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The Holy Confessor
Alexis of Carpatho-Russia

The Holy Confessor Alexis of Carpatho-Russia

Commemorated: 8/21 October and 19 November/ 2 December

Troparion Tone 8

Having loved the truth with all thy heart / and meekly endured many diverse bonds and sufferings, / thou didst bring the blessing of the Holy Mountain of Athos / and restore Orthodoxy in the Rus beyond the Carpathians, / O our most blessed father Alexis, / pray to Christ God to root out strife / and send down to our souls peace and great mercy.

Kontakion Tone 4

We honour the star of Carpathia, / who has shone forth with radiant light / and become like unto the Apostles, / our God-bearing father Alexis, / who has loved Orthodoxy and returned his people to the true faith. / Therefore in thanksgiving we cry out to him: / Rejoice, O most mighty light of Carpathian Rus.

The Magnification

We bless thee, / venerable father Alexis, / and we honour thy holy memory, / O teacher of monks / and converser with the angels.

Akathist to the Holy Confessor Alexis of Carpatho-Russia

Kontakion 1

Chosen by the wisdom of Divine Providence to restore the Holy Orthodox Faith / and raised to the rank of hieromonk, / thou didst live the ascetic life with zeal / and spread the faith of our forbears in Carpathian Rus. / Therefore we, thy latest children, call to thee with heartfelt love: / Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls.

Ikos 1

The Maker of the angelic world and all things visible foreordained thee to preach the saving Orthodox faith among our people, who were held captive by Latin reasoning, but drawn to the Eastern Orthodox confession that is pleasing to God. From infancy he chose thee, O father Alexis, to serve for the conversion and salvation of many. Therefore with boldness we cry out to thee:

Rejoice, thou who from youth hast loved Christ with all thy heart!
Rejoice, thou who from the morning of thy life hast served Him Alone!
Rejoice, thou who with fervent prayer hast given wing to thy spirit!
Rejoice, thou who in youth didst set an example of a holy life!
Rejoice, thou who in thy piety givest cheer to the faithful!
Rejoice, thou who from early years hast been loved by God for all these things!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 2

Seeing thy father lying on his death-bed, thou, O blessed one, didst soothe his sufferings of body and soul. Comforting him with thy fervent prayer and word, thou didst honour him, according to the commandment of the Lord. Therefore, taught by thee to fulfil the commandments of God, we too sing to the Maker of heaven and earth: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Thine understanding enlightened by God, thou, O all-praised one, didst understand that the most needful thing of all is piety, with which thou didst hasten to enrich thy soul, studying the Law of the Lord. Therefore we call to thee:

Rejoice, meek follower of Jesus!
Rejoice, zealous fulfiller of the commandments of the Lord!
Rejoice, humble imitator of Christ!
Rejoice, thou who wast zealous for the monastic life equal to the angels!
Rejoice, zealous defender of piety!
Rejoice, bright star of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 3

Taught by the power of the Most High, thou didst direct thy steps to Biskad Monastery and the clairvoyant elder Arcadius, asking him to instruct thee in the path of virtue. Therefore, receiving that which thou didst desire, thou didst hymn the Lord, Who orders all things for good, with the song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

O most blessed one, thou didst have the goodly desire to keep thy virginity and join thyself to the Orthodox Church, accomplishing labours and ascetic feats for the salvation of thine immortal soul and the souls of thy neighbours. Therefore we bless thee and say:

Rejoice, faithful instructor in divine wisdom!
Rejoice, keeper of chastity of body and soul!
Rejoice, bold preacher of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, thou who didst convert many to the true faith through ardent preaching!
Rejoice, thou who didst denounce the powerful of this world with the word of truth!
Rejoice, for thou didst suffer many sorrows for these deeds!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 4

The tempest of persecutions and sorrows did not cause thy soul to falter, O most glorious father, but, confirming thyself in the truth of the path of salvation chosen by thee, thou didst sing to God unceasingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard told of the lives of the ascetics of old, and how, instructed and strengthened by the Lord, they added labour unto labour, thou, O venerable father, wast zealous to emulate them, abiding day and night in prayer and preparing thyself for coming ascetic feats. Glorifying thy wondrous ascetic life, we call to thee such things as these:

Rejoice, thou who for truth's sake didst show forth many labours like unto the apostles!
Rejoice, thou who thus art worthily called the Apostle of Orthodoxy in the Carpathian land!
Rejoice, O good-hearted father, who wast zealous for the salvation of many!
Rejoice, thou who didst not seek after thine own, but after thy neighbour!
Rejoice, unshakeable pillar of Apostolic traditions!
Rejoice, good teacher of the flock of Christ!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 5

The star of God the Father, which once guided the wise men to the divine infant Christ, born in Bethlehem, led thee to the holy city of Jerusalem for worship and prayer; glorifying God for this great mercy, thou didst sing to our Saviour: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing thy holy zeal for the true faith, the brethren of the monastery of St Panteleimon on Athos entrusted to thee the Akathist icon of the Mother of God, that she might be an Intercessor and Protectress in all things for thee and thy people. Therefore we call to thee:

Rejoice, thou who camest to the Holy Mountain of Athos, the garden of the Mother of God!
Rejoice, thou who wast joyously met by the brethren of St Panteleimon's Monastery!
Rejoice, thou who there wast united to the holy Orthodox Church!
Rejoice, for thus thy heart's desire was fulfilled!
Rejoice, for the Akathist icon of the Mother of God was granted by the Athonite brethren as a blessing to our land!
Rejoice, for thou didst return to thy homeland with this icon and much that is sacred to Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 6

Thou, O venerable one, wast a preacher of the Orthodox faith and piety until the end of thine earthly life, unceasingly asking the Queen of Heaven for help in all things, praying before Her wonderworking icon of the Akathist, before which we too are found worthy to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

After thou wast ordained hieromonk, a special grace of God shone forth in thee, O father Alexis, to serve the mysteries of the Church. Therefore the people of the Carpathian land have made exceeding glad, calling to thee:

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the Angelic schema!
Rejoice, thou who wast numbered among the Heavenly Powers!
Rejoice, thou who wast deigned worthy of the grace of the priesthood on receiving the Angelic schema!
Rejoice, thou who reverently servest the mysteries of the Church!
Rejoice, thou who standest with heartfelt feeling before the Holy Table!
Rejoice, tireless advocate for thy people before God!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 7

Wishing to reveal in thee a new vessel of His grace, God Most Gracious sent thee to enlighten and hallow our greatly suffering people with the mysteries of the Church, which thou didst always fervently serve, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

When the impious bound thee innocent and led thee into captivity, the Lord God showed thee to be a new confessor. Seeing this, the Orthodox people, filled with great sorrow, cried to thee such things as these:

Rejoice, thou who didst manfully endure bonds and captivity for the faith of Christ!
Rejoice, for thus thou didst follow after the holy martyrs!
Rejoice, for thou didst emulate their feat of confession!
Rejoice, for thou didst conquer the devil through thy patience!
Rejoice, thou who by thy preaching in the Carpathians didst become like unto the First-Called Apostle Andrew!
Rejoice, glorious emulator of the holy Cyril and Methodius, equal to the Apostles!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 8

Thou, O most blessed father, didst pass on thine earthly way with glory, proclaiming the truth of Christ to the people and calling all to repentance, that having repented of their sins, they might sing to Christ God with pure heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All aflame with heartfelt love for God and man, thou didst not spare thy strength of body and soul to preach the word of God and restore the Orthodox faith in our people. Therefore, in heartfelt thanksgiving, we too call out to thee in this wise:

Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, bright star of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, O pleaser of Christ, filled with reverence and truth!
Rejoice, thou who hadst great zeal for the rebirth of the Orthodox faith!
Rejoice, thou who hast been joined to the host of holy confessors!
Rejoice, O good shepherd, ready to lay down thy life for thy flock!
Rejoice, thou who didst fence around thy flock from fierce wolves!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 9

Thou didst endure every grief and sorrow from the impious, O father who suffered greatly, but nothing was able to part thee from the love of God. Enduring all misfortunes by the grace of Christ, thou didst unceasingly sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The vain wisdom of orators is not able to grasp the truth of the Orthodox faith or comprehend its saving strength, for in their pride they have fallen away from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. As children of God, taught by thee, O father Alexis, to believe aright in the Holy Trinity, we too bless thee and greet thee in this wise:

Rejoice, inextinguishable beacon of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, grace-filled adornment of our people!
Rejoice, thou who art crowned by Christ with the crown of the confessors!
Rejoice, thou who art gloriously magnified by His Church!
Rejoice, thou who hast crossed from this vale of sorrow to dwell in the Jerusalem on high – the Kingdom of Heaven!
Rejoice, for thy body has been glorified with incorruption here on earth!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 10

Wishing to save the people from heresies and false teachings, thou didst accomplish apostolic labours, everywhere preaching the word of the Truth of God and teaching all to sing to God in Orthodox wise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou, O venerable father, wast a firm and unconquerable rampart for thy people, unceasingly praying to the Lord that He might look down on His people and confirm in them the Right Faith. Glorifying thy labours and ascetic feats, with heartfelt feeling we too cry out to thee:

Rejoice, firm confirmation of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, shining of the Gospel light!
Rejoice, rule of faith and piety!
Rejoice, untiring intercessor for us before God!
Rejoice, most graceful teacher of Christian perfection!
Rejoice, our constant helper in life's temptations!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 11

No song of praise is equal to thy labours, as countless as the stars, O father Alexis. For who born on earth will glorify the many labours of thy life, who will magnify thy sacred feats, thine exceeding humility, thine unceasing prayer, thine unfeigned love, for which, together with all who have pleased God from all the ages, thou hast been deigned worthy to sing the eternal: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Thou, O all-blessed father, hast been revealed as a radiant star, driving away the darkness of unbelief and bitterness in our land by the light of the faith of Christ, and therefore we hymn thee:

Rejoice, thou who didst spurn worldly glory as vain!
Rejoice, thou who didst accept poverty of spirit for the sake of Christ!
Rejoice, fair flower of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, thou who shinest thy brightness in the darkness of our souls!
Rejoice, thou who partakest of the service of the Apostles!
Rejoice, thou who kindlest our souls with zeal for the Orthodox faith!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 12

Nearing the blessed end of thine earthly life, a special grace was given to thee by the Lord; thou wast deigned worthy to take the great Angelic schema, that together with the heavenly hosts thou mightest sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing of thine apostolic labours and ascetic feats, we bless thy blessed end, we magnify thy glorification among the host of venerable confessors of Christ, and standing before thy relics which heal many, we exult in spirit, for we have a new intercessor and advocate before God and cry out to thee such things as these:

Rejoice, thou who hast inherited the Kingdom of Heaven!
Rejoice, for thou beholdest the glory of God face to face!
Rejoice, thou who dwellest with all the saints!
Rejoice, for together with them in heaven thou beseechest God for us sinners!
Rejoice, for thou revealest miracles on earth through thine incorrupt relics!
Rejoice, for thou givest the grace of help to all who have recourse to thee!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 13

O most blessed, newly-glorified father Alexis, preacher of Orthodoxy and teacher of piety, accept from us unworthy sinners this modest petition, and beseech the Most Compassionate God to strengthen the Holy Church and defend Her from heresies, schisms and disorders, that we all may abide in the true faith unto our last breath, and with pure heart sing unceasingly to our Saviour: Alleluia.

(This Kontakion is read three times)

And again:

Ikos 1

The Maker of the angelic world and all things visible foreordained thee to preach the saving Orthodox faith among our people, who were held captive by Latin reasoning, but drawn to the Eastern Orthodox confession that is pleasing to God. From infancy he chose thee, O father Alexis, to serve for the conversion and salvation of many. Therefore with boldness we cry out to thee:

Rejoice, thou who from youth hast loved Christ with all thy heart!
Rejoice, thou who from the morning of thy life hast served Him Alone!
Rejoice, thou who with fervent prayer hast given wing to thy spirit!
Rejoice, thou who in youth didst set an example of a holy life!
Rejoice, thou who in thy piety giveth cheer to the faithful!
Rejoice, thou who from early years hast been loved by God for all these things!
Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls!

Kontakion 1

Chosen by the wisdom of Divine Providence to restore the Holy Orthodox Faith / and raised to the rank of hieromonk, / thou didst live the ascetic life with zeal / to spread the faith of our forbears in Carpathian Rus. / Therefore we, thy latest children, call to thee with heartfelt love: / Rejoice, O venerable father Alexis, most glorious confessor of Christ and intercessor for our souls.

A Prayer to the Holy Confessor Alexis of Carpatho-Russia

O sacred guide, our venerable father Alexis, we know, that standing before the altar of the Most Holy Trinity, thou hast great boldness in prayers before the Lord. Even now look down upon us, thy sinful and unworthy children, who fall down before thee now and fervently pray: beseech the Lord that He may give us the resolve to acquire the piety of our fathers, which thou didst acquire from thy youth.

In thy life thou wast a zealous defender and guardian of the true faith, help us also to keep the Orthodox faith without wavering. In the stillness of thy soul thou didst prosper exceedingly in the humble wisdom of God, teach us also to feed our minds, not with the many passions of human reasoning, but with the humble knowledge of the will of God. Yea, O pleaser of God, spurn us not who pray unto thee, for we ask not only for deliverance from grief and sorrow, but also for strength and steadfastness and love and generosity, that without murmur we may endure those misfortunes that rise up against us. Beseech also for us unwavering patience even to the end of our life, peace with the Lord and remission of sins.

O holy father, still the winds of unbelief and discord in our country, that the Lord may establish calm, piety and unfeigned love in our land. Through thy prayers may it be preserved from civil disorder, that our Holy Orthodox Church may be strengthened, that She may not want for true pastors, doers of good, rightly dividing the word of Thy Gospel truth. Shepherd also the lost sheep of the flock of Christ, that they may turn to the path of piety and salvation.

And especially, pray to the Lord of hosts that our land may be reborn through holy repentance and that with one heart and one mouth it may glorify our God, Who is wondrous in His saints, glorified in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.





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