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Maurontus (Mauront) May 5 + 701. Eldest son of Sts Adalbald and Rictrudis, he became a monk at Marchiennes in France. Eventually he founded a monastery at Breuil-sur-lys near Douai, of which he is the patron-saint. Sergius Sept 8 + 701. Of Syrian descent, he was born in Palermo in Sicily. He was Pope of Rome from 687 to 701. He blessed and fostered the missionary work of the English monks in Friesland and Germany. Tillo (Thillo, Thielman, Théau, Tilloine, Tillon, Tilman) Jan 7 + c 702. Born in Saxony in Germany, he was abducted by robbers and enslaved. Freed by St Eligius of Noyon, he became a monk at Solignac and enlightened the area around Tournai and Courtrai in Belgium. Colman of Lismore Jan 23 + c 702. Abbot of Lismore in Ireland and also a bishop. Berlinda (Berlindis, Bellaude) Feb 3 + 702. A niece of St Amandus, she became a nun at Moorsel near Alost in Belgium and later an anchoress in Meerbeke. Paduinus (Pavin) Nov 15 + c 703. A monk at the monastery of St Vincent in Le Mans in France and then first Abbot of St Mary's near Le Mans. Austreberta Feb 10 630-704. Born near Thérouanne in Artois in the north of France, she was the daughter of St Framechildis and Count Badefrid. She became a nun with St Omer in Abbeville where she became Abbess. She was also blessed as Abbess of Pavilly. Trumwin Feb 10 + c 704. Appointed in 681 by St Theodore and King Edfrid as Bishop of the Southern Picts in Scotland, he set up his diocese at the monastery of Abercorn on the Firth of Forth. In 685 King Egfrid was killed by the Picts and St Trumwin and all his monks had to flee. He retired to Whitby in England and lived an exemplary monastic life there. Adamnan (Adam, Eunan) Sept 23 c 625-704. Born in Ireland, he became Abbot of Iona in Scotland in 679. He wrote the Life of St Columba. Vulganius Nov 3 + c 704 A Celt who went to France, enlightened the Atrebati and finally lived as a hermit in Arras. Bertulf Feb 5 + 705. Born in Pannonia, he moved to Flanders in Belgium where he became Orthodox and a priest and founded a monastery. Basinus March 4 + c 705. Monk and Abbot of St Maximin in Trier in Germany, he succeeded St Numerian as bishop of the city. Bosa March 9 + 705. A monk at Whitby in England, he was consecrated Bishop of York by St Theodore. St Bede praises St Bosa in the following words: 'A man beloved of God...of most unusual merit and holiness'. Hedda July 7 + 705. A monk and abbot in England who in 676 became Bishop of Wessex. He lived in Dorchester-on-Thames and then in Winchester where his relics are preserved. He was a great benefactor of the monastery of Malmesbury. He was bishop for about forty years and was greatly esteemed for his wisdom. Desiderius Oct 19 + c 705. A monk at Lonrey and a disciple of St Sigiranus, he became a hermit in La Brenne near Bourges in France. Bertilla Nov 5 + c 705. A nun at Jouarre near Meaux in France, she became Abbess of Chelles and the convent flourished under her for fifty years. Constantine June 15 + c 706. A monk with St Philibert at Jumièges in France and then Bishop of Beauvais. Decuman (Dagan) Aug 27 + 706. Born in Wales, he lived as a hermit at what is now St Decumans in Somerset in England, where he was martyred. Madalberta Sept 7 + 706. Daughter of Sts Vincent Madelgarus and Waldetrudis. She was educated by her aunt, St Aldegund, the foundress of Maubeuge, where she became a nun. About the year 697 she succeeded her sister St Aldetrudis as abbess. Ebrulfus (Evroult) Dec 29 626-706. Born in Bayeux in France, he became a monk at the monastery of Deux Jumeaux, and later founded a monastery at Ouche and also other smaller monasteries. Tetricus Apr 12 + 707. Abbot of the monastery of St Germanus in Auxerre in France who then became Bishop of Auxerre by popular acclamation. He was murdered in his sleep. Hidulf June 23 + c 707. Count of Hainault in Belgium, he married St Aye, but by mutual consent they entered monasteries. Hidulf became a monk at Lobbes which he had helped to found. Hidulf (Hidulphus) July 11 + 707. Born in Regensburg in Germany, he became a monk at the monastery of Maximinus in Trier. Later he was consecrated bishop, but about the year 676 he founded the monastery of Moyenmoutier in the east of France and lived there. When he reposed he was Abbot both of Moyenmoutier and Bonmoutier (Galilaea, afterwards called Saint-Dié). John and Benignus July 21 + 707. Twin brothers and monks at Moyenmoutier in France. Spinulus (Spinula, Spin) Nov 5 + 707 (or 720). A monk at Moyenmoutier with St Hidulf. Later he founded the monastery of Bégon-Celle (now Saint-Blasien) also in France. Amandus and Anselm Nov 18 Amandus + 708. Anselm later in the 8th cent. St Amandus succeeded St Aigulphus as Abbot of Lérins in France in 676. St Anselm, another Abbot of Lérins, lived later in the eighth century. Irmina Dec 24 + 708. Given in marriage at the age of fifteen. Her betrothed died on her wedding day,. She then persuaded her father, Dagobert II, to build for her the convent of Oehren near Trier in Germany. She also built the monastery of Echternach for St Willibrord (698). She reposed at the monastery of Weissenburg. Aldhelm May 25 639-709. Born in Wessex in England, he became a monk at Malmesbury and taught there. In 675 he became abbot and in 705 first Bishop of Sherborne. Aldhelm was the first Englishman to attain distinction as a scholar. Bertin Sept 5 + c 709. Born near Constance, he became a monk at Luxeuil in France. He helped St Omer, Bishop of Thérouanne and became Abbot of Sithin (afterwards called St Bertin). The monastery prospered under him and he founded many new monasteries. Autbert Sept 10 + c 709. Bishop of Avranches in France, he founded the Monastery of Mont-St-Michel on what is now the Normandy coast. Lambert Sept 17 + 709. Born in Maastricht in Holland, he became bishop there in 668, but in 674 he was driven out by the tyrant Ebroin. He then lived as a monk for seven years at the monastery of Stavelot in Belgium. He returned later and did much to help St Willibrord. He was murdered in the then village of Liège and is venerated as a martyr. Wilfrid Oct 12 633-709. Born in Ripon in England, he became a monk at Lindisfarne. After a short stay in Canterbury he went to France and Rome (653-657). On his return to Northumbria he founded the monastery of Ripon and in 668 played a leading part in the Council of Whitby. The rest of his life was occupied with journeys and missionary work among the Frisians and in Sussex. His zeal made him an important if controversial figure. Offa Dec 15 c 709. King of Essex in England, he went to Rome and took up the monastic life Adrian Jan 9 + 710. Born in North Africa, he became Abbot of Nerida not far from Naples in Italy. Chosen to be Archbishop of Canterbury, he declined the office and recommended instead St Theodore of Tarsus, with whom he came to England. He became Abbot of Sts Peter and Paul, later called St Augustine's in Canterbury. He was eminent for his holiness and his learning. Bonitus (Bont) Jan 15 623-c 710. Born in Auvergne in France, he became Bishop of Clermont. After ten years as bishop he resigned and lived as a monk, reposing in extreme old age. Emebert (Ablebert) Jan 15 + c 710. A brother of Sts Reineldis and Gudula, he became Bishop of Cambrai in France. Indract Feb 5 + c 710. Born in Ireland, on his return from a pilgrimage to Rome he was murdered by heathen with his sister St Dominica (Drusa) and others near Glastonbury in England. Their relics were enshrined there. Damian Apr 12 + 710. Bishop of Pavia in Lombardy in Italy, he vigorously opposed Monothelitism. Bain (Bainus, Bagnus) June 20 + c 710. A monk at Fontenelle in France, he became Bishop of Thérouanne. After twelve years he returned to Fontenelle and later became abbot. He is the main patron-saint of Calais. Bilhild Nov 27 c 630-c 710. Born near Würzburg in Germany, she married the Duke of Thuringia. After her husband's death she founded the convent of Altenmünster in Mainz. Armentarius Jan 30 + c 711. Bishop of Pavia in Italy. Gudula (Goule) Jan 8 + 712. Daughter of St Amelberga, she spent much time with St Gertrude at Nivelles and afterwards lived a life of holiness. She is the patroness of Brussels in Belgium. Vindician March 11 + 712. A disciple of St Eligius, he became Bishop of Arras-Cambrai in France and bravely protested against the excesses of the Merovingian Kings and the all-powerful mayors of the palace. Hildelith March 24 + c 712. A princess from England who became a nun either at Chelles or at Faremoutiers-en-Brie in France. She was recalled to England by St Erconwald of London to Barking, where she later became abbess, admired for her wisdom and culture. Swithbert March 1 c 647-713. A monk from Northumbria in England who went to Friesland in Holland with St Willibrord in 690. He preached the Gospel here with success. In 693 he was consecrated bishop at Ripon and returned to preach along the right bank of the Rhine in Germany. His work here was undone by Saxon invaders and he withdrew to the small island of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine near Düsseldorf. Here in 710 he founded a monastery, where he reposed and where his relics are still venerated. Liutwin Sept 29 + c 713. Founder of Mettlach in Germany and then Bishop of Trier. Ludwin (Leodwin) Sept 29 + 713. Born in Austrasia in the east of France, he married. Left a widower, he founded the monastery of Mettlach and became a monk. Later he became Bishop of Trier in Germany Dorbhene Oct 28 + 713. Abbot of Iona, he was descended from a brother of St Columba. A copy of St Adamnan's Life of the latter, written by St Dorbhene, still exists. Elfleda (Aelflaed) Feb 8 + 714. Daughter of Oswy, King of Northumbria in England. She was offered to God as a child at the convent of Hartlepool. She then went to Whitby with St Hilda and succeeded her mother Enfleda as abbess there. She was one of the most influential people of her time. Guthlac Apr 11 673-714. From being a warrior in the army of Ethelred, King of Mercia, Guthlac became a monk at Repton in England. Afterwards he went to live as a hermit in the fens, where he spent the last fifteen years of his life like a desert-father. Later the monastery of Crowland grew up at the place where he had lived. Erkemboden Apr 12 + 714. A monk at Sithin in Saint-Omer in France, who succeeded the founder, St Bertinus, as abbot. Later he was Bishop of Thérouanne for twenty-six years. Agia (Aia, Austregildis, Aye) Apr 18 + c 714. Wife of St Hidulf of Hainault in Belgium. Both desired the monastic life and she entered the convent in Mons. Hubert (Hugbert) of Bretigny May 30 + c 714. Aged twelve he became a monk at Brétigny near Noyon in France. Eurosia (Orosia) June 25 + 714. Born in Bayonne in France, she was martyred by the Saracens in Jaca in the Pyrenees in Spain. She was also venerated in the south of France and in the north of Italy. Clotsindis (Clotsend) June 30 c 635-714. Daughter of St Adalbald and St Rictrudis, who founded the convent of Marchiennes in the north of France. Clotsindis succeeded her mother as second abbess. Notburga Oct 31 + c 714. A nun at the convent of St Mary in the Capitol in Cologne in Germany. Richimirus Jan 17 + c 715. Under the patronage of the Bishop of Le Mans in France he founded a monastery, later called Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois after him. Milburgh Feb 23 + 715. The elder sister of St Mildred of Minster-in-Thanet in England and the second Abbess of Wenlock. Archbishop Theodore consecrated her as a nun. She had the gift of miracles and healing of the blind and lepers, as well as power over birds and the natural world. Fructus (Frutos), Valentine and Engratia Oct 25 + c 715. Two brothers and a sister who lived in Sépulveda in Castile in Spain. Valentine and Engratia were martyred by the Moors, but Frutos escaped and reposed as a hermit. They are venerated as the patron-saints of Segovia, where their relics are enshrined. Adalsindis Dec 25 c 715. One of the daughters of Sts Adalbald and Rictrudis, she became a nun at Hamay-les-Marchiennes near Arras in France under her own sister St Eusebia. Ethelred (Ailred) May 4 + 716. King of Mercia in England, he abdicated in order to become a monk at Bardney where he later became abbot. Ceolfrid (Geoffrey) Sept 25 642-716. A Northumbrian who became a monk at Gilling in Yorkshire in England. From here he went to Ripon and later to Wearmouth. Eventually he became Abbot of Wearmouth-Jarrow for twenty-six years. He is remembered for inspiring St Bede and also producing the Codex Amiatinus, the oldest surviving copy of the Vulgate in one complete volume. He reposed at Langres in France on his way to Rome. Rupert (Robert) March 27 + c 717. Probably born in France, he became Bishop of Worms and began to spread Orthodoxy in the south of Germany. He started in Regensburg and pushed his way along the Danube. The Duke of Bavaria gave him the old ruined town of Iuvavum, which Rupert rebuilt and called Salzburg. Here he founded the monastery of St Peter and the convent of Nonnberg, where his sister Ermentrude was abbess. He is venerated as the first Archbishop of Salzburg and Apostle of Bavaria and Austria. Dunchadh May 25 + 717. Abbot of Iona in Scotland. Proculus Nov 4 + c 717. Bishop of Autun in France martyred by invading Huns. Winoc Nov 6 + ? 717. Born in Wales, he became a monk at Sithin in France. He was sent to found a new monastery at Wormhoult in Belgium where he became abbot and he enlightened the surrounding area from that centre. Egwin Dec 30 + 717. Consecrated to God in his youth, he eventually became the third Bishop of Worcester in England in 692 and may have founded the monastery of Evesham. Ermentrude (Erentrudis) June 30 + c 718. A sister or niece of St Rupert, Apostle of Salzburg. She was the first Abbess of Nonnberg in Salzburg, founded for her by Rupert. Leothadius (Léothade) Oct 23 + 718. Of noble family, Léothade became a monk and Abbot of Moissac in the south of France. Later he became Bishop of Auch. Pega Jan 8 + c 719. The sister of St Guthlac of Crowland in England. She too lived as an anchoress. The village of Peakirk (Pega's church) in Northamptonshire is called after her. Richard Feb 7 + 720. An noble from the west of England and father of Sts Willibald, Winebald and Walburga. He reposed at Lucca on a pilgrimage to Rome. Silvinus Feb 17 + c 720. A courtier who gave up his worldly life to preach the Gospel. He enlightened the area near Thérouanne in the north of France. After some forty years of unceasing work, during which he paid the ransoms of many slaves, he went to the monastery of Auchy-les-Moines, where he lived the few remaining years of his life as a monk. Egbert March 18 + c 720. A monk at Ripon, where his relics were venerated. Hermenland (Hermeland, Herbland, Erblon) March 25 + c 720. Born near Noyon in France, he became a monk at Fontenelle. He was ordained priest and sent with twelve monks to establish a new monastery on the island of Aindre in the estuary of the Loire. Gennard Apr 6 + 720. A monk at Fontenelle in France and eventually Abbot of Flay. Sacerdos (Sardot, Sadroc, Sardou, Serdon, Serdot) May 4 670-c 720. Born in the neighbourhood of Sarlat in Périgord in France, he became a monk and eventually founded Calabre. He became Bishop of Limoges. Evermund (Ebremund) June 10 + c 720. Born in Bayeux in France, he married but with his wife's consent founded several monasteries and convents, including Fontenay-Louvet near Séez, where he became monk and abbot. His wife had entered a convent as a nun. Agilulf July 9 + c 720. A monk and Abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy in Belgium and Archbishop of Cologne in Germany. His martyrdom was the result of his zeal and was aided by the connivance of Charles Martel. Meneleus (Menele, Mauvier) July 22 + c 720. Born in Anjou, he became a monk at Carméry in Auvergne in France. After seven years he left to restore the monastery of Ménat near Clermont. Ethelgitha Aug 22 + c 720. Abbess of a convent in Northumbria. Spinulus (Spinula, Spin) Nov 5 + 707 (or 720). A monk at Moyenmoutier with St Hidulf. Later he founded the monastery of Bégon-Celle (now Saint-Blasien) also in France. Sabinian Nov 22 + c 720?. Third Abbot of Moutier-Saint-Chaffre in France. Odilia (Otilia, Othilia) Dec 13 + c 720. By tradition St Ottilia was born blind and for this reason rejected by her family. She was adopted by a convent where she miraculously recovered her sight. Eventually she founded convents at Hohenburg (now Odilienberg) in Alsace in France and at Niedermünster in Germany. John of Beverley May 7 + 721. Born in Harpham in Yorkshire in England, he became a monk at Whitby. He was consecrated Bishop of Hexham and later became Bishop of York. He ordained St Bede and founded a monastery at Beverley. Edfrith June 4 + 721. Bishop of Lindisfarne in England after St Edbert, he illuminated the Lindisfarne Gospels in honour of St Cuthbert. Fergus Nov 27 + c 721. Born in Ireland, he was a bishop who preached among the Picts in Perthshire, Caithness, Buchan and Forfarshire in Scotland. Modestus Feb 5 + c 722. A monk in Salzburg, he became Bishop of Carinthia in Austria and was largely responsible for its enlightenment. Oda Oct 23 + c 723. A princess married to the Duke of Aquitaine in France. As a widow she devoted herself to the care of the poor and suffering. Her shrine is in Amay in Belgium. Voloc Jan 29 + c 724. A bishop from Ireland who worked in Scotland. Maelrubius (Maolrubha) Apr 21 + c 724. A monk at St Comgall's monastery at Bangor, who went to Iona. He afterwards founded a church at Applecross on the north-west coast of Scotland. Vodoaldus (Voel, Vodalus, Vodalis) Feb 5 + c 725. Born in Ireland, he went to France and reposed as a hermit near Soissons. Benedict Crispus of Milan March 11 + 725. Archbishop of Milan in Italy for forty-five years. Benignus March 20 + 725. A monk and Abbot of Fontenelle in France, he was exiled and went to Flay where the monks asked him to be their abbot. He later returned to Fontenelle. Barontius and Desiderius March 25 c 725. Barontius became a monk at Lonrey near Bourges in France. As a result of a vision he became a hermit, set out for Italy, and settled near Pistoia. There he lived very ascetically with another monk, called Desiderius, who is also honoured as a saint. Bertha July 4 + c 725. A lady of high station, after her husband's death she became a nun at the convent of Blangy in Artois in France, which she had founded and where she became abbess. Cuthburgh (Cuthburga) and Cwenburgh Aug 31 + c 725. Sister of King Ina of Wessex, she became a nun at Barking with St Hildelith. Together with her sister St Cwenburgh, she founded a monastery in Wimborne in Dorset, where she was abbess and was succeeded by her sister. Many nuns from Wimborne helped to enlighten Germany. Beregisus Oct 2 + c 725. A priest who founded the monastery of Saint Hubert in the Ardennes in France. Gobrain Nov 16 + 725. A monk who became Bishop of Vannes in Brittany and at the age of eighty-seven went to live as a hermit. Willeic March 2 + 726. A disciple of St Swithbert who made him Abbot of Kaiserwerth in Germany. Perseveranda (Pecinna, Pezaine) June 26 + c 726. A holy virgin from Spain who with her sisters Macrina and Columba travelled to Poitiers in France where they founded a convent. While fleeing from a robber, Perseveranda died at a place called after her, Sainte-Pezaine. Paternus Nov 12 + c 726. Born in Brittany, he was a monk at Cessier and then at Saint-Pierre-le-Vif near Sens in France. He was murdered by evildoers. Martin of Arades Nov 26 + 726. A monk at Corbie in France. Ina (Ine) and Ethelburgh Sept 8 + 727. Ina was King of Wessex in England from 688 till 726, and is remembered as the restorer of Glastonbury. In about 726 he abdicated and went to Rome with his wife Ethelburgh, where he ended his days as a monk. Hubert Nov 3 + 727. A widowed courtier who devoted his life to the Faith. By tradition he was converted while hunting. He probably became a monk at Stavelot in Belgium. Eventually he succeeded St Lambert as Bishop of Maastricht in Holland (c 706). Hadulf May 19 + c 728. Bishop of Arras-Cambrai in the north of France. Theofrid (Theofroy, Chaifre) Oct 19 + 728. Born in Orange in the south of France, he became monk and Abbot of Carmery-en-Velay (Monastier-Saint-Chaffre). He died at the hands of invading Saracens and has been venerated as a martyr ever since. Siviard March 1 + c 729. A monk at Saint-Calais on the River Anisole in France. He succeeded his father as abbot of the monastery. He wrote the life of St Calais, the founder of the monastery. Egbert Apr 24 + 729. A monk at Lindisfarne in England, he moved to Ireland and lived at Rathelmigisi in Connaught. Here he prepared several monks to preach the Gospel in Germany. He went to Iona in Scotland and persuaded the monks to adopt the Orthodox date for Easter. Vincentian (Viance, Viants) Jan 2 + c 730. A disciple of St Menelaus, he became a hermit near Tulle in Auvergne in France. Romulus March 27 + c 730. Abbot of St Baudilius near Nimes in France. About 720 he and his monks fled before the invading Saracens and settled in a ruined monastery in Saissy-les-Bois. Hugh of Rouen Apr 9 + 730. He became a monk at a very early age, either at Fontenelle or at Jumièges in the north of France. He became Bishop of Rouen and then of Paris and was also Abbot of Fontenelle and Jumièges. He reposed at Jumièges as a simple monk. Corbinian Sept 8 670-730. He lived for fourteen years as a hermit and then went to Rome. He was consecrated bishop and went to preach Christ in Germany. He lived in Freising in Bavaria. Moderan (Moderamnus, Moran) Oct 22 + c 730. Born in Rennes in Brittany, he became bishop there in 703. About the year 720 he made a pilgrimage to Rome and ended his days as a hermit in Berceto in Italy. Adela Dec 24 + c 730. Daughter of Dagobert II, King of the Franks. In her widowhood she founded and became the first Abbess of Pfalzel near Trier in Germany. Brithwald (Brihtwald) Jan 9 + 731. He became a monk and the Abbot of Reculver in Kent in England. In 693 he became the ninth Archbishop of Canterbury. Gregory II Feb 11 669-731. Born in Rome, he was librarian and archivist of the Roman Church, when he was chosen Pope in 715. He is famous for encouraging the spreading of the Gospel among the Germanic peoples, to whom he sent St Boniface and St Corbinian. He restored several Italian monasteries, notably Montecassino. He also opposed Iconoclasm and checked the advancing Lombards. Winewald Apr 27 + c 731. The successor of St Berchtun as Abbot of Beverley in England. Altigianus and Hilarinus Aug 23 + 731. Two monks killed by the Saracens at Saint-Seine in France. Eusebia Sept 20 + c 731. Abbess of a convent in Marseilles in France. She was martyred with some forty nuns by the Saracens at Saint-Cyr. Marinus Nov 24 + 731. Born in Italy, he became a monk at Maurienne in Savoy, now in France, and afterwards a hermit near the monastery of Chandor where he was martyred by the Saracens. Gerald March 13 + 732. Born in England, he followed St Colman from Lindisfarne to Ireland and became his successor in the English monastery in Mayo. Aventinus June 7 + 732. Born in Bagnères in the Pyrenees in France, he became a hermit in the valley of Larboush, where the Saracens martyred him. Porcarius and 500 Companions Aug 12 + c 732. Porcarius was Abbot of Lérins, off the coast of Provence in France. The whole monastery of five hundred monks - except the youngest members whom the abbot had sent away to safety - were massacred by the Saracens. Tola March 30 + c 733. Abbot and Bishop of Disert Tola in Meath in Ireland. Bercthun (Bertin) May 15 + 733. A disciple of St John of Beverley and first Abbot of Beverley in England. Kentigerna Jan 7 + 734. Daughter of Kelly, prince of Leinster and mother of St Coellan. After her husband's death she left Ireland and became an anchoress on the island of Inchebroida on Loch Lomond in Scotland, where a church is dedicated to her. Tatwine July 30 + 734. A monk at Breedon in Mercia in England who was famed for his piety and learning. He succeeded St Brithwald, becoming the tenth Archbishop of Canterbury Peter of Pavia May 7 + c 735. Bishop of Pavia in Italy during the reign of Luitprand, King of the Lombards. Bede the Venerable May 25 673-735. Born in Wearmouth in the north of England, as a child he entered the monastery of Sts Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-Jarrow, and spent his whole life there, 'always praying, always writing, always reading, always teaching'. He wrote many commentaries on the Scriptures. His work The History of the English Church and People earned him the title of the Father of English History. He reposed on Ascension Eve and his dying words were Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Eugenia Sept 16 + 735. Daughter of Adalbert, Duke of Alsace in France, she succeeded her aunt, St Ottilia, as Abbess of Hohenburg. Frideswide Oct 19 + c 680-735. Daughter of a prince of the Upper Thames, she founded a convent dedicated to the Virgin on the site of what is now Christchurch in Oxford. From childhood she took as her maxim 'Whatever is not God is nothing'. She is the patron-saint of Oxford. Erminus Apr 25 + 737. Born in Laon in France, he became a monk at Lobbes in Belgium and later abbot and bishop. Agofredus June 21 + 738. Brother of St Leutfrid (Leffroi) and monk at Holy Cross (La-Croix-Saint-Leuffroi), a monastery near Evreux in the north of France. Leutfrid (Leufroi) June 21 + 738. Founder of the monastery La Croix-Saint-Ouen (later called Saint-Leufroy) near Evreux in France where he was abbot for nearly fifty years. He cared for poor children. Wigbert Aug 13 + c 738. Born in England, he became a monk and went to Germany. St. Boniface appointed him Abbot of Fritzlar and a few years later he Abbot of Ohrdruf in Thuringia. Engelmund June 21 + c 739. Born in England, he became a monk at a very early age and then priest and abbot. He went to Friesland in Holland where he successfully preached with St Willibrord at Velsen, six miles north of Haarlem. Nothelm Oct 17 + 739. Eleventh Archbishop of Canterbury and a friend of St Bede and St Boniface. Willibrord (Clement) Nov 7 c 658-739. Born in Northumbria, he went to Ireland. From there he went to Friesland in Holland (c 690) accompanied by eleven other monks from England. Six years later he was consecrated bishop with the name of Clement and he founded his Cathedral in Utrecht. His work with the Frisians bore much fruit, as also in Heligoland and Denmark. He founded the monastery of Echternach in Luxembourg in 698 where his relics remain. Pharäildis (Vareide, Verylde, Veerle) Jan 4 + c 740. Probably born in Ghent in Belgium, she was married against her will. Maltreated by her husband, she became one of the patron-saints of Ghent. Ethilwold Feb 12 + c 740. A disciple of St Cuthbert, he was Abbot of Melrose in Scotland before becoming Bishop of Lindisfarne in England. Adalbert June 25 + c 740. Born in Northumbria in England, he became a monk at Rathmelgisi in Ireland and accompanied St Willibrord as a deacon to Frisia. He worked around Egmont in Holland and became the patron-saint there. Fredegand (Fregaut) July 17 + c 740. Born in Ireland, he was a disciple of St Foillan. He became a monk and Abbot of Kerkelodor near Antwerp in Belgium. Milo Aug 18 + c 740. Milo became a monk together with his father at Fontenelle in France and later a hermit. Ebbo Aug 27 + 740. Born in Tonnerre, he was a monk at Saint-Pierre-le-Vif in Sens in France. He became Bishop of Sens which he saved in 725 when it was besieged by the Saracens. Vitalis (Vial) Oct 16 + c 740. Born in England, he became a monk at Noirmoutier in France and afterwards a hermit on Mt Scobrit near the Loire. Sigibald Oct 26 + c 740. Bishop of Metz in France 716-c 740. He was a builder of monasteries, notably of Neuweiter and Saint-Avold. Attalia (Attala) Dec 3 c 697-741. A niece of St Ottilia, she became a nun and Abbess of St Stephen's in Strasbourg in France. Gregory III Dec 10 + 741. Born in Syria, he became Pope of Rome from 731 to 741. He was much troubled by Iconoclasm and the raids of the Lombards. Acca Oct 20 c. 660-742. A disciple of St Bosa of York in England and St Wilfrid and a companion of the latter in his travels. He became Abbot of St Andrew's in Hexham and in 709 he succeeded Wilfrid as bishop there. He was described by Bede as 'great in the sight of God and man'. Eucherius Feb 20 + 743. Born in Orleans in France, he became a monk at Jumièges near Rouen in about 714. In 721 he became Bishop of Orleans, opposing the theft of church lands by Charles Martel. For this he was exiled to Cologne in Germany in 737. Here he became very popular and so was sent to Liège in Belgium. He spent the rest of his life at the monastery of St Trond near Maastricht in Holland. Withburgh (Withburga) July 8 + c 743. Youngest daughter of King Anna of East Anglia in England. After her father had fallen in battle, she became a nun and lived as an anchoress at East Dereham in Norfolk, founding a convent there. Wilfrid the Younger Apr 29 + 744. A monk and favourite disciple of St John of Beverley in England, whom he succeeded. Before his repose he lived at the monastery at Ripon. Rigobert Jan 4 + c 745. Monk and Abbot of Orbais in France, in 721 he became Archbishop of Rheims but some years later was banished by the Frank Charles Martel. He returned to Orbais and resumed monastic life. On being recalled to Rheims, he came to terms with the intruded bishop and himself became a hermit. Adeloga (Hadeloga) Feb 2 + c 745. A princess who became the first Abbess of Kitzingen in Germany. Herlindis and Relindis Oct 12 + c 745 and 750. Daughters of Count Adelard who built the convent of Maaseyk on the Meuse in Belgium for them. Here they became respectively first and second abbesses. Vitalis Oct 20 + 745. St Rupert's successor as Abbot of St Peter's in Salzburg and Archbishop (717-745). Floribert Apr 27 + 746. Bishop of Liège in Belgium. Gerulph Sept 21 + c 746. Born in Flanders in Belgium, he was heir to a vast estate, but was treacherously murdered by a relative who hoped to succeed to his inheritance. He died with words of forgiveness on his lips. Petronax May 6 + c 747. Born in Brescia in Italy, he restored monastic life at Montecassino with only a few hermits who chose him as abbot. He is called 'the second founder of Montecassino' Widradus (Waré) Oct 3 + 747. Restorer of the monastery of Flavigny near Dijon in France, he also founded the monastery of Saulieu. Gunthild Dec 8 + c 748. A nun from Wimborne in England who went to Germany, where she became abbess of a convent in Thuringia. Wicterp (Wiho, Wicho) Apr 18 + 749. Abbot of Ellwangen in Germany. He helped found monasteries at Fussen, Wessobrunn and Kempten, all of which became famous. He later became the tenth Bishop of Augsburg. Relindis (Renildis, Renula, Renule) Feb 6 + c 750. A nun together with her sister Herlindis in Valenciennes, she was gifted in embroidery and painting. On her sister's repose, she became Abbess of Maaseik in Belgium. Amulwinus Feb 7 + c 750. Bishop of Lobbes in Belgium and the successor of St Erminus (+ 737). Himelin March 10 + c 750. Probably born in Ireland, he was a priest who reposed at Vissenaeken near Tirlemont in Belgium on his return from a pilgrimage to Rome. Suairlech March 27 + c 750. First Bishop of Fore in Westmeath in Ireland from c 735 to c 750. Gundelindis (Guendelindis) March 28 + c 750. A daughter of the Duke of Alsace and niece of St Ottilia, whom she succeeded as Abbess of Niedermünster. Frodulphus (Frou) Apr 21 + c 750. A disciple of St Medericus (Merry), he became a monk at St Martin's in Autun in France, from where he was driven by the Saracens and he settled in Barjon. Regintrudis May 26 + c 750 Fourth Abbess of Nonnberg near Salzburg in Austria. John de Atares May 29 + c 750. A hermit in the Pyrenees in Spain. He lived beneath a huge rock, where the monastery of St John de Ia Peña (of the Rock) was later built. This is famous in Spanish history, since the monastery became the cradle of the Kingdoms of Navarre and Aragon. Votus, Felix and John May 29 + c 750. Votus and Felix were brothers from Saragossa in Spain who found a hermitage in the Pyrenees which was already inhabited by John. The three lived together and reposed at about the same time. The hermitage was situated beneath a huge rock (Peña) where the monastery of St John de la Peña later grew up. Helen (Heliada) June 20 + c 750. Abbess of the convent of Oehren in Trier in Germany. Sigisbert and Placid July 11 + c 650 (or c 750?). Sigisbert founded the monastery of Dissentis in Switzerland. He built it on land given to him by St Placid, a wealthy landowner who joined the monastery as a monk and was later martyred for defending it. Turiaf (Turiav, Turiavus) July 13 + c 750. He succeeded St Samson as Bishop of Dol in Brittany. Severa July 20 + c 750. Abbess of the convent of Oehren in Trier in Germany. Hilduard (Hilward, Garibald) Sept 7 + c 750. He founded the monastery of St Peter in Dickelvenne on the Schelde in Belgium. Dodo Oct 1 + 750. Born near Laon in France, he became a monk at Lobbes in Belgium and eventually became Abbot of Wallers-en-Faigne. Juliana of Pavilly Oct 11 + c 750. A servant girl who became a nun and then abbess at Pavilly in France. Herlindis and Relindis Oct 12 + c 745 and 750. Daughters of Count Adelard who built the convent of Maaseyk on the Meuse in Belgium for them. Here they became respectively first and second abbesses. Anselm Nov 18 c 750 Abbot of Lérins in France. Natalis May 13 + 751. Bishop of Milan in Italy (740-751). Abel Aug 5 + c 751 Probably born in Ireland, he became Archbishop of Rheims in France. As his Cathedral was occupied by an intruder, he went to live at the monastery of Lobbes in Belgium. Edburgh (Edburga) of Thanet Dec 13 + 751. A disciple of St Mildred, whom she probably succeeded as Abbess of Minster-in-Thanet in England in 716. She was a friend and correspondent of St Boniface. Zacharias March 15 + 752. He was born in San Severino in Calabria in Italy of a Greek family. Chosen Pope of Rome in 741, he was influential in helping Europe remain Orthodox. Hildebert Apr 4 + 752. Abbot of St Peter in Ghent in Belgium. He was martyred by fanatics for defending the veneration of icons. Cillene July 3 + c 752. Born in Ireland, he went to Iona in Scotland and became abbot there in 726. Ambrose Oct 16 + c 752. The thirteenth Bishop of Cahors in France who later lived as a hermit. After a pilgrimage to Rome, he reposed at what is now called Saint-Ambroise-sur-Arnon in Berry. Imma (Immina) Nov 25 c 700-752. Born in Würzburg, she became abbess of a convent in Karlburg in Germany. Pirmin Nov 3 + 753. Born in Spain of Visigothic descent. When the Saracens invaded Spain, he fled and went to the Rhineland in Germany, where he established several monasteries - Reichenau in 724, Murbach, Amorbach - and restored others, notably Dissentis. He also became a bishop. Failbhe the Little March 10 + 754. For seven years Abbot of Iona in Scotland, where he reposed at the age of eighty. Boniface June 5 c 675-754. Born in Crediton in Devon in England, his baptismal name was Winfrid. At the age of five he entered the monastery in Exeter. In 718 he left England for Germany as a missionary and enlightened Bavaria, Hesse, Friesland, Thuringia and Franconia. In 723 Pope Gregory II consecrated him bishop with full jurisdiction over the Germanies. In 731 he became Metropolitan beyond the Rhine and in 747 Archbishop of Mainz. He established many monasteries and convents, including Fulda, where his relics are still venerated. He put these monasteries under the charge of English monks and nuns. He was also responsible for reorganising the corrupt Frankish Church. He was martyred in his old age, with fifty-two companions, ain Dokkum in Holland. He is known as the Apostle of Germany. Eoban June 5 + 754. Born in Ireland, he preached with Sts Willibrord and Boniface in Holland and Germany and shared in the latter's martyrdom in Dokkum. Waccar, Gundekar, Elleher, Hathawulf June 5 + 754. Monks martyred with St Boniface in Germany. Burchard Oct 14 + c 754. Born in England, he went to Germany with St Boniface (c 732). He became Bishop of Würzburg and founded several monasteries, of which the most important was St Andrew's, later named after him. Adalar (Adalher) June 5 + 755. A companion of St Boniface with whom he was martyred in Dokkum in Holland. Carloman Aug 17 707-755. The eldest son of Charles Martel, he became King of Austrasia after his father died. He encouraged the foundation of monasteries at Fulda in Germany and Lobbes and Stavelot in Belgium. He also helped St Boniface in the task of enlightenment. On St Boniface's advice, he left his kingdom to his brother and became a monk on Mt Soracte and then at Montecassino in Italy. Here he was employed in the kitchen and as a shepherd. He reposed at a monastery in Vienne in France. Baldred (Balther) March 6 + 756. A priest in Lindisfarne in England, he became a hermit at Tyningham on the Scottish border, where he lived on Bass Rock, near North Berwick, surrounded by the sea. His relics were enshrined in Durham, with those of St Bilfrid. Wando (Vando) Apr 17 + c 756. A monk and Abbot of Fontenelle in France. As a result of a false accusation he was exiled to Troyes but was reinstated after his innocence had been proved. Lotharius June 14 c 756. Founder of a monastery in the forest of Argentan in France which was later called Saint-Loyer-des-Champs after him. He then became Bishop of Séez for thirty-two years. Marcian June 30 + c 757. Bishop of Pampeluna in Spain. He was present at the sixth Council of Toledo in 737. Othmar (Otmar, Audemar) Nov 16 + 759. Of Germanic origin and already a priest, in 720 he was appointed Abbot of St Gall in Switzerland. Under him a period of prosperity began for the monastery, which soon became the most important in Switzerland. He was persecuted by two lords, unjustly slandered and condemned. He bore his sufferings with great patience, reposing in prison. Vulgis Feb 4 + c 760. Bishop and Abbot of Lobbes in Belgium. Alto Feb 9 + c 760. Born in Ireland, he went to Germany and settled as a hermit in a forest near Augsburg. There he founded a monastery, now called Altomünster after him. Gangulf May 11 + 760. Born in Burgundy, he led the life of a hermit and was murdered. Wastrada July 21 + c 760. Mother of St Gregory of Utrecht in Holland, she became a nun at the end of her life. Werenfrid Aug 14 + c 760. Born in England, he worked with St Willibrord among the Frisians in Holland. Ursicinus Oct 2 + 760. Abbot of Dissentis in Switzerland, he became Bishop of Chur in 754. Sabinus Oct 15 + c 760 Bishop of Catania in Sicily. After a few years as bishop he resigned and became a hermit. Albinus (Witta) Oct 26 + c 760. Born in England, he set out with St Boniface to enlighten Germany. In 741 he was consecrated Bishop of Buraburg in Hesse. Eudo (Eudon, Eudes Odo) Nov 20 + c 760. A monk at Lerins in France, he founded the monastery of Corméry-en-Velay (Charmillac, later called Saint-Chaffre). Cuthbert Oct 26 + 761. A monk at Lyminge in Kent in England, he became Bishop of Hereford in c 736 and the twelfth Archbishop of Canterbury in c 740. Winebald Dec 18 + 761. Born in England, he was the brother of Sts Willibald and Walburgh. While on pilgrimage to the Holy Land with his brother Winebald, he was taken ill and remained in Rome. Eventually he returned to England and went to Germany where he became Abbot of Heidenheim and then Bishop of Eichstätt. Garibaldus Jan 8 + 762. First Bishop of Regensburg in Germany. He was consecrated by St Boniface in c 740. He had probably been Abbot of St Emmeran in Regensburg before this. Marcellinus (Marchelm, Marculf) July 14 + c 762. Born in England, he followed St Willibrord to Holland. Together with St Liafwine he preached the Gospel to the people of Over-Yssel. He reposed at Oldenzeel, but his relics were later taken to Deventer. Fidharleus Oct 1 + 762. The restorer of the monastery of Rathin in Ireland. Ceolwulf Jan 15 + 764. King of Northumbria in England, he encouraged monastic life. St Bede dedicated his Ecclesiastical History to him. He ended his days as a monk at Lindisfarne. Joseph of Freising Jan 17 + 764. A monk who in 752 founded the monastery of St Zeno at Isen. In 764 he became third Bishop of Freising in Germany. His relics are in Isen. Bregwin Aug 24 + 764. Twelfth Archbishop of Canterbury. His letters to St Lull of Mainz still exist. Walfrid (Gualfredo) della Gherardesca Feb 15 + c 765. Born in Pisa in Italy, he married and had five sons and one daughter. In later life he joined two other married men in founding the monastery of Palazzuolo and a convent nearby for their wives and Walfrid's daughter. Walfrid was the first abbot and was succeeded by one of his sons. Guitmarus Dec 10 + c 765. Fourth Abbot of Saint-Riquier in France. Bobinus Jan 31 + c 766. Born in Aquitaine in France, he was a monk at Moutier-la-Celle. Later he became Bishop of Troyes (760). Chrodegang March 6 + 766. Bishop of Metz in the east of France, he took part in several Councils. He introduced the Roman liturgy and singing into his diocese and the north of Europe in general. Frithbert Dec 23 + 766. The successor of St Acca as Bishop of Hexham, where he served for thirty-four years. Emilian (Aemilio) Jan 7 + 767. Born in Vannes in France, he was a monk at Saujon near Saintes and died as a hermit in the forest of Combes near Bordeaux. Slebhene (Slebhine) March 2 + 767. A monk from Ireland, he became Abbot of Iona in Scotland from 752 to 767. Echa (Etha) May 5 + 767. A priest and hermit in Crayke near York in England. Salvius and Superius June 26 + c 768. Salvius was a bishop near Angouleme in France who was sent to Valenciennes to enlighten the Flemish. The greed of a noble led to his death and he was hastily buried beneath a martyred companion. When the relics were discovered his anonymous companion was found first and called 'Superius'. Edbert Aug 20 + 768. The successor of St Ceolwulf on the throne of Northumbria in England. After a prosperous reign of twenty years he resigned and went to the monastery of York, where he spent a further ten years in prayer and seclusion. Aidan Oct 20 + 768. A bishop in Mayo in Ireland. Anglinus Oct 28 + c 768. The tenth Abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy near Liège in Belgium. James of Toul June 23 + 769. Probably born in Bertigny in Haute Marne, he became a monk at Hornbach, before he became Bishop of Toul in the east of France in 756. Sigolena (Segoulème) July 24 + c 769. Daughter of a noble in Aquitaine, once widowed she became a nun in the convent of Troclar on the Tarn in the south of France, where she later became abbess. Opportuna Apr 22 + c 770. Born near Ayesmes in the north of France, she was the sister of St Chrodegang, Bishop of Séez. At an early age she became a nun at the convent of Monteuil, of which she became abbess. She was described as 'a true mother to all her nuns'. Philip of Zell May 3 + c 770. A pilgrim from England, he settled as a hermit near Worms in Germany. With several disciples, he founded the monastery of Zell - so called from his own original cell - which later grew into the town of Zell. Lantfrid, Waltram and Elilantus July 10 + c 770. Three brothers who founded the monastery of Benediktbeuren in Bavaria in Germany and succeeded one another as abbots. Sebald Aug 19 + c 770. Probably born in England, he lived as a hermit near Vicenza in Italy and then preached with St Willibald in the Reichswald in Germany. Remigius Jan 19 + c 772. Bishop of Rouen in France from 755 on. Amelberga July 10 + c 772. A nun at Münsterbilsen in Belgium. Her relics were later transferred to the monastery of St Peter in Ghent. Tetta Sept 28 + c 772. Abbess of Wimborne in Dorset in England. She helped St Boniface by sending him nuns from her 500-strong convent, among whom were Sts Lioba and Thecla. Liafwine (Lebuin) Nov 12 + c 773. A monk at Ripon in England, he went to Holland and took part in the work begun by St Boniface. He worked with St Marcellinus under St Gregory of Utrecht and founded a church in Deventer. From there he preached to the Saxons and the Frisians. Gummarus (Gomer) Oct 11 c 717-774. After long and patient endurance of worldly perversity, he reposed as a hermit. The present town of Lierre (Lier) in Belgium grew up around his hermitage. Rumoldus (Rumbold) June 24 + c 775. Probably from England, he was a monk who became a bishop with St Willibrord in Holland and in Brabant in Belgium. He was murdered near Malines. Hippolytus Nov 28 + c 775. Bishop of Saint-Claude in France. Theodulphus (Thiou) June 24 + 776. Third Abbot of Lobbes in Belgium. Vitalian July 16 + 776. Bishop of Osimo in Italy. Gregory of Utrecht Aug 25 c 703-776. Born in Trier in Germany, he met St Boniface when still a child and later became a monk. He became Abbot of St Martin's at Utrecht in Holland and then Bishop of the same city for twenty-two years. St Martin's was a seedbed of saints. Magdalveus (Madalveus, Mauvé) Oct 5 + c 776. Born in Verdun in France, he became a monk at St Vannes and later (c 736) Bishop of Verdun. Theodore of Pavia May 20 + 778. Bishop of Pavia in Italy 743-778. He had much to endure, including repeated exiles under the Lombard Kings. Ambrose Autpertus July 19 + c 778. Born in France, he went to Italy as an envoy and visited the monastery of St Vincent near Benevento, where he became a monk. Eventually he became abbot. Walburgh (Walburga) Feb 25 c 710-779. Sister of Sts Willibald and Winebald. She became a nun at Wimborne in Dorset in England with St Tetta and followed St Lioba to Germany. She reposed as Abbess of Heidenheim, from where her relics were translated to Eichstätt. Miraculous healings come from the oil which still flows from the rock on which her shrine is placed. Alberic Oct 28 + 779. Abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy in Belgium. His feast is kept together with that of four other Abbots of the same monastery. Sturm (Sturmi) Dec 17 + 779. As a child he was entrusted to St Boniface and brought up in the monastery of Fritzlar in Germany. Ordained, he was sent to enlighten the Saxons. He went to find a suitable site for a monastery in central Germany and chose Fulda. Sturm then went to Montecassino and on his return became Abbot of Fulda. Dearly loved by his monks, Sturm is considered as second only to Boniface as Apostle of Germany. Mella Apr 25 + c 780. Born in Connaught in Ireland, Mella was the mother of two saints, Cannech and Tigernach. After the death of her husband, she became a nun and Abbess of Doire-Melle. Anno (Hanno, Annon) May 13 + 780. Born in Verona in Italy, he became bishop there and translated the relics of Sts Firmus and Rusticus. Credan Aug 19 + c 780. Eighth Abbot of Evesham in England. Basilissa Dec 5 + c 780. Abbess of Oehren near Trier in Germany. Alcmund Sept 7 + 781. The seventh Bishop of Hexham in England. Lioba Sept 28 + c 781. A relative of St Boniface, St Lioba became a nun at Wimborne. In 748, at the request of St Boniface, she left England for Germany together with a group of nuns and became Abbess of Bischoffsheim. She was greatly loved by her nuns. St Lioba's convents were one of the most important factors in the conversion of Germany. Remigius March 20 + 783. A noble, he became Abbot of Münster near Colmar in France and in 776 Bishop of Strasbourg. Libert July 14 + 783. Born in Malines in Belgium, he was baptised and became a monk with St Rumoldus. Later he moved to the monastery of Saint-Trond where he was martyred by barbarians. Alberic Nov 14 + 784. Nephew of St Gregory of Utrecht, he became a priest and, on his uncle's repose in 775, Bishop of St Martin's in Utrecht in Holland. Highly educated, his work among the pagan Teutons was very fruitful. Virgilius (Fergal) Nov 27 + 784. Born in Ireland, he preached in Bavaria in Germany helping St Rupert, the Apostle of Austria. St Virgilius later became Abbot of St Peter's in Salzburg and Bishop (c 765). He is venerated as the Apostle of Carinthia. Werburgh Feb 3 + c 785. A widow who became a nun, probably at Bardney in England, where she later became abbess. Herulph Aug 13 + 785. He became a monk at St Gall in Switzerland, then founded the monastery of Ellwangen (764) near Augsberg in Germany. Later he became Bishop of Langres in France. Willibald July 7 c 700-786/7. Born in Wessex in England, he was a brother of Sts Winebald and Walburgh and a cousin of St Boniface. At the age of five he was given as a monk at Waltham in Hampshire. In 722 he accompanied his father St Richard and his brother St Winebald on a pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy Land. Here he visited all the holy places and many monasteries, staying in Constantinople for two years. On his return to Italy he lived at Montecassino for ten years. Then he was sent to Germany to help St Boniface and in 742 was consecrated Bishop of Eichstätt. With his brother St Winebald he founded the monastery of Heidenheim where their sister Walburgh became abbess. His relics are still in the Cathedral in Eichstätt. Leo of Catania Feb 20 703-787. Known in Sicily as St Leo the Wonderworker. He was a learned priest in Ravenna who became Bishop of Catania. Syagrius (Siacre) May 23 + c 787. A monk at Lérins in the south of France who later founded the monastery of St Pons at Cimiez, after which he became Bishop of Nice (777). Jerome of Pavia July 19 + 787. Bishop of Pavia in Italy 778-787. Lull Oct 16 + 787. A monk at Malmesbury in England and a relative of St Boniface, he went to Germany and in 751 St Boniface consecrated him bishop. After his master's martyrdom he took his place. He founded several monasteries. Patto (Pacificus) March 30 + c 788. Perhaps born in Ireland, he went to Saxony, became abbot of a monastery there and finally became Bishop of Werden in Germany Beatus Feb 19 + 789. Born in Asturias in Spain, he became a monk at Liebana and was famous for his firm stand against Adoptionism. When Adoptionism was condemned, the saint went to the monastery of Valcavado and wrote his famous Commentary on the Apocalypse. Tilbert (Gilbert) Sept 7 + 789. Bishop of Hexham in Northumbria in England 781-789. Willehad Nov 8 + c 789. A Northumbrian monk who in c 766 left England to enlighten the Frisians in Holland. Later he preached to the Saxons, but had to abandon this mission and retired to the monastery of Echternach. In 787 he was ordained Bishop of Bremen in Germany. Aimo (Aimonius) Feb 13 + c 790. Founder of the convent of St Victor in Meda in the north of Italy. Felix of Fritzlar June 5 + c 790. A monk at Fritzlar in Germany and a martyr, probably at the hands of heathen. Hiltrude Sept 27 + c 790. A hermit near the monastery of Liessies in France. Thecla Oct 15 + c 790. A nun at Wimborne in England, she went to Germany with St Lioba. She became the first Abbess of Ochsenfürt and then of Kitzingen on the Main. Wiomad (Weomadus) Nov 8 + c 790. A monk at St Maximinus in Trier in Germany. He became Abbot of Mettlach and finally Bishop of Trier (c 750-790). Agatha Dec 12 + c 790. A nun at Wimborne in Dorset in England and a disciple of St Lioba, she went to Germany to help St Boniface in his missionary work. Ribert (Ribarius) Dec 19 + c 790. Seventeenth Abbot of Saint-Oyend in France. He is venerated in Franche-Comté. Maolruain July 7 + 792. Founder of the monastery of Tallaght in Ireland and compiler of the martyrology of that name. Janbert Aug 12 + 792 Abbot of St Augustine's, he succeeded St Bregwine as fourteenth Archbishop of Canterbury in England in 765. Megingaud (Mengold, Megingoz) March 16 + 794. He became a monk at Fritzlar in Germany (738) and after some years abbot. Later he succeeded St Burchard as Bishop of Würzburg (c 754). Ethelbert (Albert, Albright) May 20 + 794. King of East Anglia in England, he was treacherously murdered by Offa of Mercia. He has always been venerated as a martyr, especially in Hereford and in East Anglia. Sola (Sol, Solus, Suolo) Dec 3 + 794. A monk and priest from England who followed St Boniface to Germany and lived as a hermit first near Fulda later near Eichstätt. Finally he settled on a piece of land where he founded the monastery called Solnhofen as a dependency of Fulda. Tassio Dec 13 + c 794. Duke of Bavaria and a great monastic benefactor. After founding many monasteries and churches, he became a monk at Jumièges in France but reposed at Lorsch in Germany. Colgan Feb 20 + c 796. Called 'the Wise' and 'the Chief Scribe of the Irish'. He was Abbot of Clonmacnoise in Offaly in Ireland. Gedeon Aug 8 + 796. The thirteenth Bishop of Besançon in France (790-796). Candida Jan 27 + c 798. Mother of St Emerius, who founded the monastery of St Stephen of Bañoles in Spain. She reposed as an anchoress near the monastery. Gamelbert Jan 27 720-800. The son of rich parents in Bavaria, Gamelbert went to Rome on pilgrimage, was ordained priest and was parish priest of Michaelsbuch in Germany for over fifty years. Appian March 4 + c 800. Born in Liguria in Italy, he became a monk at the monastery of St Peter of Ciel d'Oro in Pavia in Italy. Eventually he became a hermit in Commacchio on the shores of the Adriatic and brought Christ to that region. Clement March 5 c 800. Abbot of Santa Lucia in Syracuse in Sicily. Alcmund March 19 + c 800. A prince of Northumbria in England, after many years of exile among the Picts of Scotland, he was martyred in Shropshire. He was venerated first in Lilleshall and then in Derby. Attala (Attalus) Apr 3 + c 800. A monk and abbot of a monastery in Taormina in Sicily. Isberga (Itisberga) May 21 + c 800. A nun at Aire in France where she is venerated as the patroness of Artois. Arnold July 8 + c. 800. Apparently of Greek descent, he was famed for his charity to the poor. He has left his name to the village, Arnold-Villiers (Arnoldsweiler) near Jülich, now in Germany. Marinus Aug 19 c 800. A bishop at the monastery of St Peter in Besalu in Catalonia in Spain. Epiphania Oct 6 + c 800. A nun at the convent of Santa Maria della Caccia in Pavia in Italy. Bernard of Bagnorea (of Castro) Oct 20 + c 800. Born in Bagnorea, he became Bishop of Vulcia in Tuscany in Italy. Namphasius (Namphrase) Nov 12 + c 800. After a military career, he became a hermit near Marcillac in France. Foellan (Foilan, Fillan) Jan 9 8th cent. Born in Ireland, he accompanied his mother, St Kentigerna, and his relative, St Comgan, to Scotland, where he lived as a monk. The place of repose is called Strathfillan. Paldo, Taso and Tato Jan 11 8th cent. Three brothers, born in Benevento in Italy, who became monks at Farfa and eventually founded the monastery of San Vincenzo at the headwaters of the Volturno. Of this they successively became abbots, Paldo reposing in c 720, Taso in c 729, and Tato in c 739. Arcontius Jan 19 8th or 9th cent. Bishop of Viviers in France, killed by a mob for having upheld the rights of the Church. Emerius Jan 27 8th cent. Born in France, he founded and was the first Abbot of St Stephen of Bañoles in Catalonia in Spain. Antimus Jan 28 8th cent. One of the first Abbots of Brantôme in France. Ulphia (Wulfia, Olfe, Wulfe) Jan 31 8th cent. By tradition she lived as a hermitess near Amiens in France, her spiritual father being the hermit St Domitius. A convent was later built on the site of her tomb. Deodatus Feb 3 8th cent. A monk at Lagny in France. Cronan the Wise Feb 9 ? 8th cent. Called 'the Wise' on account of his knowledge of the canons. Bilfrid (Billfrith) March 6 8th cent. A hermit at Lindisfarne and an expert goldsmith, who bound in gold the Lindisfarne Gospels, written and illuminated by Bishop Edfrith. Aldo March 31 + late 8th cent. Count of Ostrevant, he became a monk at the monastery of Hasnon in Belgium, which had been founded by his brother John. Aldo was chosen as second abbot. Cogitosus Apr 18 ? 8th cent. A monk at Kildare in Ireland who probably wrote the Life of St Brigid. Gundebert Apr 20 8th cent. He married St Bertha and was the brother of St Nivard. He separated from his wife, became a monk, went to Ireland and was martyred there by heathen. Aldwyn May 3 8th cent. Abbot of Partney in Lincolnshire in England. Elwin (Ethelwin) May 3 8th cent. The second Bishop of Lindsey. He was a close friend of St Egbert whom he accompanied to Ireland and where he reposed. Merililaun (Merolilaun) May 18 8th cent. A pilgrim who was murdered near Rheims and venerated as a martyr. Gamo May 30 8th cent. Monk and then Abbot of Brétigny near Noyon in France. Alexander June 4 8th cent. Bishop of Verona in Italy. Cummian (Cumian, Cummin) June 9 1st half 8th cent. Born in Ireland, he became a bishop. He visited Bobbio in Italy and lived there as a monk. Herebald (Herband) June 11 8th cent. Born in Britain, he lived as a hermit in Brittany where a church is dedicated to him. Corbican June 26 8th cent. Born in Ireland, he lived as a hermit in Holland and helped simple people. Guthagon July 3 8th cent. Born in Ireland, he crossed to Belgium and became a hermit. Donald (Donivald) July 15 8th cent. A holy man who with his nine daughters, 'the Nine Maidens', lived as a hermit in Ogilvy in Scotland. Turninus July 17 8th cent. An priest from Ireland who worked with St Foillan in Holland and also near Antwerp in Belgium. Aliprandus (Leuprandus) July 24 8th cent. Abbot of St Augustine's in Pavia in Italy. Mary the Consoler Aug 1 8th cent. The sister of St Anno, Bishop of Verona in Italy. Ultan Aug 8 8th cent. Born in Ireland, he was a priest at the monastery of St Peter in Crayke in Yorkshire in England. He excelled in the art of illumination. Bettelin (Bertram) Aug 10 8th cent.? Patron of Stafford in England, the base of his shrine still exists at Ilam. Amor (Amator, Amour) Aug 17 8th cent. Companion of St Pirmin in preaching Christ in Germany. Founder of the monastery of Amorbach in Franconia. Velleicus (Willeic) Aug 29 8th cent. Born in England, he followed St Swithbert to Germany and became Abbot of Kaiserswerth. Giles Sept 1 8th cent. Probably born in Provence in the south of France, he became abbot of a monastery on the Rhône, where the town of Saint-Gilles now stands. He is venerated as the patron-saint of cripples and beggars. Bettelin (Bertram) Sept 9 8th cent. Disciple of St Guthlac of Crowland in England. He lived there with companions under the first abbot, Kenulf. Cissa Sept 23 Early 8th cent. A disciple of St Guthlac at Crowland in England.. Catholdus, Anno and Diethardus Sept 29 + late 8th cent. Three monks who preached the Gospel around Eichstätt in Germany. Aurea Oct 6 8th cent. A young girl from Amiens in France, she became a nun in Boves and eventually became the abbess of a large convent. Triduna (Tredwall, Trallen) Oct 8 8th century? A virgin connected with St Regulus in Scotland. Her shrine was a centre of devotion and pilgrimage. Comgan Oct 13 8th cent. Born in Ireland, he was the brother of St Kentigern. He became a monk in Scotland and was buried on Iona. Domitius Oct 23 8th cent. An hermit near Amiens in France. Wulgan Nov 3 8th cent. A holy man born in Canterbury in England, where his relics were later venerated. Kanten (Cannen) Nov 5 8th cent. Founder of Lianganten in Powys in Wales. Modanic Nov 14 8th cent. A bishop in Scotland. Medana Nov 19 8th cent. A holy virgin from Ireland who went to Scotland and lived in Galloway. Einhild (Einhildis) and Roswinda Dec 13 8th cent. Nuns at Hohenburg in Alsace in France with St Ottilia. St Roswinda was probably St Ottilia's sister. St Einhild became Abbess of Niedermünster near Hohenburg. Bernwald (Beornwald) Dec 21 8c? A righteous priest in Bampton in Oxfordshire in England. Mazota Dec 23 ? 8th cent. The leader of a group of nineteen holy virgins who went from Ireland to Scotland and founded a monastery at Abernethy on the Tay.