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Anastasius I Dec 19 + 401. Pope of Rome and a man of poverty and the apostolic mind, he stopped the spread of Origenism at a Council held in 400. Severinus Oct 23 + c 403. Born in Bordeaux in France, he became Bishop of Cologne in Germany and was a prominent opponent of Arianism. Paula Jan 26 347-404. A Roman lady of noble birth, she married a patrician and had five children, among them St Eustochium and St Blaesilla. Left a widow when she was thirty-two, she presided for twenty years over the sisterhood she had founded in Bethlehem. She also established a guest house for pilgrims there. Maximian Oct 3 + 404. A convert from Donatism, he became Bishop of Bagaia in Numidia in North Africa. Having deprived the Donatists of the basilica of Calvianum, he was grievously wounded and thrown off a tower by them. Delphinus Dec 24 + 404. Bishop of Bordeaux in France. He is helped convert St Paulinus of Nola and was an untiring opponent of Priscillianism. Paul of Trois-Châteaux Feb 1 + c 405. Born in Rheims in France, he became a hermit near Arles and was chosen Bishop of Trois-Châteaux in the Dauphiné Vigilius June 26 + 405. A Roman noble who studied in Athens. He became Bishop of Trent in Italy and more or less succeeded in uprooting paganism. He was stoned to death in the Val di Rendena for overturning a statue of Saturn. Mercurialis May 23 + c 406. First Bishop of Forli in central Italy. He opposed paganism and Arianism. Chromatius Dec 2 + c 406. Bishop of Aquileia near Venice in Italy from 387 to 406. A holy and learned man, he was a friend of St John Chrysostom. We still have part of his commentary on St Matthew. Asella Dec 6 + c 406. 'A flower of the Lord', this virgin became a nun in Rome at the age of ten and then lived for many years until she became abbess, 'the mother of many virgins'. Andrew of Florence Feb 26 + c 407. Bishop of Florence in Italy. Desiderius May 23 407 ? Born in Genoa, he became Bishop of Langres in France. He was killed at the time of a Vandal invasion while interceding for his people. Victricius Aug 7 + 407. An army officer who retired because he found military service incompatible with the Faith. He was sentenced to death, but the sentence was not carried out. He became a missionary in the north of France and later as Bishop of Rouen (380) was one of the leading pastors in Gaul. Nicasius, Eutropia and Companions Dec 14 + c 407. Bishop of Rheims in France who was martyred with his sister Eutropia and a number of his clergy and faithful. Severus Apr 29 + 409. Bishop of Naples in Italy and a famous wonderworker. He raised a dead man to life so that he bear witness in favour of his persecuted widow. Venerius May 4 + 409. Ordained deacon by St Ambrose, he later became Bishop of Milan. He is remembered as a loyal supporter of St John Chrysostom. Marcella Jan 31 325-410. A noblewoman of Rome, as a widow she turned her home into a house-church and she devoted herself to prayer and almsgiving. When Alaric sacked Rome, Marcella was cruelly scourged as the Goths thought that she had hidden her wealth. In reality she had already distributed it to the poor. She died shortly after from the effects of this treatment. Melania the Elder June 8 c 342-c 410. An aristocrat of Rome who visited the Holy Land, founding a monastery on the Mount of Olives. Titus Aug 16 + c 410 A deacon martyred during the sack of Rome by the Goths while he was distributing alms to the half-starved population. Pammachius Aug 30 c 340-410. A Roman senator, married to one of the daughters of St Paula. On the death of his wife in 395, Pammachius became a monk and spent the rest of his life and his immense wealth in the service of the sick and the poor. Exuperius (Soupire) Sept 28 + 411. Bishop of Toulouse in France, he was noted for his generosity in sending large contributions to the poor in Palestine and Egypt. Taurinus Aug 11 + c 412. Bishop of Evreux in France. Bassian Jan 19 + 413. Born in Sicily, he became Bishop of Lodi in Lombardy in Italy. He was much esteemed by St Ambrose of Milan, with whom he attended the Council of Aquilia (381) and at whose repose he was present (390). Marcellinus Apr 6 + 413. Marcellinus was the imperial representative in North Africa at the time of the Donatist heresy. He and his brother, the judge Agrarius, tried to enforce the decisions of a conference in Carthage against Donatism, but the Donatists resorted to false accusation and the two brothers were martyred. Honoratus of Vercelli Oct 28 c 330-415. Born in Vercelli in Italy, he was trained in the monastic life by St Eusebius. He accompanied his master into exile in Scythopolis and in his wanderings through Cappadocia, Egypt and Illyria. In 396 he was chosen bishop of Vercelli on the recommendation of St Ambrose, whom he anointed on his deathbed. Gaudentius of Novara Jan 22 + 417. A priest in Ivrea near Turin in Italy. He succeeded St Laurence as Bishop of Novara, where he was bishop for twenty years. Innocent I July 28 + 417. Born in Albano near Rome, St Innocent was Pope from 402 till 417. The outstanding event of his life was the sack of Rome by the Goths under Alaric in 410. He also led the condemnation of Pelagianism. Amator (Amatre, Amadour) May 1 + 418. Bishop of Auxerre in France. He had been married to a holy woman, venerated locally as St Martha. St Amator ordained as priest his successor St Germanus who left us the Life of his predecessor. Helen May 22 + c 418. A holy woman in Auxerre in France. Exuperantius May 30 + 418. Bishop of Ravenna in Italy from 398 to 418. Zosimus Dec 26 + 418. A Greek Pope of Rome. Eustochium Sept 28 c 370-419. Born in Rome, she was the third daughter of St Paula. She joined her mother in Bethlehem and succeeded her mother as abbess of a convent in Bethlehem in 404. Agricola Feb 5 + 420. The eleventh Bishop of Tongres in Belgium. Provinus March 8 + c 420. Born in France, he became a disciple of St Ambrose in Milan and became Bishop of Como in Italy in 391. Silvester March 10 + c 420. A companion of St Palladius in enlightening Ireland. Urbitius March 20 + c 420. Bishop of Metz in the east of France. He built a church in honour of St Felix of Nola which became the church of the monastery of St Clement. Principia May 11 + c 420. A holy virgin in Rome and disciple of St Marcella. Dictinus July 24 + 420. An adherent of Priscillianism, he was converted by St Ambrose and renounced his errors at the Council of Toledo (400). Soon afterwards he became Bishop of Astorga in Spain. Castor Sept 2 + c 420. Born in Nîmes in France, he married and settled in Marseilles. After a short time they separated by mutual consent and both entered monasteries. Castor founded the monastery of Manauque, and shortly afterwards became Bishop of Apt. Salvinus Sept 4 + c 420. Third Bishop of Verdun in the north of France (c 383-420). Jerome Sept 30 c 341-420. Eusebius Hieronymus Sophronius was born at Stridon in Dalmatia. He studied in Rome, travelled in Italy and Gaul, lived as a hermit in Palestine and then returned to Rome where he was ordained. He finally went back to Palestine and settled in Bethlehem. He spent the rest of his life translating and commenting on the Bible. The Orthodox Church accords him the title of Blessed. Severinus (Seurin) Oct 23 + c 420. Bishop of Bordeaux in France c 405-420. Sabinus Dec 11 + 420 Bishop of Piacenza in Italy and a close friend of St Ambrose, who used to send him his writings for revision and approval. Elpidius Sept 2 + 422. The successor of St Antiochus as Bishop of Lyons in France. His relics were enshrined in the church of St Justus. Boniface I Sept 4 + 422. A priest who was elected Pope of Rome in 418. Renatus (René) Nov 12 + c 422. Bishop of Angers in France and by tradition of Sorrento in the south of Italy. Eugene Nov 17 + 422. A deacon of the Church of Florence in Italy with Bishop Zenobius. He had been a disciple of St Ambrose at Milan. Eusebius March 5 + c 423. Born in Cremona in Italy, he became an abbot in Bethlehem and took part in the struggle against Origenism. Marolus Apr 23 + 423. A Syrian by origin, he became Bishop of Milan in Italy in 408. Venerandus Dec 24 + 423. Born of a senatorial family in Clermont in Auvergne in France, he became bishop there (385-423). Theonestus Oct 30 + 425. By tradition Bishop of Philippi in Macedonia, driven out by the Arians. He was sent with companions (among whom was St Alban of Mainz) to enlighten Germany. However, in Mainz they were obliged to flee from invading Vandals and on their way Theonestus was martyred in Altino in Italy. Theophilus Apr 27 + c 427. Bishop of Brescia in Italy and the successor of St Gaudentius. Honoratus of Arles Jan 16 c 350-429. Probably born in Lorraine of a Roman consular family, he renounced paganism in his youth and went to the East to learn from monasticism. Returning to France, he founded a monastery on the Mediterranean island of Lérins. In 426 he was forced to become Archbishop of Arles, but reposed three years later. James of Tarentaise Jan 16 ? 429. A Syrian by origin, he became a monk with St Honoratus at Lérins and was venerated at Chambéry as an Apostle of Savoy in France and the first Bishop of Tarentaise. Aurelius July 20 + 429. Bishop of Carthage in North Africa. Felix of Bologna Dec 4 + 429. A deacon of the Church of Milan in Italy with St Ambrose and later the fifth Bishop of Bologna. Quintian, Lucius, Julian and Companions May 23 + c 430. Three of a group of nineteen martyred in North Africa under the Arian Vandal King Hunneric. Caprasius June 1 + c 430. Born in France, he went to live as a hermit to the island of Lérins. He was followed by Sts Honoratus and Venantius. Together they went to the East to learn from the monasteries there. Venantius reposed in Greece; the other two returned to Lérins, where St Honoratus founded the monastery of Lérins. Later he became Bishop of Arles and was succeeded by Caprasius as abbot. Alipius (Alypius) Aug 15 + c 430. A disciple and lifelong friend of Blessed Augustine, he was also baptised in Milan on Easter Eve 387. On his return to Africa he lived as a hermit. St Alipius then visited Palestine and in about 393 he became Bishop of Tagaste in North Africa. Augustine of Hippo Aug 28 354-430. Born in Tagaste in North Africa, he spent his youth in vice, but under the influence of St Ambrose was baptised. He became priest and then Bishop of Hippo. He devoted himself to defending Orthodoxy, although he had to retract some of his earlier ideas which were incorrect. For this reason the Orthodox Church accords him the title of Blessed. His relics are enshrined in the basilica of St Pietro in Ciel d'Oro in Pavia. Maurilius Sept 13 + c 430. Born in Milan in Italy, he moved to France where he became a disciple of St Martin of Tours. About the year 407 he was consecrated Bishop of Angers. Marcellus Nov 1 + c 430. Bishop of Paris in France, he was buried in the old Christian cemetery outside the walls of the city, which is now the suburb of Saint-Marceau. Oriculus and Companions Nov 18 + c 430. Martyrs under the Arian Vandals near Carthage in North Africa. Amandus June 18 + c 431. Successor of St Delphinus as Bishop of Bordeaux in France (c 404). He is mainly known from the works of St Paulinus of Nola whom he converted. Paulinus of Nola June 22 c 354-431. Pontius Meropius Amcius Paulinus was born in Bordeaux in France, the son of a Roman patrician. Appointed prefect of Rome, after the death of his only child in 390 he left the world and went to Spain, where the people of Barcelona forced him to accept the priesthood. Finally he settled as a hermit near Nola in Campania in Italy and there the people chose him as their bishop (400). He proved to be one of the finest bishops of his age. He suffer greatly during the invasion of Campania by the Goths under Alaric. Most of his writings survive. Celestine April 6 (In the East April 8) + 432. Born in the Campagna in Italy, he succeeded Boniface I as Pope of Rome in 422. He supported St Germanus of Auxerre against Pelagianism and condemned Nestorianism. Ninian Aug 26 + ? 432. A Briton who was sent to enlighten his native country. He established his mission at Whithorn in Wigtownshire in Scotland, so called because the church was built of stone plastered white. There was a monastery attached to it and it was from this centre that Ninian and his monks enlightened the northern Britons and the Picts. Leontius Dec 1 + c 432. Bishop of Fréjus in France from c 419 to c 432. He was a great friend of St John Cassian who dedicated his first ten Conferences to him. Ethenia and Fidelmia Jan 11 + 433. Daughters of King Laoghaire in Ireland and among the first converts of St Patrick, they became nuns and reposed in holiness. John Cassian July 23 c 360-433. Probably born in what is now Romania, he became a monk in Egypt and afterwards went to Marseilles in France, where he founded the monastery of St Victor and a convent, ruling both from Lérins. His Conferences and his Institutes are still read throughout the Orthodox world. He was an ardent advocate of the Orthodox teaching on free will and opposed what later became known as Augustianism. John Angeloptes Nov 27 + 433. Bishop of Ravenna in Italy 430-433. The Greek name Angeloptes means 'the man who saw an angel'. It was given to him because an angel, visible to him alone, came and helped him serve the divine liturgy. Alexander of Adrumetum Feb 21 + c 434. Martyred with others in North Africa. Verulus, Secundinus, Siricius, Felix, Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus and Companions Feb 21 + c 434? Martyrs in North Africa, probably under the Vandals. Hadrumetum is given as the place of their martyrdom and their number as twenty-six. Martinian (Maternian) Jan 2 + c 435. Bishop of Milan in Italy (423-c 435). He took part in the Third Oecumenical Council at Ephesus and wrote against Nestorianism. Juliana of Bologna Feb 7 + 435. A matron in Bologna in Italy whose piety and charity were praised by St Ambrose of Milan. Her husband left her to become a priest with her consent and she devoted herself to bringing up her four children and to the service of the Church and the poor. Prosper of Aquitaine July 7 c 390-436. Born in Aquitaine in France, he was a married layman who devoted himself to theology. Camilla March 3 + c 437. Born in Civitavecchia, she became a disciple of St Germanus of Auxerre in France, where she lived as an anchoress. Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus, Eutychian and Paulillus Nov 13 + 437. All of these were born in Spain and exiled to Africa by the Vandal Arian King Genseric, where they became the Protomartyrs of the Vandal persecution. Paulillus was only a boy, the little brother of Sts Paschasius and Eutychian. Clicerius Sept 20 + c 438. Bishop of Milan in Italy. Glycerius Sept 20 + c 438. Archbishop of Milan in Italy. Melania the Younger and Pinian Dec 31 c 383-438. Melania was the granddaughter of St Melania the Elder. Born in Rome, she married a man called Pinian. They had two children who died young. About the year 410 they left Rome, the former entering a monastery and the latter a convent in Jerusalem. Orentius (or Orientius) of Auch May 1 + c 439. A hermit in the Lavendan valley near Tarbes in France, whom the people of Auch insisted on having for bishop. He was their pastor for over forty years. Sixtus III (Xystus) March 28 + 440. Pope of Rome from 432. A Roman by birth, he is remembered for opposing Nestorianism and Pelagianism and restoring several Roman basilicas. Amantius Apr 8 + 440. Successor of St Provinus in Como in Italy. Possidius May 16 c 370-c 440. Bishop of Calama in Numidia in North Africa, when he was driven out by Arian Vandals, reposing in Apulia in Italy. He opposed both Donatism and Pelagianism. Julia May 22 (In the East July 16) + 440. Born in Carthage in North Africa, she was sold into slavery by the Vandal conquerors. The ship on which she was being taken to Gaul stopped in Corsica. At that time heathen festival was being celebrated and when Julia refused to join in, she was immediately martyred by being nailed to a cross. She is the patron-saint of Corsica. Domitian July 1 c 347-440. Born in Rome and orphaned when young, he became a monk at Lérins in the south of France. Later he founded the monastery of Bebron, now St Rambert de Joux. Silvinus Sept 28 + 444. Bishop of Brescia in Italy. Brice (Britius, Brixius) Nov 13 + 444. A disciple of St Martin of Tours in France, in fact he was proud and ambitious. Chosen to be St Martin's successor at Tours, he was eventually driven out. He repented and was reinstated. Such was the change in him that his flock proclaimed him a saint immediately after his death. Gaudiosus of Brescia March 7 + 445 ? Bishop of Brescia in Italy, where his relics were venerated. Nectarius May 5 + c 445. Bishop of Vienne in France. Vincent of Lérins May 24 + c 445. Perhaps of a noble family in Gaul, in early life he followed a military career but abandoned it to become a monk at Lérins in southern France. He is best known as the writer of the Commonitorium, where he formulates the Orthodox principle that the only true teachings are those which have been held 'everywhere, always and by all the faithful' (Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus). It is the Church which interprets the Scriptures and is the source of the Faith. Severus Aug 8 + c 445. A priest who came from far away to enlighten the area around Vienne in France. Rusticus Sept 24 + 446. Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne in France 426-446. Agapius (Agapitus) Sept 10 + 447. Bishop of Novara in Piedmont in Italy from 417 to 447 and the successor of St Gaudentius, in whose footsteps he followed. Germanus of Auxerre July 31 c 378-448. Born in Auxerre in France, he governed part of Gaul. In 418 he became Bishop of Auxerre. He came to Britain twice (in 429 and 447), where he succeeded in stamping out Pelagianism. He reposed in Ravenna in Italy. Hilary May 5 c 400-449. Born in Lorraine in France, he gained high office. His relative and friend, St Honoratus, invited him to the monastery founded in Lérins. Hilary received baptism and became a monk there. When St Honoratus became Bishop of Arles, he took Hilary as his secretary. St Hilary succeeded him and was famed for his zeal. Nicetus May 5 + c 449. The fifteenth bishop of Vienne in France. Arsenius the Great July 19 + c 449. Surnamed also 'the Roman' and 'the deacon', being actually a Roman deacon. He was called by Theodosius the Great to Constantinople to become the tutor of Arcadius and Honorius, the Emperor's sons (c 383). After ten years in that office (c 393) he abandoned the court and retired to the desert of Skete as a hermit. He remained a hermit for the rest of his life, living in various places in Egypt, always weeping over the feebleness of Arcadius and the foolishness of Honorius. He reposed at the rock of Tröe near Memphis. Eucherius Nov 16 + 449. He became a monk at Lérins in France in 422 and his wife Galla became a nun. Two of their sons became bishops. In 434 he became Bishop of Lyons and in 441 he presided the Council of Orange with St Hilary and several of his ascetic works still exist Ia (Hia, Ives) Feb 3 + 450. Born in Ireland and the sister of St Ercus, she went to Cornwall with Sts Fingar, Piala and others and was martyred at the mouth of the River Hayle. The town of St Ives is called after her. Lazarus of Milan Feb 11 + c 450. Archbishop of Milan in Italy, he defended his flock from the Ostrogoths. Nostrianus Feb 14 + c 450. Bishop of Naples in Italy and a valiant opponent of Arianism and Pelagianism. Loman (Luman) Feb 17 + c 450. A nephew of St Patrick and the first Bishop of Trim in Meath in Ireland. Quodvultdeus Feb 19 + 450. Bishop of Carthage in North Africa, exiled by the Arian Genseric King of the Vandals, after the capture of the city in 439. He reposed in Naples in Italy. Valerius Feb 19 + c 450. Bishop of Antibes in the south of France. Primael May 16 + c 450. From Britain, he went to Brittany and became a hermit near Quimper. Peter Chrysologus July 30 c 406-c 450. Born in Imola in Italy, he became deacon there, and then archdeacon and Archbishop of Ravenna (c 433). He is famed for his eloquence in preaching, thus the name Chrysologus, 'Golden Speech'. Many of his sermons still exist. Patrick Aug 24 + c 450. A bishop in Ireland, surnamed Patrick the Elder. His relics were later enshrined at Glastonbury in England. Ambrose Aug 28 + c 450. Bishop of Saintes in France for some fourteen years. He is mentioned in the Life of his successor, St Vivian, and is honoured together with him. Petronius Sept 6 + c 450. Bishop of Verona in Italy. Augustalis (Autal) Sept 7 c 450. Probably Bishop of Arles in France. Fratemus Sept 29 + c 450. Bishop of Auxerre in France and by tradition a martyr. Dulcidius (Dulcet, Doucis) Oct 16 + c 450. Successor of St Phoebadius as Bishop of Agen in France. Saturninus, Nereus and Companions Oct 16 + 450. A group of some three hundred and sixty-five martyrs who suffered in North Africa under the Vandal King Genseric. Nazarius Nov 18 + c 450. A monk and Abbot of Lérins in France. Severus, Securus, Januarius and Victorinus Dec 2 + c 450. Martyrs in North Africa who suffered under the Vandals. Romulus and Conindrus Dec 28 + c 450. Two of the first people to preach Orthodoxy on the Isle of Man, they were contemporaries of St Patrick. Armentarius Jan 30 + c 451. First Bishop of Antibes in Provence in France. An old church is dedicated to him in Draguignan. Memorius (Nemorius, Mesmin) and Companions Sept 7 + 451. A deacon in Troyes in France with St Lupus, who sent him to the camp of Attila with five companions to ask for mercy. Attila had them all beheaded. Odran Feb 19 + c 452. A martyr in Ireland. Valerius Jan 16 + c 453. A hermit taken from his solitude by the people of Sorrento in Italy, who made him their bishop. Prosper of Orleans July 29 + c 453. Bishop of Orleans in France. Anianus (Aignan) Nov 17 + 453. Fifth Bishop of Orleans in France. He is famous for organising the defence of his city during the invasion of the Huns under Attila. He interceded with the latter on his approach to Orleans, thus saving it. Ceratius (Cérase) June 6 + c 455. Bishop of Grenoble in France. Ambrose Sept 3 + c 455. Bishop of Sens in France. Severus Oct 15 + c 455. Born in France, he was a disciple of St Germanus of Auxerre and St Lupus of Troyes. He accompanied St Germanus to Britain to oppose the Pelagian heresy. He preached the Gospel to the Germans on the lower Moselle and became Bishop of Trier in Germany (446-c 455). Gaudiosus of Naples Oct 27 + c 455. Bishop of Abitina in North Africa and exiled by the Arian Vandal King Genseric (440), he took refuge at Naples where he founded a monastery. Monessa Sept 4 + 456. A holy woman converted by St Patrick in Ireland. Deogratius March 22 + 457. He became Bishop of Carthage in North Africa in 456, fourteen years after the repose of his predecessor, St Quodvultdeus, who had been driven into exile by the Arian Vandals. He sold all that he or his church possessed in order to ransom prisoners of the Arian King. Seachnall (Sechnall) Nov 27 + 457. A disciple of St Patrick. In 433 he became the first Bishop of Dunsauglin in Meath in Ireland and later served in Armagh. He wrote the earliest poem of the Irish Church - an alphabetical hymn in honour of St Patrick. Valerian Dec 15 + 457. Bishop of Abbenza in North Africa who, aged over eighty, was left to die of exposure for refusing to give up the sacred vessels. He died under the Arian Genseric King of the Vandals. Martinian, Saturian and Companions Oct 16 + 458. Four brothers, reduced to slavery in the house of an Arian Vandal in Mauretania in North Africa. The four brothers were martyred under Genseric by being dragged by horses. Cilinia Oct 21 + c 458. The mother of St Principius, Bishop of Soissons and St Remigius, Bishop of Rheims. She reposed in Laon in France. Africa, Martyrs of North-West Africa Apr 5 + 459. A large group martyred at the Easter liturgy by Genseric, the Arian King of the Vandals. The reader who was singing the Alleluia had his throat pierced by an arrow. Dwynwen Jan 25 + c 460. Born in Wales, churches dedicated to her are to be found in Wales and Cornwall. Her holy well and shrine at Llanddwyn in Anglesey were once centres of pilgrimage. Auxilius March 19 + c 460. A companion of St Patrick, he became Bishop of Killossey in Ireland. Armogastes and Companions March 29 + c 460. Armogastes and Saturus, high officers at the palace, suffered in North Africa during the Arian persecution under the Vandal King Genseric. First they were tortured, then sent to hard labour in the mines, finally condemned to slavery as cowherds near Carthage. They were not put to death 'in case the Romans should venerate them as martyrs'. Turibius of Astorga Apr 16 + c 460. Bishop of Astorga in Spain and a valiant defender of Orthodoxy. Germanus May 2 + c 460. Probably born in Ireland, he was converted by St Germanus of Auxerre whose name he took. He was martyred in France. Valerian July 23 + c 460. A monk at Lérins in the south of France who became Bishop of Cimeiz. He attended the Councils of Riez (439) and Vaison (442). Some of his homilies still exist. Vivian Aug 28 + c 460. Bishop of Saintes in the west of France, he protected his people during the invasion of the Visigoths. Arator Sept 6 + c 460. Fourth Bishop of Verdun in France. Mamillian Sept 15 + 460. Bishop of Palermo in Sicily, he was exiled to Tuscany by the Arian King Genseric. His relics were eventually returned to Palermo. Placidia Oct 11 + c 460. A holy virgin venerated in Verona in Italy. Conogan Oct 16 + 460. The successor of St Corentin as Bishop of Quimper in Brittany. Maximus of Riez Nov 27 + 460. Abbot of Lérins in France in 426, he became Bishop of Riez much against his will in 434, and was consecrated by St Hilary. He was one of the most prominent bishops in the Church of Gaul at that time. Leo the Great Nov 10 (In the East Feb 18) + 461. Probably born in Tuscany in Italy, he became Bishop of Rome in 440. He fought against many heresies. His celebrated Tomos defined the Orthodox belief in the Two Natures and One Person of Christ. It was acclaimed as the teaching of the Orthodox Church at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. The most famous event of his life was his meeting with Attila outside the gates of Rome which resulted in the salvation of the city in 452. Patrick March 17 c 390-461? The Apostle of Ireland. A Romano-Briton born in what is now England, at the age of sixteen he was abducted and taken to Ireland. However, he escaped after six years. He then went to monasteries in France and about the year 432 returned to Ireland as a bishop. He travelled throughout the country preaching, teaching, building churches, establishing monasteries and converting chiefs and bards. He was the first organiser of the Irish Church and was based in Armagh. Eustochius Sept 19 + 461. The successor of St Brice as Bishop of Tours in France. Mamertinus March 30 + c 462. A monk and then Abbot of Sts Cosmas and Damian in Auxerre in France. Rusticus Oct 26 + c 462. A monk of Lérins who later became Bishop of Narbonne in France. He was present at the Third Oecumenical Council in Ephesus in 431. Namatius (Namace) Oct 27 + c 462. Ninth Bishop of Clermont in France. He built the Cathedral there. Petronius Jan 10 + c 463. Born in Avignon, he became a monk at Lérins and Bishop of Die in France from c 456 to 463. Gaudentius of Verona Feb 12 + c 465. Bishop of Verona in Italy. His relics are enshrined in the ancient basilica of St Stephen in Verona. Eusebius of Milan Aug 12 + 465. A Greek by birth, he was Bishop of Milan in Italy for sixteen years. He opposed Eutychianism. Prosper of Reggio June 25 + c 466. Bishop of Reggio in Emilia in Italy, venerated as the main patron-saint of the city. Benignus (Benen) Nov 9 + c 466. 'Benen, son of Sessenen, St Patrick's Psalmsinger'. A favourite disciple of St Patrick, whom he succeeded as the main bishop in Ireland. He preached mainly in Clare and Kerry and founded a monastery in Drumlease. Jucunda Nov 25 + 466. A holy virgin in Reggio in Aemilia in Italy and a spiritual daughter of St Prosper, bishop of that city. Nennoc (Nennocha, Ninnoc) June 4 + c 467. A holy virgin from Britain who followed St Germanus of Auxerre to France and who became abbess of one or more convents in Brittany. Hilary (Hilarus) Feb 28 + 468. Born in Sardinia, he became Pope of Rome in 461 and worked energetically against Nestorianism and Eutychianism and also consolidated the Church. Abundius Apr 2 + 469. Of Greek origin, he became Bishop of Como in the north of Italy. A theologian, he was sent to the Emperor Theodosius the Younger and encouraged the calling of the Council of Chalcedon in 451. Patrick May 24 + c 469. The fourth Bishop of Bayeux in France. Valentine Jan 7 + c 470. An abbot who became a bishop in Rhaetia. He reposed in Mais in the Tyrol in Austria. Some years later his relics were translated to Trent and then to Passau. Marcian of Auxerre Apr 20 + c 470. Born in Bourges in France, he became a monk at the monastery of Sts Cosmas and Damian in Auxerre. Geruntius of Milan May 5 + c 470. Successor of St Eusebius as Bishop of Milan in Italy (c 465-470). Maximus of Turin June 25 + c 470. Bishop of Turin during the barbarian invasions of the north of Italy. He is remembered for his homilies and other ascetic writings, which survive. Paternian July 12 + c 470. Bishop of Bologna in Italy c 450-470. Maximus Aug 20 + c 470. A disciple of St Martin and founder of the monastery of Chinon in France. Gratus Sept 7 + c 470. Bishop of Aosta in Italy, of which he is patron-saint. Dochow (Dochau, Dogwyn) Feb 15 ? 473. He travelled from Wales to Cornwall and founded a monastery there and may have become a bishop. Deodatus June 27 + 473. Deacon of St Paulinus of Nola in Italy and later his successor. Marcellus Apr 9 + 474. Born in Avignon in France, he succeeded his own brother St Petronius as Bishop of Die. He suffered much from the Arians. Germanus July 3 + c 474. By tradition a nephew of St Patrick and a monk in Ireland, Wales and Brittany. Eventually he went to the Isle of Man as a bishop. His memory is still kept here in several place-names in the forms 'Germain' and 'Jarman'. Basil Jan 1 c 475. A priest from Arles who became second Bishop of Aix en Provence in France. John of Châlon May 9 + c 475. Third Bishop of Châlon-sur-Saône in France, consecrated by St Patiens of Lyons. Mamertus May 11 + 475. Archbishop of Vienne in France and a man of great piety and faith. Eutropius May 27 + c 475. Born in Marseilles, he succeeded St Justin as Bishop of Orange in France, when the diocese had been laid waste by the Visigoths. Auspicius July 8 + c 475. Bishop of Toul in France. Euphronius Aug 3 + c 475. Bishop of Autun in France and a friend of St Lupus of Troyes. Amabilis Nov 1 + 475. A priest in Tiom in Auvergne in France. He protects against fire and snakes. Simplicius of Bourges June 16 + 477. He was the father of a large family when the local bishops chose him to be Bishop of Bourges in France. He defended the Church against the Arian Visigoths. Benignus Nov 20 + c 477. Archbishop of Milan in Italy. Lupus of Troyes July 29 384-478. Born in Toul in France, he married the sister of St Hilary. After seven years, husband and wife separated by mutual consent, Lupus becoming a monk at Lérins. In 426 he became Bishop of Troyes. He accompanied St Germanus of Auxerre to Britain to oppose Pelagianism. In 453 he succeeded in saving Troyes from Attila. He reposed at the age of ninety-four. Jarlath (Hierlath) Feb 1 + c 480. A disciple of St Patrick, he succeeded St Benignus as Bishop of Armagh in Ireland. Flosculus (Flou) Feb 2 + c 480. Bishop of Orleans in France. Bolcan (Olcan) Feb 20 + c 480. Baptised by St Patrick, Bolcan later became Bishop of Derkan in Ireland. Piran (Pyran) March 5 + c 480. A hermit near Padstow in Cornwall. He is venerated as the patron-saint of miners: Perranporth is named after him. Lupicinus March 21 + c 480. Brother of St Romanus of Condat, with whom he founded the monasteries of St Claud (Condat) in the Jura, and Lauconne. Senator May 28 + 480. A priest from Milan in Italy who attended the Council of Chalcedon as a young man and later became Archbishop of Milan. Abraham June 15 + c 480. Born on the banks of the Euphrates, he travelled to Egypt, where he fell among thieves who held him prisoner for five years. He escaped and travelled to France. There he settled near Clermont in Auvergne as a hermit. Eventually he became abbot of the monastery of St Cyriacus (St Cyrgnes). He is called on in prayer against fever. Rioch Aug 1 + c 480. A nephew of St Patrick and Abbot of Innisboffin in Ireland. Sidonius (Apollinaris) Aug 21 c 423-480. Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius was born in Lyons. A soldier, he married the daughter of Avitus, Emperor of the West, after which he served the State (468-9). He then became Bishop of Clermont in France. As bishop he saved his people from Goths under Alaric. Sidonius was a writer but he gave his wealth to the poor and to monasteries. Tydfil Aug 23 + c 480. Venerated in Merthyr Tydfil in Wales, where she was slain by the heathen. Veranus Sept 10 + c 480. Son of St Eucherius of Lyons, he became a monk at Lérins and afterwards Bishop of Vence in the south of France. Severinus Jan 8 + 482. An Eastern monk who enlightened Noricum Ripense, now in Austria. He founded several monasteries, notably one on the Danube near Vienna, where he organised help for those afflicted by the invasions of Attila and the Huns and where he reposed. Six years after his repose, the monks were driven out and took his relics to Naples in Italy, where the monastery of San Severino was built to enshrine them. Africa, Martyrs of North-West Africa Dec 16 + 482. A great number of women martyred under Hunneric, Arian King of the Vandals. Simplicius March 10 + 483. Born in Tivoli in Italy, he became Pope of Rome from 468 to 483. He upheld the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon against Monophysitism. When the Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476, he also had to deal with the Arian King Odoacer. Liberatus, Boniface, Servus, Rusticus, Rogatus, Septimus and Maximus Aug 17 + 483. Liberatus was abbot of a monastery in North Africa, the others were monks: Boniface, a deacon, Servus and Rusticus, sub-deacons, Rogatus and Septimus, monks, and Maximus, a child educated in the monastery. All were martyred under the Arian King Hunneric. Servus Dec 7 + 483. A layman of noble birth who lived in North Africa. He was seized and tortured to death under the Arian Vandal King Hunneric. Aquilinus, Geminus, Eugene, Marcian, Quintus, Theodotus and Tryphon Jan 4 c 484. A group of martyrs in North Africa under the Arian Hunneric, King of the Vandals. Octavian and Companions March 22 + 484. Octavian, Archdeacon of the Church in Carthage in North Africa, was martyred with several thousand companions under the Arian Vandal King Hunneric. Victorian, Frumentius and Companions March 23 + 484. Victorian, a former pro-consul in Africa, and four wealthy merchants were martyred in Hadrumetum under King Hunneric for refusing to become Arians. Felix and Cyprian Oct 12 + c 484. Two bishops in North Africa, leaders of a great multitude of Orthodox - the number of four thousand nine hundred and sixty-six is usually given- driven to starvation and death in the Sahara Desert by the Arian Vandal King, Hunneric. Dionysia, Dativa, Leontia, Tertius, Emilian, Boniface and Companions Dec 6 + 484. Martyrs in North Africa under the Arian Vandal Hunneric. Dionysia, a widow, died at the stake with her little child, Majoricus, and her sister Dativa. Emilian, a doctor, and Tertius, a monk, were flayed alive. The fanatics devised terrible deaths for the others also. Majoricus Dec 6 + 484. Son of St Dionysia, who encouraged him to suffer martyrdom and buried him in her own house. The martyrdom took place in North Africa under the Arian Hunneric the Vandal. Florentius of Seville Feb 23 + c 485. A saint much venerated in Seville in Spain. Laurentinus Sossius Apr 15 + 485. A boy aged five, martyred on Good Friday in Valrovina near Vicenza in Italy. Vindemialis, Eugene and Longinus May 2 + c 485. Bishops in North Africa martyred by the Arian Vandal King Hunneric who inflicted horrible tortures on them. Possessor May 11 + c 485. A magistrate in Verdun in France who became bishop there in 470. He and his flock were greatly troubled by the barbarian Franks, Vandals and Goths. Marcian of Saignon Aug 25 + 485. Born in Saignon in the Vaucluse in the south of France, he founded the monastery of St Eusebius in Apt. Jucundus of Bologna Nov 14 + 485. Bishop of Bologna in Italy. Censurius June 10 + 486. The successor of St Germanus as Bishop of Auxerre in France. He was bishop from 448 on. Calogerus the Anchorite June 18 + c 486. A Greek who lived for thirty-five years as a hermit near Girgenti in Sicily after preaching Christ in the isles of Lipari. Maughold (Maccaldus) Dec 28 + c 488. A former brigand in Ireland, he was converted by St Patrick and sent to the Isle of Man, where his episcopate was very fruitful. Modestus Feb 24 + 489. Bishop of Trier in Germany from 486 to 489. His relics are venerated in the church of St Matthias in Trier. Macaille Apr 25 + c 489. A disciple of Mel who became Bishop of Croghan in Offaly in Ireland. Mel (Melchno) Feb 6 + c 490. By tradition one of the four nephews of St Patrick ( Mel, Melchu, Munis and Rioch), sons of Conis and Darerca, St Patrick's sister. They accompanied St Patrick to Ireland, St Mel becoming the first Bishop of Ardagh. Perpetuus Apr 8 + c 490. Bishop of Tours in France (c 460-490). Asicus (Ascicus,Tassach) Apr 27 + c 490. One of the earliest disciples of St Patrick, who put him at the head of the monastery and diocese of Elphin in Ireland, where he is venerated as patron-saint. He excelled as a coppersmith and some examples of his work still exist. Tertullian Apr 27 + c 490. Eighth Bishop of Bologna in Italy. Victorius Sept 1 + c 490. A disciple of St Martin of Tours who became Bishop of Le Mans in France in c 453. Faustus Sept 28 c 408-490. Born in Brittany, Faustus became a monk at Lérins in France and later abbot (433). In about 459 he became Bishop of Riez. He fought both Arianism and Pelagianism and was very influential, maintaining the Orthodox teaching of St Cassian. Manehildis (Ménéhould) Oct 14 + c 490. Born in Perthois in France, she was the youngest of seven sisters, all of whom are honoured as saints in various parts of Champagne. She is the patroness of Sainte-Ménéhould. Monitor Nov 10 + c 490. Twelfth Bishop of Orleans in France. Corentinus (Cury) Dec 12 + c 490. The first Bishop of Quimper in Brittany. He had lived as a hermit at Plomodiern. Patiens Sept 11 + c 491. Archbishop of Lyons in France, he was highly praised by his contemporary St Sidonius Apollinaris. He devoted all his income to the poor. Felix II March 1 + 492. Born in Rome, he was an ancestor of St Gregory the Great. He was Pope of Rome from 483 on. He fought against Monophysitism and Eutychianism and also remedied the evils caused in Africa by numerous apostasies during the Vandal persecution. Canog (Cynog) Oct 7 + c 492. Martyred by barbarians in Merthyr-Cynog. Several churches in Wales were dedicated to him. Gwen Oct 18 + c 492. A holy woman murdered by heathen in Talgarth in Wales. Moeliai (Moelray) June 23 + c 493. Born in Ireland and baptised by St Patrick, he became Abbot of Nendrum. John of Ravenna Jan 12 + 494. Bishop of Ravenna in Italy from 452 to 494. He saved his flock from the fury of Attila the Hun and mitigated its lot when the city was taken by Theodoric, King of the Ostrogoths. Tassach Apr 14 + c 495? One of St Patrick's earliest disciples and first Bishop of Raholp in Ireland. Dominator Nov 5 + ? 495. The fourteenth Bishop of Brescia in Lombardy in Italy. Volusian Jan 18 + 496. A married senator who was chosen Bishop of Tours in France and shortly after driven out by Arian Visigoths. He reposed in Toulouse. Firminus of Metz Aug 18 + 496. Greek or Italian by origin, he was Bishop of Metz in France for eight years. Gelasius I Nov 21 + 496. Born in Africa, he became Pope of Rome in 492. He was one of the most energetic bishops of his time. Epiphanius Jan 21 439-497. Born in Pavia in Italy, he became bishop there in 467. During his episcopate Odoacer destroyed Pavia and Epiphanius was largely responsible for rebuilding the city. While paying the ransom of some of his flock, he caught a fever of which he died. Maccallin (Macallan, Macculin Dus) Sept 6 + c 497. Bishop of Lusk in Ireland, he is also venerated in Scotland. Anastasius II Sept 8 and Nov 19 + 498. Pope of Rome between 496-498. Geneviève Jan 3 c 422-500. Born in Nanterre near Paris in France, aged seven she became known to St Germanus of Auxerre. Aged fifteen, she became a nun. When Paris was occupied by the pagan Franks and afterwards threatened by Attila and the Huns, St Geneviève encouraged the people to defend the city. She has always been considered the special protectress and patroness of Paris, which she protected again in 1914. Honorata Jan 11 + c 500. The sister of St Epiphanius, Bishop of Pavia in Italy. She was a nun at Pavia when Odoacer, King of the Heruli, captured her. She was ransomed by her brother and returned to Pavia. Datius, Reatrus (Restius) and Companions, and Datius (Dativus), Julian, Vincent and 27 Companions Jan 27 c. 500? Two groups of martyrs in North Africa; the second group suffered under the Arian Vandals. Georgia Feb 15 + c 500. A holy virgin and later anchoress near Clermont in Auvergne in France. Habet-Deus Feb 17 + c 500. Bishop of Luna in Tuscany in Italy, a city now in ruins. He was probably martyred by the Arian Vandals. Domangard (Donard) March 24 + c 500. The patron of Maghera in Co. Down in Ireland, who lived as a hermit on the mountain now called Slieve-Donard after him. Gwynllyw (Woollos) March 29 + c 500. Husband of St Gladys, the father of St Cadoc, he ended his life as a hermit in Wales. Paternus (Pern) Apr 15 + c 500. Bishop of Vannes in Brittany. Vasius (Vaise, Vaize) Apr 16 + c 500. A rich citizen of Saintes in France, murdered by his relatives for giving his property to the poor. Gunthiern July 3 + c 500. A prince in Wales who went to Brittany and lived as a hermit. Philomena July 5 + c 500. A saint venerated in San Severino near Ancona in Italy. Severus Aug 1 + c 500. A priest of noble family, famous for his charity, he has been honoured from time immemorial in the village that bears his name, St Sever de Rustan in Bigorre in south-west France. Valentinian Nov 3 + c 500. Bishop of Salerno in the south of Italy. Fibitius Nov 5 + c 500. Abbot of a monastery in Trier in Germany and the twenty-first bishop of that city. Kenan (Cianan) Nov 24 + c 500. The first bishop in Ireland to build his Cathedral, at Damleag or Duleek in Meath, of stone. Crispin Jan 7 5th century. Bishop of Pavia in Italy, he signed the acts of the Council of Milan. Ergnad (Ercnacta) Jan 8 5th cent. Born in Ulster in Ireland, she was made a nun by St Patrick. Brandan Jan 11 5th cent. Born in Ireland, he took refuge from Pelagianism in Britain and then in France, at a monastery where he became abbot. Elian ap Erbin Jan 13 ? 5th cent. A saint in Wales. Erbin (Ervan, Erbyn, Erme or Hermes) Jan 13 ? 5th cent. Churches were dedicated to him in Cornwall. Liberata Jan 16 5th cent. Sister of St Epiphanius of Pavia in Italy and St Honorata. Exuperantius Jan 24 5th cent. Born in North Africa, he became Bishop of Cingoli near Ancona in Italy. Guasacht Jan 24 5th cent. Son of Maelchu, the master under whom St Patrick worked as a slave in Ireland. Guasacht was converted by Patrick, whom he helped as Bishop of Granard in Ireland. Tudy (Tudclyd, Tybie) Jan 30 5th century? A virgin in Wales. Llandydie church in Dyfed is named after her. Cinnia Feb 1 5th cent. A princess of Ulster in Ireland who was converted by St Patrick and became a nun. Crewenna Feb 1 5th cent. Born in Ireland, he went to Cornwall where the place name Crowan recalls him. Kinnia Feb 1 5th cent. A virgin baptised by St Patrick and venerated in Co. Louth in Ireland. Lupicinus and Felix Feb 3 5th cent. Bishops of Lyons in France. Mun Feb 6 5th cent. A nephew of St Patrick who consecrated him bishop. He ended his days as a hermit on an island in Lough Ree in Ireland. Jacut and Guethenoc Feb 8 5th cent. Sons of Sts Fragan and Gwen and brothers of St Gwenaloe. They became disciples of St Budoc and were driven from Britain to Brittany. Priscus, Castrensis, Tammarus, Rosius, Heraclius, Secundinus, Adjutor, Mark, Augustus, Elpidius, Canion and Vindonius Sept 1 and Feb 11 5th cent? Priscus, a bishop in North Africa, and his priests were cast adrift in a boat by the Arian Vandals. They reached the south of Italy, where eventually Priscus became Bishop of Capua. Gistilian (Gistlian) March 2 5th-6th cent. The uncle of St David and a monk at Menevia, or St Davids, in Wales. Non (Nonna, Nonnita) March 3 5th cent. The mother of St David, patron-saint of Wales, she probably came from a ruling family in Dyfed: a chapel and a well near her son's Cathedral still bear her name. Another can be found in Altarnum in Cornwall, where she may have moved and where her relics survived, even though she reposed in Brittany. Colman of Armagh March 5 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick in Ireland Peter and Aphrodisius March 14 5th cent. Martyrs under the Arian Vandals in North Africa. Valeria (Martyrs of) March 14 5th cent. In the province of Valeria in Italy two monks were slain by the Lombards by being hanged on a tree. Although dead, they were heard singing psalms even by their enemies. Mancius March 15 5th (or 6th?) cent. Born in Rome, he was bought as a slave by Jewish traders and taken to Evora in Portugal where he was martyred by his masters. Abban March 16 5th cent. A nephew of St Ibar, he founded Kill-Abban monastery in Leinster in Ireland. Darerca March 22 ? 5th cent. The sister of St Patrick of Ireland. Her name means constant and firm love. She is reputed to have had fifteen sons, some ten of whom became bishops. Trien (Trienan) March 22 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick and Abbot of Killelga in Ireland. Felix and Companions March 23 5th cent. A group of twenty-one martyrs in North Africa. Maidoc (Mo-Mhaedog) March 23 5th cent. Abbot of Fiddown in Kilkenny in Ireland. Sincheall March 26 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick and founder of the monastery of Killeigh in Offaly in Ireland, where there were one hundred and fifty monks. Augusta March 27 5th cent. Daughter of the Teuton Duke of Friuli. Her conversion to Christianity so enraged her father that he killed her with his own hands. She has been venerated from time immemorial in Serravalle near Treviso in the north of Italy. Gladys March 29 5th cent. A saint in Wales, she was married to St Gwynllyw and was the mother of St Cadoc. Brynach (Bemach, Bemacus) Apr 7 ? 5th cent. He built a cell and church at a place called Carn-Englyi (Mountain of the Angels), overhanging Nefyn in Gwynedd in Wales. Madrun (Materiana) Apr 9 5th cent. A saint from Wales or Cornwall to whom some Welsh churches are dedicated. Machai Apr 11 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick who founded a monastery on the Isle of Bute in Scotland. Paternus (Padarn) Apr 15 5th-6th cent. Together with others he founded the monastery of Llanbadarn Fawr (i.e. the great monastery of Padarn) near Aberystwyth in Wales. He preached the Gospel there. Ibar (Iberius, Ivor) Apr 23 5th cent. One of those who like Sts Kiaran, Ailbe and Declan enlightened Ireland. He mainly preached in Leinster and Meath. Pusinna Apr 23 5th-6th cent. A holy virgin in Champagne in France who had six sisters, all widely honoured as saints. Dyfnan Apr 24 5th cent. Born in Wales, he founded a church in Anglesey. Dictinus Apr 29 5th cent. The first convert of St Patrick in Ulster in Ireland. He was originally a swineherd. After his conversion he continued to the end faithful to Christ. Neachtain May 2 5th cent. A relative of St Patrick of Ireland at whose repose he was present. Crescentiana May 5 5th cent. An early martyr in Rome. Hydroc May 5 5th cent. The patron saint of Lanhydroc in Cornwall. Tudy (Tudinus, Tegwin, Thetgo) May 11 5th cent. A disciple of St Brioc in Brittany. He was a hermit and then an abbot near Landevennec in Brittany. Like St Brioc he also spent some time in Cornwall, where a church and parish still bear his name. Diomma May 12 5th cent. The teacher of St Declan of Ardmore and other saints. He is venerated as the patron- saint of Kildimo in Co. Limerick in Ireland. Carantac (Carantog, Caimach, Carnath) May 16 5th cent. Born in Wales, he worked with St Patrick in the enlightenment of Ireland. Cyril May 19 5th cent. Bishop of Trier in Germany, his relics were enshrined in the church of St Matthias in Trier. Caraunus (Ceraunus, Cheron) May 28 5th cent. Of Roman descent, he preached the Gospel in France and was killed by robbers near Chartres. A church and monastery were built over his tomb. Lupicinus May 31 5th cent. Bishop of Verona in Italy, described as 'the most holy, the best of bishops'. Breaca June 4 5th-6th cent. A disciple of St Brigid who crossed from Ireland to Cornwall (c 460) with several companions. Ternan June 12 ? 5th cent. An early missionary bishop among the Picts in Scotland. He is said to have lived in Abernethy and been consecrated by St Palladius. He founded the monastery of Culross in Fifeshire. Dogmael June 14 5th-6th cent. A monk who lived in Dyfed and Anglesey in Wales and also in Brittany. Cettin (Cethagh) June 16 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick of Ireland and consecrated bishop by him. Gregory, Demetrius and Calogerus June 18 + 5th cent. Respectively a bishop, an archdeacon and an abbot in North Africa, from where they were driven out by Arian Vandals. They settled in Fragalata near Messina in Sicily and preached the Gospel there. They are honoured as the patron-saints of Fragalata. John I of Naples June 22 5th cent. Bishop of Naples in Italy. Agoard, Agilbert and Companions June 24 5th to 7th cent. Holy martyrs in Creteil, now a suburb of Paris in France. Solomon I June 25 5th cent. By tradition he was born in Cornwall, the husband of St Gwen and father of St Cuby (Cybi). He lived in Brittany and was murdered by heathen. Crummine June 28 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick at Leccuine (Lackan) in Westmeath in Ireland. Byblig (Biblig, Peblig, Piblig, Publicius) July 3 ? 5th cent. A holy man connected with Carnarvon and honoured in several parts of Wales. Fragan and Gwen (Blanche) July 5 5th cent. They left Britain after the departure of the Romans and were the parents of Sts Winwalöe, Jacut and Guithern. Churches in Brittany are dedicated to them. Palladius July 7 5th cent. A deacon from Rome or Auxerre in France who was sent in c 430 to preach the Gospel in Ireland. He landed near Wicklow and after some success left for Scotland, where he reposed. Morwenna July 8 5th cent? Several places are named after her, notably Morwenstow in Cornwall, where her relics are probably buried under the church floor and where she has appeared. Sabinus July 11 + 5th cent. A saint venerated near Poitiers in France, said to have been a disciple of St Germanus of Auxerre. Local tradition considers him to have been a martyr. Dogfan (Doewan) July 13 5th cent. Martyred by heathen in Dyfed in Wales where a church was dedicated to him. Idus July 14 5th cent. Baptised by St Patrick, he became Bishop of Alt-Fadha in Leinster in Ireland. Apronia (Evronie) July 15 5th and 6th cent. Born near Trier in Germany, she was the sister of St Aprus (Evre), Bishop of Toul, who made her a nun. She reposed in Troyes in France. Alexis July 17 (In the East March 17) + early 5th cent. A saint originally distinguished by the title of 'the man of God'. The son of a Roman senator, in order to serve God in humility, he fled from his parental home disguised as a beggar. He set sail for Edessa where after seventeen years an Icon of the Mother of God proclaimed him 'the man of God'. He fled again and eventually returned to Rome and for years lived unrecognised as a beggar in his own home. After his repose a mysterious voice again proclaimed him 'the man of God'. Cynllo July 17 5th cent. Several churches are dedicated to him in Wales. Rasyphus and Ravennus July 23 5th cent. Born in Britain, they took refuge in the north of France. They became hermits there and were martyred in Macé. Their relics are enshrined in Bayeux. Declan July 24 5th cent. A disciple of St Colman who became bishop in the area of Ardmore in Ireland. Lewina July 24 5th cent. A Briton and virgin-martyr venerated in Seaford in Sussex in England. Menefrida July 24 5th cent. Patron-saint of Tredresick in Cornwall. Nissen July 25 5th cent. A convert of St Patrick of Ireland, he became Abbot of Montgarth (Mountgarret) in Wexford. Faustus Aug 3 5th cent. Faustus, the son of St Dalmatius of Pavia in Italy, lived the life of a holy monk. Trea Aug 3 5th cent. Converted to Orthodoxy by St Patrick, she spent the rest of her life as an anchoress in Ardtree in Derry in Ireland. Autor (Adinctor, Auteur) Aug 9 5th cent. The thirteenth Bishop of Metz in France. In 830 his relics were translated to the monastery of Marmoutier. Attracta (Athracht) Aug 11 5th cent. A contemporary of St Patrick in Ireland. She lived as an anchoress, first in Killaraght on Lough Gara and then in Drum near Boyle. Both eventually grew into convents. She was venerated throughout Ireland. Yrchard (Irchard, Yarcard) Aug 24 5th cent. A priest in Scotland, consecrated bishop by St Ternan to work among the Picts. Rufinus Aug 26 5th cent. Bishop of Capua in Italy. His relics are enshrined in the cathedral. Adelphus Aug 29 5th cent. An early Bishop of Metz in France. Loarn Aug 30 5th cent. A disciple of St Patrick of Ireland. Vincent and Laetus Sept 1 ? 5th cent. Possibly born in Toledo in Spain, St Vincent of Xaintes was the first Bishop and became the patron-saint of Dax in the south of France, and St Laetus was one of his deacons. Donatian, Praesidius, Mansuetus, Germanus, Fusculus and Laetus Sept 6 5th century. Orthodox driven out of Africa into exile by Hunneric the Arian King of the Vandals. At that time the number of exiles reached nearly five thousand in a single year. Carissima Sept 7 5th cent. Born in Albi in France, she lived as an anchoress in a forest near the city and then at the convent of Viants (Vious). Kingsmark (Cynfarch) Sept 8 5th cent. By tradition a saint who came from Scotland but lived in Wales, where churches are dedicated to him. Florentius Sept 22 5th cent. Born in Bavaria in Germany, he was a disciple of St Martin of Tours, by whom he was ordained priest and sent to preach in Poitou in France. He eventually went to live as a hermit at Mt Glonne in Anjou, where he gained numerous disciples. He built a monastery for them later known as Saint-Florent-le-Vieux. He reposed there in extreme old age. Caian Sept 25 5th cent. A church at Tregaian in Anglesey in Wales is dedicated to him. Evodius Oct 8 5th cent. Bishop of Rouen in France. Keyna (Keyne, Ceinwen) Oct 8 5th cent. Born in Wales, she lived as an anchoress in Cornwall. Some say that Keynsham in Somerset was named after her. A church in Cornwall is dedicated to her. Patrician Oct 10 5th cent. A bishop in Scotland who was driven out by heathen and spent the remainder of his life on the Isle of Man. Fiace (Fiech) Oct 12 5th cent. A bishop in Ireland, friend and disciple of St Patrick, in whose honour he wrote a hymn which still exists. Venantius Oct 13 5th cent. Abbot of the monastery of St Martin in Tours in France. Menehould Oct 14 5th cent. Patron-saint of the town in France which is named after her. Her five sisters were also honoured as saints. Antiochus (Andeol) Oct 15 5th cent. When St Justus, Bishop of Lyons in France, joined the hermits in Egypt, the priest Antiochus was sent to seek him out and persuade him to return to his diocese. The priest's efforts were in vain and on his return to Lyons he was himself chosen bishop. Cannatus Oct 15 5th cent. Bishop of Marseilles in France after St Honoratus. Junian Oct 16 5th cent. A hermit in Commodoliacus - now Saint-Junien, near Limoges in France. Gwen Oct 18 5th cent. Sister of St Nonna and aunt of St David of Wales. She is also said to have been the mother of Sts Cyby and Cadfan. Eusterius Oct 19 5th cent. Fourth Bishop of Salerno in Italy. Evergislus (Ebregesilus) Oct 24 ? 5th cent. A Bishop of Cologne in Germany, martyred by heathen robbers. Lupus of Bayeux Oct 25 5th cent. Bishop of Bayeux in France. Alanus and Alorus Oct 26 5th cent. Two Bishops of Quimper in Brittany. Eutropia Oct 30 5th cent. A holy woman who lived in Auvergne in France. Lucanus Oct 30 5th cent. A martyr in Lagny in France, where his relics were enshrined. Cledwyn (Clydwyn) Nov 1 5th cent. Patron saint of Llangedwyn in Clwyd in Wales. Dingad Nov 1 5th cent. A hermit in Llandingad, i.e. Llandovery in Dyfed in Wales. Pabiali Nov 1 5th (or 6th) cent. Patron-saint of Partypallai in Wales. Cynfran Nov 11 5th cent. The founder of a church in Gwynedd in Wales where there is also a holy well. Veranus Nov 11 5th century. Bishop in Lyons in France. Digain Nov 21 5th cent. A son of Constantine, a lord in Cornwall. Llangernw in Clwyd in Wales is named after him. Papinianus and Mansuetus Nov 28 5th cent. Bishops in North Africa martyred under the Arian Vandal King Genseric. Valerian, Urban, Crescens, Eustace, Cresconius, Crescentian, Felix, Hortulanus and Florentian Nov 28 5th cent. Bishops from North Africa exiled by the Arian King Genseric. They reposed in exile and were afterwards honoured as confessors for Orthodoxy. Constantius Nov 30 5th cent. A priest in Rome who opposed the Pelagians and at whose hands he suffered a great deal. Candres Dec 1 5th cent. A bishop who enlightened the Maastricht area. Auxilius, Isserninus and Secundinus Dec 6 5th cent. Workers with St Patrick in the enlightenment of Ireland. Anianus (Agnan) Dec 7 5th cent. Fifth Bishop of Chartres in France. Fingar (Gwinnear), Phiala and Companions Dec 14 5th cent. Fingar and Phiala, brother and sister, left their native Ireland and went to Cornwall, but were martyred with their companions in Hayle near Penzance by pagans. Beoc (Beanus, Dabeoc, Mobeoc) Dec 16 5th (or 6th) cent. Founder of a monastery on an island in Lough Derg in Donegal in Ireland. Maxentiolus (Mezenceul) Dec 17 5th cent. A disciple of St Martin of Tours in France, he founded Our Lady of Cunault. Barbatian Dec 31 5th cent. A priest from Antioch who went to Rome and there attracted the attention of the Empress, Placidia Augusta. through his wise counsel. She encouraged him to live in Ravenna in Italy near the imperial court, where a monastery was built.