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Who do you stand with?
We stand with the fathers of the Holy Mountain, who condemn the secular innovations that give rise to the thought among the people that their ‘leaders’ may already be apostates.
We stand with the faithful Orthodox of Greece and Cyprus, who do not want what is alien to the Tradition.
We stand with the courageous confessors of Romania, who condemn the two apostate bishops who dragged their Church through the mire when they concelebrated with Uniats.
We stand with Patriarch Pavle, Metropolitan Amphilochy and all the suffering people of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Their sufferings are magnified by US and EU adventurism and are now insulted by the governments of Montenegro and Macedonia, which have been bribed by the EU into accepting an ‘independent’ Kosovo.
We stand with Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev who is fighting the nationalist/Uniat hydra in the Ukraine.
We stand with Fr Dimitry Sidor in Transcarpathia, who suffers from the persecutions of the Ukrainian secret services in his defence of the Carpatho-Russian people
We stand with Metropolitan Kornily of Tallinn, the head of the canonical Church in Estonia, who was for thirteen years a prisoner of conscience in Soviet times and is now persecuted by a schismatic foreign bishop, who does not even speak the languages used in Estonia.
We stand with the faithful people of Georgia and Ossetia, who have been betrayed by the puppet in power in Tbilisi, who is backed by the same NATO that bombed Serbia.
We stand with the faithful people of the OLTR in France, who are fighting to preserve their traditional worship from modernism.
We stand with Bishop Elisei in England who is repairing the damage caused by the unfaithful.
Those who oppose us in the Orthodox world are backed by their wealthy supporters in the US State Department, Brussels and the Vatican (though most good Roman Catholics are unaware of what is done in their name).
Who do you stand with? Churches nourished by the blood of New Martyrs or shells that drown in irrelevance?