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The Address of Hieromonk John (Maximovich) on his consecration as Bishop
of Shanghai on 27 May 1934 in Belgrade.
outside her borders, we remain sons of Russia. Exiled from our earthly
homeland, we continue to be the spiritual flock of the hierarchs Peter,
Alexis, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes and Tikhon. We are still part of the
suffering and persecuted Russian Church, now soaked in the blood of the
hieromartyrs Vladimir of Kiev. Benjamin of Petrograd, Hermogenes of Tobolsk,
Mitrofan of Astrakhan, Andronik of Perm, and a countless host of other
new martyrs and hieromartyrs. Their testament is our sacred treasure which
we must preserve until such a time as it pleases God to reveal His might
and raise the horn of Orthodox Christians. Until then we must remain in
spiritual unity with the persecuted and strengthen them with our prayers.
absent from them, we kiss their bonds, and we grieve for those who have
wavered. We know that even the ancient confessors of the truth sometimes
wavered. But we have examples of steadfastness: Saint Theodore the Studite,
who condemned any departure from the Church's teachings, Saint Maximus
the Confessor, Patriarch Hermogenes. We dread to slip from the path they
trod, for if human weakness can be used to justify those beneath the yoke
of terror, what can we say if we are frightened by mere threats? Living
in comparative security, we should strengthen ourselves spiritually in
order to re-create what has been destroyed, 'to turn back the captivity
of Sion', if the Lord so allows, or ourselves to walk in the footsteps
of those who are suffering for the truth - if it should be necessary.
For this reason we must above all preserve among ourselves oneness of
mind and unity, presenting a unified Russian Church, and at the same time
continue her vital work among other peoples. From the very first centuries
of Russia's acceptance of Christianity, she sent forth missionaries to
distant parts. First to shine forth were the righteous Kuksha and Leonty
of Rostov, afterwards Stefan of Perm, Innocent of Irkutsk, and in our
time Macarius - Apostle to the Altai, and Nicholas of Japan. Now the scattered
Russian people have come to spread the Faith in all corners of the world.
The task of the Russian Church Outside Russia is to occupy herself with
the work of enlightening as many people as possible from all nations.
It is for
this purpose that the Synod of Russian Hierarchs Outside Russia is sending
me to a country from which rises the material sun, but which is in need
of the illuminating rays of the spiritual Sun of Righteousness.
my weak powers, it is in obedience to the Church authorities and my spiritual
mentor that I submit to this choice - not for the sake of honour and power,
but to give myself wholly to the service of the Church.
I beseech
the Lord God that He will help me and strengthen me to labour actively
until death for the sake of the truth...
of the Man Born Blind
30 April / 13 May 2007