10 + c 304 A martyr together with St Eulalia in Mérida in Spain under Diocletian. Anastasia Dec 25 + c 304. According to her Life, she suffered in Sirmium in Dalmatia, her relics were taken to Constantinople and veneration spread to Rome, where a basilica is dedicated to her. Vincent, Orontius and Victor Jan 22 + 305. Vincent and Orontius were brothers born in Cimiez near Nice in France. They preached the Gospel in the Spanish Pyrenees and were martyred with St Victor at Puigeerda near Gerona in Spain. Their relics were later taken to Embrun in France. Emerentiana Jan 23 + 305? A martyr in Rome. Still only a catechumen, this foster-sister of St Agnes was found by pagans praying at the tomb of the recently martyred Agnes and was stoned to death. Paul, Heraclius, Secundilla and Januaria March 2 + c 305. Martyrs who suffered under Diocletian at Porto Romano at the mouth of the Tiber in Italy. Cyriacus and Paula June 18 + 305. Two Christians, stoned to death in Málaga in Spain under Diocletian. Castus and Secundinus July 1 c 305. Two saints much venerated in the south of Italy. They were born in Sinuessa (Mondragone) near Caserta. Julius and Aaron and Companions July 1 + c 305. According to tradition they are the Protomartyrs of Wales and suffered in Caerleon-on-Usk under Diocletian. Valentine July 16 + c 305. Bishop of Trier in Germany, or more probably Tongres in Belgium, martyred under Diocletian. Theodora Sept 17 + c 305. A noble lady of Rome and of great wealth, she devoted herself and her riches to the service of the martyrs during the persecution of Diocletian,. She seems to have reposed while the persecution still raged. Servandus and Germanus Oct 23 + c 305. By tradition sons of St Marcellus of Léon in Spain. They were martyred in Cadiz while on their way to Tangiers under arrest. Valentine, Felician and Victorinus Nov 11 + c 305. Martyrs venerated in Ravenna in Italy. Valentine, Solutor and Victor Nov 13 + c 305. Martyrs venerated in Ravenna in Italy. Valentine, Concordius, Navalis and Agricola Dec 16 + c 305. Martyrs venerated in Ravenna in Italy. Secundinus May 21 + c 306. A martyr in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian. Agatho and Triphina July 5 + c 306. Martyrs in Sicily. Timothy Aug 22 + c 306. A martyr in Rome under Diocletian. His relics were enshrined in a chapel near the church of St Paul-outside-the-Walls and venerated there. Patrick March 6 c 307. Born in Malaga in Spain, he became Bishop there. He later fled to Auvergne in France. Narcissus and Felix March 18 + c 307. A bishop and his deacon honoured as martyrs in Gerona in Catalonia in Spain. Valentine May 2 + c 307? Bishop of Genoa in Italy c 295-307. Boniface of Tarsus May 14 + c 307. A martyr beheaded in Tarsus in Cilicia, where he had gone from Rome to recover the bodies of certain martyrs. His own relics are enshrined in the church of Sts Alexis and Boniface on the Aventine. Maternus July 18 + c 307. Bishop of Milan in Italy, chosen by popular acclamation in 295. He suffered a great deal during the persecution of Diocletian, but survived and reposed in peace. Asteria (Hesteria) Aug 10 + c 307. A martyr venerated in Bergamo in Lombardy in Italy. She was a sister of St Grata and both were associated in the burial of the holy martyr Alexander. Quirinus June 4 + 308. Bishop of Siscia (Sisak or Seseg), now in Croatia. Having fled to escape the persecution of Galerius, he was captured and ordered to sacrifice to the gods. He refused, was barbarously beaten and handed over to the governor of Pannonia Prima at Sabaria, now Szombathely, in Hungary. There, on his continued refusal to apostatise, he was drowned in the River Raab. Marcellus Jan 16 (June 7 in the East) + 309. Pope of Rome from 308 to 309 and suffered for confessing the faith. Crescentian Nov 24 + 309. A martyr in Rome with Sts Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus. They died on the rack in their presence under Maxentius. Saturninus and Sisinius Nov 29 + ? 309. According to tradition Saturninus was a priest in Rome, though born in Carthage. He and his deacon Sisinius were sentenced to hard labour and subsequently martyred. They were buried in the cemetery of St Thraso on the Salarian Way. Similian (Sambin) June 16 + 310. Third Bishop of Nantes in France. St Gregory of Tours testified to his holiness. Eusebius Aug 17 + 310. A Greek by birth, he reposed in exile in Sicily. Savina (Sabina) Jan 30 + 311. Born in Milan in Italy, she ministered to martyrs in prison and buried their bodies during the persecution of Diocletian Paschasius Feb 22 + c 312. The eleventh bishop of Vienne in France. Brictius July 9 + c 312. Bishop of Martola near Spoleto in Umbria in Italy, imprisoned for Orthodoxy under Diocletian. He escaped death and died a confessor under Constantine. Verus Aug 1 + c 314. Bishop of Vienne in France. He attended the Council of Arles in 314. Mellon Oct 22 + 314. By tradition born near Cardiff in Wales, he became the first Bishop of Rouen in France. Mitrius (Mitre, Metre, Merre) Nov 13 + 314. A Greek slave belonging to a tyrannical master in Aix in Provence in France. He was savagely abused by his master and his fellow-slaves and was finally beheaded. Miltiades Dec 10 + 314. Although he had a Greek name, he may have been born in North Africa. He was Pope of Rome from 311 to 314, when the Emperor Constantine granted toleration to the Church. St Miltiades condemned Donatism and was venerated as a martyr on account of his many sufferings during the persecution of Maximian. Valerius Jan 28 + 315. Bishop of Saragossa in Spain, with whom St Vincent served as deacon. He was arrested and exiled under Diocletian but survived and reposed in peace in his city. Mirocles Dec 3 + 318. Archbishop of Milan in Italy, he helped develop the Ambrosian liturgy and church singing. Valerius Jan 29 + c 320. Second Bishop of Trier in Germany. Illuminata Nov 29 + c 320. A virgin in Todi in Italy. Proculus Dec 9 + c 320. Bishop of Verona in Italy. He was a confessor during the persecution of Diocletian, but reposed in peace. Romana Feb 23 + 324. A virgin born in Rome who reposed at the age of eighteen while living as an anchoress in a cave on the banks of the Tiber in Italy. Maternus Sept 14 + c 325. The first recorded Bishop of Cologne in Germany. Apollonius July 8 + c 326. Bishop of Benevento in Italy. He went into hiding during the last persecution under Diocletian. Mark of Lucera June 14 + c 328 A bishop venerated locally in the south of Italy. Eustorgius Sept 18 + c 331. A Greek by birth, in 315 he became Bishop of Milan in Italy, where he exerted his influence against the Arians. Agrecius (Agritius) Jan 13 + c 333. Bishop of Trier in Germany and predecessor of St Maximinus. He took part in the Council of Arles in 314. According to a late Life, composed in the eleventh century, he was aided by St Helen, who procured for him the garment of our Lord, known as the Holy Coat of Trier. Silvester Dec 31 (In the East Jan 2) + 335. Silvester came from Rome and served the Church as Pope from 314 to 335, helping convert St Constantine. Most of his relics are enshrined in San Silvestro in Capite in Rome. Basil March 6 + 335. Bishop of Bologna in Italy for twenty years, 315-335. Mark Oct 7 + 336. Born in Rome, he was chosen Pope in 336. Gatian Dec 18 +? c 337. He was venerated as a disciple of St Dionysius of Paris and the first Bishop of Tours in France. Cassian of Benevento Aug 12 + c 340. Bishop of Benevento in the south of Italy. His relics are enshrined in the church of St Mary there. Evortius (Euvert) Sept 7 + c 340. Bishop of Orleans in France, the monastery of Saint-Euvert was founded to enshrine his relics. Paternian Nov 23 + c 343. Towards the end of the persecution of Diocletian he escaped to the mountains and later became Bishop of Fano in Italy. Paris Aug 5 + 346. Bishop of Teano near Naples in Italy. Ursicinus Dec 1 + c 347. Bishop of Brescia in Italy, he took part in the Council of Sardica. His shrine still exists in Brescia. Geminian of Modena Jan 31 + 348. Deacon and later successor of the Bishop of Modena. He gave refuge to St Athanasius the Great when he came through Italy on his way to exile in Gaul. Geminian bravely opposed Jovinianism. Severus Feb 1 + c 348. Born in Ravenna in Italy, he became bishop of that city in 283 and attended the Council of Sardica in 344. Maximinus of Trier May 29 + c 349. Born in Silly near Poitiers in France, he was a brother of St Maxentius of Poitiers. In 333 he became Bishop of Trier in Germany and was the valiant defender and host of St Athanasius of Alexandria and St Paul of Constantinople, exiled by the Arian Emperor. He was a prominent opponent of Arianism at the Councils of Milan, Sardica and Cologne and one of the most courageous bishops of his time. Innocent of Tortona Apr 17 + c 350. A confessor under Diocletian, he was scourged and just escaped death. He was later ordained priest and became Bishop of Tortona in Italy (c 326). Valerian May 13 + c 350. Third Bishop of Auxerre in France and defender of Orthodoxy against Arianism. Paul of Constantinople June 7 + 350. An Archbishop of Constantinople whose episcopate was largely spent in exile for Orthodoxy. Elected in 336, he was exiled to Pontus in 337, from where he returned in 338, but was exiled again by an Arian Council, this time to Trier in Germany. He returned in c 340, but in 342 was sent in chains to Mesopotamia by the Emperor Constantius. Recalled in 344, he was banished for the last time to Cukusus in Armenia, where he was left without food for six days and then strangled. Martin of Tongres June 21 + c 350. Seventh Bishop of Tongres in Belgium, he is venerated as the Apostle of the Hesbaye region in Brabant. Cassian of Autun Aug 5 + c 350. Bishop of Autun in France, 314-350, he succeeded St Reticius and was famous for his miracles. Mansuetus (Mansuy) Sept 3 + c 350. Bishop of Toul in France (c 338-350). Julius I Apr 12 + 352. Pope of Rome from 337 to 352. He defended St Athanasius against his Arian accusers and also built many churches. Protasius Nov 24 + 352. Bishop of Milan in Italy 331-352. He defended St Athanasius against Arianism, notably at the Council of Sardica in 343. Amasius Jan 23 + 356. A Greek, driven from the East by the Arians, he became second Bishop of Teano in central Italy in 346. Pancharius July 22 + c 356. Bishop of Besançon in France. He suffered much under the Arian Emperor Constantius. Urban Dec 7 + c 356. Bishop of Teano in Campania in Italy. Paulinus of Trier Aug 31 + 358. Born in Gascony in France, he accompanied St Maximinus to Trier in Germany and succeeded him as bishop in 349. He was a brave supporter of St Athanasius and was therefore exiled to Phrygia by the Arian Emperor Constantius in 355. He died in exile but his relics were brought back to Trier in 396. Dionysius of Milan May 25 + 359. The successor of St Protasius as Bishop of Milan in Italy in 351. In 355 he was exiled to Cappadocia by the Arian Emperor Constantius for defending St Athanasius. He died in exile but St Ambrose had his relics translated to Milan. Simplicius of Autun June 24 + c 360. A married man who lived a virginal life with his wife and became Bishop of Autun. He worked zealously and successfully to uproot paganism in his diocese. Gaudentius of Rimini Oct 14 + 360. Born in Asia Minor, he became Bishop of Rimini in Italy in 346. He suffered much at the hands of the Arians who dominated the Council of 357 and he was martyred by them. Abra Dec 12 c 342-360. Daughter of St Hilary of Poitiers in France. Following his advice she consecrated herself to God as a nun but reposed at the age of eighteen. Onesimus May 13 + c 361. Fifth Bishop of Soissons in France. Pelinus Dec 5 + 361. A martyr in Confinium, a town in the south of Italy which is now destroyed, who suffered under Julian the Apostate. Primus and Donatus Feb 9 + 362. Two deacons in Lavallum in North Africa martyred by Donatists. Pigmenius March 24 + 362. A priest in Rome thrown into the Tiber under Julian the Apostate. Faustinus, Timothy and Venustus May 22 + c 362. Martyrs in Rome under Julian the Apostate. John June 23 + 362. A priest in Rome, beheaded under Julian the Apostate. Gallicanus June 25 + c 362. An officer in the army of Constantine and a consul in Rome, he went to live in Ostia where he founded a hospital and ministered to the sick. Porphyrius Sept 15 + 362. An actor who, performing in front of Julian the Apostate and mocking Orthodox baptism, suddenly declared himself a believer and was at once martyred. Leopardus Sept 30 + 362. A servant or slave in the household of Julian the Apostate. His martyrdom probably took place in Rome. Bolonia Oct 16 + 362. A holy virgin aged fifteen and martyred under Julian the Apostate. She left her name to the village of Saint Boulogne in Maine in France. Eliphius (Eloff) Oct 16 + 362. Born in Ireland, he was martyred in Toul in France under Julian the Apostate. In the tenth century his relics were translated to Cologne in Germany. Elpidius, Marcellus, Eustochius and Companions Nov 16 + 362. An official at the court of the Emperor Constantius, he was demoted by Julian the Apostate. He and others were dragged tied to the tails of wild horses. Finally they were all burnt at the stake. Evasius Dec 1 + ? 362. The first Bishop of Asti in Piedmont in Italy, from where he was driven out by the Arians and martyred under Julian the Apostate at Casale Monferrato. Gaudentius, Culmatius and Companions June 19 + 364. Gaudentius, a bishop, and Culmatius, his deacon, were martyred in Tuscany in Italy under Valentinian I. With them suffered Andrew, a layman, with his wife and children and a group of fifty-three companions. Hilary Jan 13 315-368. Born in Poitiers in France of pagan patrician parents, he married early in life. Shortly after he became Orthodox and in 353 he became Bishop of Poitiers. At once he began a campaign against Arianism and for this reason was exiled to Phrygia by the Arian Emperor Constantius. But in Phrygia he was even more objectionable to the Arians, who clamoured for his recall. He returned to Poiters in 360. Juvenal of Narni May 3 + 369. First Bishop of Narni in central Italy. Zeno April 12 + 371 Born in North Africa, he became Bishop of Verona in Italy at the time of Julian the Apostate. He was remembered as a fervent pastor and a fierce opponent of Arianism. Eusebius of Vercelli Aug 2 c 283-371. Born in Sardinia, in 340, he became Bishop of Vercelli in Piedmont in Italy. He fought Arianism and was exiled to the East. Before returning to Italy he visited St Athanasius in Alexandria. He reposed in peace in Vercelli in 371, although he has been called a martyr on account of his sufferings. Marcellinus, Vincent and Domninus Apr 20 + c 374. Born in North Africa, they went to France and preached in the Dauphiné. St Marcellinus was consecrated first Bishop of Embrun by St Eusebius of Vercelli. The relics of the three saints are venerated in Digne in the Alps. Victor of Piacenza Dec 7 + 375. First Bishop of Piacenza in Italy c 322-375 and a defender of Orthodoxy against Arianism. Hilary May 16 + 376. Bishop of Pavia. One of the bishops in the north of Italy who fought against Arianism. Satyrus Sept 17 + 376. The elder brother of St Ambrose of Milan in Italy. As a lawyer he undertook the administration of the affairs of his brother's household. His high sense of justice, his integrity and his generosity were praised by St Ambrose in his funeral sermon for him. Maximus of Mainz Nov 18 + 378. The nineteenth Bishop of Mainz in Germany from 354 to 378. He suffered greatly at the hands of the Arians. Viator Dec 14 + c 378. Probably an early Bishop of Bergamo in Italy from 344 to 378. Clarus Nov 8 + 379. Born in Tours in France, he became a monk at the monastery of Marmoutier with St Martin. He was ordained priest and then lived as a hermit near the monastery. Vincent of Digne Jan 22 + 380. Born in North Africa, he succeeded St Domninus as Bishop of Digne in France and is the main patron-saint of the town. Syrus of Genoa June 29 + c 380. Priest and later Bishop of Genoa in Italy from c 324 to c 380. He is the main patron of the city. Ursicinus July 24 + c 380. Fourth Bishop of Sens in France and an opponent of Arianism. Faustinus Feb 16 + 381. The successor of St Ursicinus about the year 360, as Bishop of Brescia in Italy. He was a descendant of Sts Faustinus and Jovita and compiled their Acts. Rufillus (Ruffilius) July 18 + 382. First Bishop of Forlimpopoli in Emilia in Italy. Blaesilla Jan 22 + 383. A daughter of St Paula, married and widowed very young she consecrated herself to God, but died in Rome aged twenty. Maurus Nov 8 + 383. Second Bishop of Verdun in France (353-383). Lea March 22 + 384. An aristocrat in Rome who on the death of her husband entered the convent of St Marcella, where she spent the rest of her life serving the nuns. Servatus (Servais) May 13 + 384. Bishop of Tongres in Belgium. He was the host of St Athanasius when the latter was exiled to the West. Maximus and Victorinus May 25 + c 384. Two brothers martyred by barbarians near Evreux in France. Damasus Nov 13 + 384. Born in Spain, he served as deacon in the Spanish church of St Laurence in Rome. He became Pope of Rome in 366, opposed Arianism and Apollinarianism, developed the liturgy and restored many churches and tombs of the martyrs. Iflidius (Allyre) July 7 + 385. Fourth Bishop of Clermont in France. St Gregory of Tours revered him greatly Brito (Britonius) May 5 + 386. Bishop of Trier in Germany. A firm opponent of the Priscillianists, he also refused to hand them over for punishment by the State. Helladius of Auxerre May 8 + 387. Bishop of Auxerre in France for thirty years. He converted his successor, St Amator. Optatus of Milevis June 4 + c 387. Bishop of Milevis in Numidia in North Africa. He opposed Donatism, writing six treatises against them which were praised by his contemporaries. Philastrius July 18 + c 387. Born in Spain, he became Bishop of Brescia in Italy at the time of the Arian troubles. He wrote a book against the Arians which still exists. His successor, St Gaudentius, praised him for his 'modesty, quietness and gentleness towards all men' and for his love for the poor. Monica Aug 27 332-387. Born in Carthage in North Africa of Christian parents, she married a pagan and had three children. Through her patience and gentleness she converted her husband and through her prayers and tears her wayward son, who became Blessed Augustine.. She reposed in Ostia near Rome and her relics are preserved in Rome. Nepotian Oct 22 + c 388. Bishop of Clermont in France (386-c 388). Florus (Flour) of Lodève Nov 3 + 389. First Bishop of Lodève in Languedoc in France. The town where his relics are enshrined is named after him. Valerian Nov 27 + 389. Bishop of Aquileia in the north of Italy. He succeeded an Arian bishop and he spent his energy fighting that heresy. Julius of Novara Jan 31 + c 390. Julius was a priest and his brother Julian a deacon. Together they converted heathen temples into Christian churches. Pacian March 9 + c 390. Bishop of Barcelona in Spain from 365. A work he wrote on repentance still exists. Urban of Langres Apr 2 + c 390. Sixth Bishop of Langres in France from 374 on. In parts of Burgundy he was honoured as the patron-saint of vine dressers. Zenobius May 25 + c 390. Bishop of Florence in Italy. A friend of St Ambrose and St Damasus, he raised a dead child to life and cast out demons. Heliodorus July 3 c 332-390. Born in Dalmatia, he helped translate the Vulgate. Later he settled in Aquileia in Italy and became Bishop of Altinum (Altino), a small town since destroyed, near Venice. He was a brave opponent of Arianism. Felix of Como July 14 + c 390. The first Bishop of Como in Italy. He was a friend of St Ambrose. Liborious July 23 + 390. Bishop of Le Mans in France from 348 to 390. He is the patron saint of Paderborn in Germany where his relics were moved in 836. Justus of Lyons Sept 2 and Oct 14 + 390. A deacon in Vienne who became Bishop of Lyons in France in 350. In 381 he attended the Council of Aquileia and then went to Egypt and lived as a hermit. Albinus (Aubin, Alpin) Sept 15 + c 390. The successor of St Justus in Lyons in France between 381 and 390. He is said to have built the church of St Stephen and chosen it for his Cathedral. Germanus of Besançon Oct 11 + c 390. He followed St Desideratus as Bishop of Besançon in France and by tradition was martyred by Arians. Donatian (Donas) Oct 14 + 390. Born in Rome, he became Bishop of Rheims in France from 360 to 390. His relics were translated to Bruges in Belgium in the ninth century and he has since been venerated as the patron-saint of Bruges. Viator Oct 21 + c 390. A disciple of St Justus, Archbishop of Lyons in France, whom he accompanied to live as a hermit. Almachius (Telemachus) Jan 1 + 391. A hermit who came to Rome from the East and publicly protested against the gladiatorial combats in the Roman amphitheatre. He was seized and cut to pieces by order of the prefect Alipius. As a consequence, the Emperor Honorius is said to have abolished such spectacles. Phaebadius (Fiari) Apr 25 + c 392. A bishop of Agen in the south of France who succeeded in stamping out Arianism in Gaul, together with his friend St Hilary of Poitiers. He was one of the best known bishops of his time and presided over several Councils. Gregory of Elvira Apr 24 + c 394. Bishop of Elvira in the south of Spain. He was one of the champions of Orthodoxy against Arianism and one of the few bishops who at Rimini in 359 consistently refused to compromise with them. Nepotian May 4 + 395. Nephew of St Heliodorus, Bishop of Altino near Venice in Italy, by whom he was ordained after leaving his high position as an officer in the imperial bodyguard. Menna (Manna) Oct 3 + c 395. A holy virgin from Lorraine in France, related to Sts Eucherius and Elaptius. Artemius (Arthemius) Jan 24 + 396. An imperial legate who, on his way to Spain, fell sick in Gaul and settled in Clermont in Auvergne in France where eventually he became bishop. Ursus Apr 13 + 396. Born in a noble family in Sicily, he converted and fled from his father's wrath to Ravenna in Italy, where he became bishop in 378. Crescentius Apr 19 + c 396. A subdeacon in Florence in Italy and a disciple of St Zenobius and St Ambrose. Laurence of Novara and Companions Apr 30 + c 397. He helped St Gaudentius, Bishop of Novara, in Piedmont in Italy. He was martyred with a group of children whom he was instructing. Sisinius, Martyrius and Alexander May 29 + 397. By tradition from Cappadocia, they were received by St Vigilius of Trent in Italy on the recommendation of St Ambrose. They were sent to enlighten the Tyrol in Austria and martyred by pagans. Martin of Tours Nov 11 (In the East Oct 12) c 316-397. Born in Upper Pannonia (now Hungary), he was the son of a Roman officer. At the age of fifteen he enrolled in the imperial cavalry. In Amiens in France, where he was posted, he cut his cloak in half and gave his own half to a beggar. This beggar turned out to be Christ. This led to his baptism. He left the army and placed himself in the hands of St Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, living for ten years as a hermit and founding a monastery in Ligugé. In 372 he was made Bishop of Tours, but he accepted the office with great reluctance. Founding another monastic centre in Marmoutier, he continued to live as a monk, while publicly he devoted himself to his episcopal duties. He opposed Arianism and Priscillianism, but befriended Priscillianists when they were persecuted by the civil authorities. He was the greatest monk in the West of the age and hundreds of churches were dedicated to him. His shrine in Tours was and still is a resort of Orthodox pilgrims. Ambrose Dec 7 c 339-397. Born in France, his father was prefect there. Before he was thirty-five, he was appointed governor of Liguria and Aemilia with his headquarters in Milan. The whole province was rent by the Arian controversy. When the Bishop of Milan died in 374, Ambrose, as governor, went to the Cathedral to ensure peace and order the new election. He himself, though still a catechumen, was elected by acclamation, after a child had been suddenly heard to cry out 'Ambrose for bishop'. Ambrose's objections were overruled and he was consecrated on Dec 7 374. He proved to be a Church Father. He excelled as an administrator, writer, protector of the poor and the 'hammer of Arianism'.. He was outspoken in withstanding the tyranny of Emperors. His courage in reproving Theodosius the Great was a fine example of Orthodoxy. He reposed on Great Friday, April 4 397. Marcellina July 17 c 330-398. Born in Rome, she was the elder sister of St Ambrose of Milan and St Satyrus. She became a nun in 353. Her remains are enshrined in Milan. Siricius Nov 26 + 399. Born in Rome, he was Pope from 384 to 399. Fabiola Dec 27 + 399. A patrician in Rome who married and divorced. She married again, causing scandal. After the death of her second husband, she repented and devoted her wealth to the care of the sick in a hospital which she established. She also founded a hostel for pilgrims in Rome and was greatly venerated. Viventius Jan 13 + c 400. An eastern priest who travelled to the West and attached himself to St Hilary of Poitiers. He ended his life as a hermit. Felix of Trier March 26 + c 400. Consecrated Bishop of Trier in Germany by St Martin of Tours in 386. Liberalis Apr 27 + c 400. A priest from the area near Ancona in Italy, he worked for the conversion of the Arians and suffered much at their hands. His relics are enshrined at Treviso. Venantius May 30 + c 400. Elder brother of St Honoratus, founder of Lérins in France. After living as hermit on an island near Cannes, both travelled to the East to learn the monastic life. Fortunatus June 1 + c 400. A parish priest at a place near Spoleto in Umbria in Italy. He was famed for his love for the poor. Alban June 21 + c 400. A Greek priest from Naxos, he was sent into exile by the Arians and preached the Gospel in Germany around Mainz. Here he was again attacked by the Arians and martyred. Simplician Aug 16 + 400. A friend and advisor of St Ambrose, whom he succeeded as Bishop of Milan in Italy. Pamphilus Sept 7 + c 400. A Greek by birth, he was consecrated Bishop of Capua in Italy. His relics were enshrined in Benevento. Eusebius of Bologna Sept 26 + c 400. He became Bishop of Bologna in Italy in about 370. He was a close friend of St Ambrose of Milan and an ardent opponent of Arianism. Cerbonius Oct 10 + ? c 400. Bishop of Verona in Italy. Rufus of Metz Nov 7 + c 400. An early Bishop of Metz in France He was bishop for some twenty-nine years. Martin of Saujon Dec 7 + c 400. A disciple of St Martin of Tours, he founded the monastery of Saujon in France. Artaxus, Acutus, Eugenda, Maximianus, Timothy, Tobias and Vitus Jan 2 3-4th cent. Martyrs in Syrmium in Pannonia. Anastasius Jan 6 4th cent. A martyr in Syrmium in Pannonia, now Hungary. Anastasius, Jucundus, Florus, Florianus, Peter, Ratites, Tatia and Tilis Jan 6 4th cent. Martyred in Syrmium in Pannonia, now Hungary. Eugenian Jan 8 4th cent. Bishop of Autun in France, he was a staunch defender of Orthodoxy against Arianism, for which he was martyred. Maura and Britta Jan 15 ? 4th cent. Two holy virgins in France. Eutychius Feb 4 4th cent. A martyr in Rome under Diocletian. He was left in prison for twelve days without food and then thrown into a well. Chrysolius Feb 7 4th cent. An Armenian who enlightened the north-east of France, where he became bishop and was martyred. Having left Armenia during the persecution of Diocletian, he won martyrdom in Flanders. His relics were venerated in Bruges in Belgium. Syncrotas, Antigonus, Rutilus, Libius, Senerotas and Rogatianus Feb 23 4th cent. Martyrs at Syrmium in Pannonia. Faustinian Feb 26 4th cent. The second Bishop of Bologna in Italy. He reorganised his diocese and lived to be a firm defender of Orthodoxy against Arianism. Hemiterius and Cheledonius March 3 ? 4th cent. Two martyrs in Spain, believed to have been soldiers. They suffered in Calahorra in Old Castile. Agapitus March 16 4th cent. Bishop of Ravenna in Italy. Florentius, Geminianus and Saturus Apr 6 ? 4th cent. Martyrs in Sirmium in Pannonia. Rufina, Moderata, Romana, Secundus and Seven Companions Apr 6 ? 4th cent. Martyrs at Sirmium in Pannonia. Saturninus Apr 7 4th cent. Bishop of Verona in Italy. Grata May 1 4th (or 8th) cent. A holy woman from Bergamo in Italy, zealous in securing Christian burial for the bodies of the martyrs. Hilary May 20 4th cent. Bishop of Toulouse in France Hilary June 3 ? 4th cent. Bishop of Carcassonne in France. Maximus June 10 4th cent. Tenth Bishop of Naples in Italy (359). He reposed in exile and is honoured as a martyr. Actinea and Graecina June 16 4th cent. Both martyrs, the former was beheaded in Volterra in Italy under Diocletian. Sostratus, Spirus, Eraclius, Eperentius and Cecilia July 8 ? 4th cent. Martyrs of Syrmium in Pannonia. Secundinus, Agrippinus, Maximus, Fortunatus and Martialis July 15 ? 4th cent. Martyrs in Pannonia. Faustinus July 29 4th cent. A disciple of St Felix, Bishop of Martano near Spoleto in Italy, he was present at his martyrdom. St Faustinus suffered for Christ before reposing peacefully in Todi in Umbria. Exuperius (Soupire, Spire) Aug 1 ? 4th cent. Bishop of Bayeux in France, he is honoured in Corbeil. Leus (Leo) Aug 1 4th cent. A priest whose relics were honoured in Viguenza in Italy. Donatian Aug 7 ? 4th cent. Second Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne in France. Donatus and Hilarinus Aug 7 4th cent. St Donatus was the second Bishop of Arezzo in Italy. St Hilarinus was a martyr in Ostia. Domitian of Châlons Aug 9 4th cent. ? The third Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne in France and successor of St Donatian. Rusticus Aug 9 ? 4th cent. A martyr at Sirmium in Pannonia. Digna Aug 11 4th cent. A holy virgin in Todi in Umbria in Italy, who lived as an anchoress in the mountains nearby during the persecution of Diodetian. Cassian of Todi Aug 13 4th cent. Converted by St Pontian, Bishop of Todi in central Italy, he was his successor. He was martyred under Maximian Herculeus. Eusebius Aug 14 4th cent. A priest in Rome who founded the 'church' called the titulis Eusebii after him. Theodulus (Theodore) of Grammont Aug 17 4th cent? An early Bishop of Valais who was much revered in Switzerland and Savoy. Euthymius Aug 29 4th cent. A Roman who fled to Perugia in Italy with his wife and his child, St Crescentius, during the persecution of Diocletian. He reposed in Perugia and is venerated there. Firminus of Amiens Sept 1 4th cent. Third Bishop of Amiens in France. Valentine Sept 2 4th cent. Fourth Bishop of Strasbourg in France. Marinus Sept 4 4th cent. He was born on an island off the coast of Dalmatia and became a stonemason. Ordained deacon by Gaudentius, Bishop of Rimini, he reposed as a hermit in the region now called after him, (the Republic of) San Marino. Grimonia (Germana) Sept 7 4th cent. A holy virgin from Ireland, she was martyred in Picardy in defence of her virtue. Firminus of Amiens Sept 25 4th cent. First Bishop of Amiens in France. He was born in Pampeluna in Spain and was converted by St Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse. Florentinus of Trier Oct 16 4th cent. The successor of St Severinus as Bishop of Trier in Germany. Regulus (Rule) Oct 17 ? 4th cent. By tradition an abbot who brought relics of St Andrew from Greece to Scotland, leading to St Andrew's adoption as the patron-saint of Scotland.. Altinus (Attinus) Oct 19 4th cent? Founder of the churches of Orleans and Chartres in France and perhaps a martyr. Ursula and Companions Oct 21 4th cent.? Early and famous virgin-martyrs in Cologne in Germany. Amo (Amon) Oct 23 4th cent. Second Bishop of Toul in France, the successor of St Mansuetus. Verus Oct 23 4th cent. Third Bishop of Salerno in Italy. Gaudentius of Brescia Oct 25 4th-5th cent. Born in Brescia in Italy, he became a monk in Caesarea in Cappadocia. He was recalled to Brescia to succeed St Philastrius as bishop and was consecrated by St Ambrose (c 387). In 405 he was sent to defend St John Chrysostom and was imprisoned near Thrace. He reposed shortly afterwards. Kennera Oct 29 4th cent. An anchoress in Kirk-Kinner in Galloway in Scotland. Domninus Nov 5 4th cent. The first Bishop of Grenoble in France. Crispin Nov 19 4th cent. Bishop of Ecija in Andalusia in Spain, he was beheaded under Maximian Herculeus. Eutychius Dec 11 4th cent. A martyr called San Oye either in Mérida or else in Cádiz in Spain. Domnio Dec 28 4th cent. A righteous priest in Rome.