Will the United Kingdom survive until 2021?

The revelations of May 2009 about systemic (‘institutionalised’) political corruption, involving the allowance and expense claims of UK Members of Parliament, should not surprise. This scandal, which involves a great many MPs paying themselves large amounts of public money, is not a legal scandal, but a moral one. The MPs are right when they claim that they ‘have not broken any rules’. They have not, because they made the rules of the feeding trough themselves. It is rather like someone who plays the game of Monopoly without any other players. Somehow, he always wins.
MPs, naturally, are already urging the media and the public to ‘move on’ (the current euphemism for sweeping the scandal under the carpet and not punishing the thieves – the MPs themselves). However, the exposure of this moral corruption has also led to calls for a general election. If this were to take place, possibly hundreds of MPs would first have to be sacked as being morally unworthy of public trust. We are reminded of the cynic’s irresponsible response to elections: ‘Don’t vote, it only encourages them’. However, beyond this scandal, there is the far more fundamental question of the general lack of authority of the UK Parliament.
The majority voting system which elects MPs to ‘the Mother of Parliaments’ (a clear historical untruth) is not only non-democratic, but anti-democratic. In the UK it is the candidate with more votes than any other who wins elections, even though the other candidates may collectively have two or three times as many votes as the winning candidate. This is why UK government after UK government is always a minority government which can ride slipshod over the wishes of the majority of the people, falsely claiming to have a democratic mandate. Little wonder that constitutional experts long ago dubbed the British political system ‘an electoral dictatorship’.
This myth was already exposed during World War II, when sham democracy was dropped in favour of ‘a government of national unity’, which was a successful national dictatorship. As for the three more recent electoral dictatorships of Mr Blair, elected by between a third and a fifth of the electorate, they were able to declare war on several countries which presented no threat whatsoever to the UK, bomb them and invade them, without consulting Parliament, let alone the people. The results were the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in those countries, Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq, and the deaths of hundreds of British servicemen who were obeying their orders. We must add to this the wasting of tens of billions of pounds of UK taxpayers’ money, increasing the bankruptcy of the public finances.
The wave of illiberalism of these largely Scottish-run, Calvinistic UK governments with their bankrupt policies, has created a police state rather than a nanny state. With their suppression of democratic freedoms, detention without trial, nationwide camera surveillance, police violence, the imposition of heavy layers of bureaucracy, overregulation and political correctness on an increasingly soap-educated and debt-enslaved populace, leads some to think that the UK is becoming a proto-Fascist State.
All this comes just twelve years before the hundredth anniversary of the creation of the United Kingdom in 1921. Artificially created by the shameful and tragic division of the island of Ireland and the continued suppression of Scotland, Wales and England by the Establishment-run London Parliament, the UK has been a botched compromise which has pleased no-one outside the elite. At least today, under the pressure of popular nationalism, Scotland has at last been granted its own Parliament, Wales its own Assembly and Northern Ireland, with a declining Protestant birth-rate, is on its way to long-overdue unity with the democratic Republic of Ireland. However, all this still leaves England as the only large nation in the world without its own Parliament, even an undemocratic one.
Worse still, the UK is a Union within a Union, for the UK Parliament is itself enslaved to the European ‘Parliament’ in Brussels. This enslavement comes from the strategy of the 1970s, decided by the Conservative government of a declining power, which chose to ally itself with what is now the EU (the future USE – United States of Europe) rather than with the USA. This was in order to maintain a semblance of post-Imperial power. In some ways, the choice seemed logical. After all, geographically, Great Britain is a shared island archipelago a few miles off the coast of Western Europe. However, in culture and mentality, Great Britain is a shared island archipelago a few miles off the coast of North America. Indeed, the latter is probably still populated by a majority of people whose ancestors came from Great Britain and Ireland.
Where should a transatlantic country turn? Should Great Britain have agreed to become the fifty-first State of the USA? Few thought so at the time and few think so now. After all, the North American Union, the USA, was built on the blood of a Civil War. Although fought with nineteenth century technology, this still cost 500,000 lives. Its capital was centralised in Washington. However, the Western European Union, at present called the EU, was built on the blood of two Civil Wars. These were fought with twentieth century technology and cost tens of millions of lives. Its capitals were centralised in Brussels and Strasbourg, on the fault-line between Latin and Germanic Western Europe.
Surely, it would have been better to have accepted neither Union. Of course, such a strategic choice of remaining independent, thus keeping English, Scottish and Welsh identity, would have entailed accepting a lower ranking in the world, in other words, a more humble position. And humility, as we have seen with the recent humiliation of MPs through their financial irregularities, is not something which political elites, in the UK or elsewhere, are good at.
Will the United Kingdom survive until 2021? We think not. And many will be glad at this. The liberation of England (and also Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) from the yoke of the UK cannot be regretted. The far more important question, from an English (Scottish and Welsh) standpoint, as to whether England (Scotland and Wales) will survive until 2021 or be swallowed up by the EU, to become the USE, the United States of Europe, remains unanswered.
We can only hope that healthy forces throughout EU Europe, perhaps aided by still free Non-EU Europe, will work for the liberation of the 27 EU countries from the anti-European EU. In its place there could be shaped a Free European Confederation, a pro-European, free association of the over forty sovereign nations of Europe, voluntarily working together. Only the future will tell us whether the cause of European freedom will win the day for the moment, delaying the end, or whether the storm clouds of tyranny will definitively cover Europe with their darkness.